Let’s start with the name of this blog – seems like a good place to start as any. Farm Fresh Style. Well, I knew the blog needed to have a nod to my country roots and the lifestyle in which I was raised. That landed me on Farm but I didn’t want it to scream ‘country’ so paired with Fresh, it takes on a slightly different meaning – Farm Fresh – fresh off the farm, country with an updated twist. And the Style is for my own personal style in our home which I share on the blog and socials but also to my career path of interiors. I’ve had people try to get me to change it to something more distinguished or classic but I think it truly suits me and what I’m doing over here in the blog.
People know me as Lori but you might be surprised to hear that my given name is actually Lorraine. Mom wanted me named after her best friend, Laurie, and her sister, Anne. So, Mom and Dad named me Lorraine but with the intention of calling me Lori. I can tell how important a phone call is based on what they address me as – only the most formal of documentation is under my given name. So, it is rare that I am addressed as Lorraine, except when the handsome Mr. Byrne calls me that….or Rainie, which I really do love 🙂
Our daughters are both named after their great grandmothers or even great great grandmothers. I love a name with roots and history. Lena is named after my grandmother who was an amazing artist. I talk a little about her HERE. And poor Lena, no one pronounces her name correctly if they see it in writing, they think it is the traditional way of saying it Lee-nah but the Dutch pronunciation is Lay-nah, just like her Great Grandma.
Hannah was named after Michael’s side of the family and the cutest was when his Nanny informed us that her middle name was Mae – she didn’t realize we had named Hannah after her! She was pretty tickled when she did find out, though.
When Penny arrived in our lives, she needed a new name to start her new life with us. I’m not one who believes in ‘luck’ but she showed up like a ‘Lucky Penny’ and I have to say, I’m not sure who the lucky one is – her or us. And with her pretty copper colouring, it seemed like a good fit. I was looking up dog names the other day to help out a friend and so I looked up Penny as a dog name, which means ‘flower’ and it suits an independent dog….which made me laugh, Penny is a such a good girl when she has boundaries but let her off leash { read: escapes } and it’s hours or much longer before she’s ready to come back…
Our farm name is Clear Day Farm and it isn’t the name we named it, it came with that name. The pervious owners loved this property very much and it was hard for them to let it go. So, to honour them, we kept the name. I’m not sure the background of it, but I do know that on a clear day, you can see so far away! The hills that surround us are goregous.
I’d love to hear the story or meaning behind your name or your children’s name or your farm name! I find this is interesting and such a meaningful way to connect to our past!
Colourfully yours,
Catherine Moore
January 20, 2019 at 9:48 amHi Lori
As always your blog was enjoyable. I thought I would share my name story. I was given my aunt’s full name with two differences, my first starts with a c where as with my aunt it is a k. I am called Cathy in my family were she is goes by her full name Katherine. I feel honoured and blessed to be named after such a fabulous woman. Our children all have meaningful middle names that represent loved ones.
Have a great day Lori. I look forward to your next blog.
January 20, 2019 at 11:40 amI have a funny story..when my first grandchild was going to be born, my son and dil announced that if the baby was a boy they would name him after me 😊 Now Eleanor would be hard to carry through life as a boy I said. Luckily my middle name is Cameron, my grandmother’s maiden name, and we got a boy…Cameron James Lilley
January 20, 2019 at 3:25 pmEleanor would be a handle for a baby boy!! Cameron is a much better choice!!
January 20, 2019 at 3:44 pmGood snowy day Lori, I thought I would share with you the meanings behind my children’s names.
When Isabella was born(17 years ago) I knew I wanted to give her an old fashioned name, so I decided to name her after my Grandmother on my Dad’s side. So she became Isabella and the Dawn after me.
Then my little boy came along and this time I let his father name him. We both knew we wanted to give him the middle name James after both our Dads and Trevor just like Mason. The two names went together splendidly.
Now onto 14 years later when life started over for me and I found out I was having a beautiful little girl. I had always wanted to use my mother’s middle name ELIZABETH but did not want the nicknames Liz, Lizzie or Beth. So my fiance John and I threw around many names none of which truly spoke to us. Then my Dad called one night and asked if he could throw a name into the hat. He had seen the Bridgette and Love it! It is an Irish name( but we don’t spell it that way). We Loved it! Plus Elizabeth went with perfectly. So our little perfect red head became Bridgette Elizabeth. And I Love that it has come from both of parents…who to me are the most Loving and Amazing people I know and i am honored to call them my parents.