Thank Heavens November is over. I’m looking forward to the quiet month of December. Sounds crazy, I know! Between birthdays, parties, work, markets and custom orders, I’m toast. I barely blogged, only showed up on Instagram randomly, I feel like I could barely form a cohesive thought, let alone write something worth reading.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy celebrating the lives of my children. I think they are pretty special and deserve to be celebrated. Will I invite a hoard of children over again? No, probably not. It gets too crazy for this momma! The kids love it, of course, why wouldn’t they? A bunch of their buddies over together, jacked up on junk food….they are living the dream. Meanwhile, I’m down stairs wondering where the earplugs are….
I hit a milestone this birthday….the big 4-0. Hard to believe that. But, it is what it is, I guess. I’m not much of a goal setter so I’m not looking at 40 with a bunch of un-obtained goals, I’m looking at 40, thinking that I have so much more I want to do with my life. Maybe hitting 40 is my chance to set some goals and cross some things off my list.
Catherine and Dawn planned a party for me, I’ll confess I asked for it. I wanted to hang out with my friends and I didn’t have time, nor the desire, to plan my 40th birthday party. It was held in Catherine’s beautiful home, and they did some great things to decorate for it. 55′ of bunting, a banner of me through the ages { I didn’t realize just how much Hannah looks like me…. } a huge glass jar of Rockets, beautifully decorated cupcakes with fun, little chalkboard signs in them. Most of my closest friends were there and we laughed and carried on like fools. My stomach muscles were aching the next day from all the laughter.
So, thus draws Cakember to a close in our household. We have another year before the intense birthday month of November hits again. It’ll give me a chance to recoup from the party planning and hopefully come up with a new plan for the girls’ parties.
I still enjoy cake which is a good thing…I do love cake. We didn’t over do the cake this month, phew….now for the Christmas celebrations….
To be continued,