I’ve been thinking a lot about waiting lately. We live in a society where we don’t wait for anything. Our drive thru experiences tell us just how terrible we are at waiting. Amazon’s delivery options tell us just how bad we are at waiting. Try waiting at the doctor’s office or at outpatients…you can clearly see how we can no longer wait.
How long did the Israelites wait in the desert before being allowed into the promised land? 40 years, people, 40 years. Could you wait 40 years to get what was promised to you? What you’ve waited your whole life for? 40. Years.
I’m learning to trust God’s timing. I think life would be easier if He gave me my heart’s desires NOW. But, He’s telling me to wait on Him. And I’m trying really hard to be ok with that, to trust He’s got this figured out and He knows the plan. Clearly I don’t know the plan, I can’t figure out why things aren’t happening the way I want them to. Wouldn’t it be better if these things happened sooner rather than later? Ohh, but would I learn to wait? To Trust? No, these are clearly lessons He has for me, lessons I need in my life. Waiting. Trusting. Being obedient. So tough but so worthwhile.
As a society, we miss so much that life has to offer because we’re so focused on the next thing or the thing we want. Life is happening around us but we can’t see it because we’re looking ahead. Looking ahead to when this situation changes, to the weekend, to vacation, to when you get a promotion, to marriage, to babies, to wealth, to health, to a new car, to falling in love, to a prettier house, to the next paycheck, to the bigger boat, the better job, to being 5, 10, 20 pounds lighter, to the next iPhone, to whatever!! And we miss the here and now. We don’t appreciate what we have in this moment.
I’m by no means saying I’m a good ‘waiter’….just hang out in our home when we’re all trying to leave on time….I’m not patient, I’ll admit it. I’m usually the first one ready and I have to wait for everyone else and I’m not good at it. I want what I want, what I think I need or what I think might be the answer to whatever problem and I want it now. I’m no different from you.
I need to take a step back, take a deep breath and wait. I can’t figure it out on my own, I can’t make things happen, I need to wait for God’s plan, God’s timing. I’m seeing that now. It took far too long for me to get here. Psalm 27:14 says, “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”
It isn’t just waiting for things to fall into place that requires my waiting, sometimes I need to wait before I respond. I’m quick to respond with a sharp tongue or in anger. And I need to just wait, think a moment. And then maybe respond, or check my response and reel it back so it is more gentle and less hurtful.
Waiting really is an important life skill. And I am more aware of ‘waiting’ now then ever. And so, I’ll wait…
Colourfully yours,
PS These pictures were taken on the side of the highway in Wentworth today, drip drip drop….
March 22, 2019 at 7:43 amBeautifully written Lori!