Stats are pretty neat. I enjoy checking in to see what’s what and the end of the year is the perfect time to see which posts hit the highest numbers over the course of 2018. And where my readers are from, I love seeing countries from around the globe show up – blows my mind – how do these people even find me way out here in the country!?!?!
So, let’s start there – where in the world are my viewers from?? No surprise that Canada takes a very strong lead, with the US coming in next. Germany comes in third with the UK following in fourth place and fifth being filled by Australia. France, India, Ireland, Brazil, China all find themselves in the stats, too. Amazing to me, really. But the world seems to shrink with the internet, don’t you think?
The top posts throughout the year are interesting, sometimes the top posts aren’t even from this year! I have two posts that must be hitting Pinterest just right and even though they are a couple of years old, they still made the top stats for the year. And, the ABOUT page made the list, too, so fellow bloggers or anyone with a website, make sure your About page is current, people are looking! But I want to focus on posts from 2018 only. So here we go!!
5th place goes to the post about how we turned our spare bedroom/office into a cozy sitting area we call the Pyjama Lounge. It’s a spot that still gets so much use, in fact, part of this post was even written there! You can read it HERE.
4th place belongs to a fun and relaxed photo shoot by the wonderful Christine Whelan of our family in the middle of a field. I have to stay that I’m surprised that this one hit the Top 5 list, just because it’s pictures of us – who wants to see our mugs? Apparently you guys! If you missed it, you can find it HERE.
3rd place goes to a post about why our family is involved in the local 4H program. I love being involved with it and seeing what our kids are learning and how they are growing as people because of 4H. You can find this post HERE.
2nd place belongs to our adventure to the Tattoo in Halifax this past summer. I highly recommend this event to anyone with roots in Nova Scotia. It is so well done and simply amazing. Trust me, you won’t want to miss it! My review of this past summer’s event is HERE.
1st place, by a landslide, goes to the post I wrote when I saw a few head shots Christine took of me and my initial reaction. Apparently what I had to say resonated with many of you. Mommas, ladies, don’t forget you ARE pretty, that you matter and what you offer the world isn’t tied to a number on the scale or how your jeans fit. You can read it all HERE. It has the ability to make me teary even still.
Since we’re reviewing 2018, here is my Best 9 collage from Instagram, too. I love how it brings together so much of the love and fun that occurred over the course of the year. Miracle { whose post came in 6th this year!! } is there, pictures of my family and home, some of our animals, and some styled pictures showcasing bright blooms.
Guys, 2018 had its highs and its lows but boy, it was a good year! The nice thing about having a blog is that it is all documented and tracked so I can easily look back to see what we did, where we were when we started and where we are now. I set some goals at the beginning of the year and even though I may not be able to truly check them off as completed, I am very satisfied with how hard I focused on them and the progress I did make.
I do want to take a moment to say a huge THANK YOU for your support through the past year. It means so much to me when you comment, share and interact with me here at Farm Fresh Style, you are the reason why I keep writing and posting.
I’m excited to ring in the New Year tonight with family and friends. I can’t wait to see what 2019 has in store!! And I can’t wait to share with you my Word of the Year for 2019 – it’s perfect!! 😉 But I’m going to leave you with this wise note from Jennifer Allwood, and I hope it resonates with you like it did me.
To be continued,