I feel as though I could title this post Storm Day Take 3!! Our world is being blanketed in a thick layer of ice. I’m hoping to get out for some pictures soon, before it all melts off.
So, with plans being changed and the planned events of the day being postponed, I have time to write about a few things I picked up yesterday for the studio. I’ve been following Funky Junk Interiors and she’s been busy gutting a few areas in her house so that she can clear out some clutter and get organized. She also has some great storage options for all her tools and paints and other things she uses on a regular basis in her space.
So, yesterday, I stopped by Van de Pol’s, a shop in our local area that sells lots of interesting things. I’m not sure what I’d class this place as but I quite enjoy stopping in every now and again to see what’s what. I didn’t have any set item I was looking for, you never really can when you frequent shops such as this. I did see lots of beautifully shaped furniture that I’d love to do some more experimenting with Milk Paint on – but it’s hard to justify the $$$ if you don’t have a purpose for it, other than to paint it! I did see a gorgeous – and I mean gorgeous – Regency Corner Etagere that left me dreaming. But with a price tag of $795, it had to stay there! I did, however, mention it to the handsome Mr.Byrne and he seemed quite interested in it….so we’ll see!! 😉 {Alas, it’ll be a piece that will NOT be allowed to be painted!}
What I did come home with is some fun, unique storage options. I’m trying to use neat storage in the studio as everything is on display. I want things that are a) inexpensive b) not precious c) that have character. As I’m sure I’ve mentioned, I want to eventually paint out the walls in there with a white paint. I find the knotty pine too distracting and busy. It’ll open up the space, too, making it so much brighter and better for photographing. So, I want things that will stand out against the future white walls.
Enter loaf pans and a library card drawer. For….wait for it….a total of $15!!! Score!! I was happy with those finds. They will provide functional storage, look cool and generally be awesome. I’m currently working on a little makeover of the littlest one….I’m having a problem not painting everything with Milk Paint right now! But, that’s a whole other post!
I was recently given a bag of old silverware to add to my collection. I love how this stuff finds its way to me! I had a lovely wooden toolbox-y-type-thing and it was crammed full of bits and pieces but I thought I’d like to collect all my silverware in it, so I dumped it out on my worktable and put my selection of silverware in it and added it to my shelf. I like it, a lot. I love seeing like things grouped together and on display. The patina of the pieces along with all the various patterns makes for interesting texture. I do have a few little special pieces that I have stored in a glass jar, random little butter knives and spoons with extra pretty bowls. Their future as intact silverware is pretty secure. The others, not so much!
What do you use for storage? Do you shop the local department stores or the local antique or thrift shops? What’s the biggest problem area in your house?
To be continued,
January 31, 2015 at 3:38 pmoh Lori you have me dreaming again! I have found a few fantastic treasures at Van de Pol’s as well, Camerons dresser (a baby gift from my mom and mother in law) and a fantastic fold up step stool for the kitchen (which also doubles as an extra chair at the dinning room table when need be). My beautiful new to me saw it in my BFF’s mother in laws basement years ago wardrobe, commented on it and she remembered and passed it on to me this summer, well its my new yarn and blanket wardrobe in the living room. do you remember Caspers in Pictou? When we bought out house almost 10 years ago I found a beautiful serves no function mini wooden ladder, and bought it. It had been sitting in a corner for 9 years and last year I screwed it to the wall and turned it into a shelf! I will take my finds anywhere I can get them. I can’t wait to some day remodel my kitchen and put fabulous little find in it, your going to help right?!
January 31, 2015 at 8:56 pmI’m all over your kitchen remodel!! You tell me when we start!
February 1, 2015 at 10:54 amSadly I think siding the house is on the top of the list for big projects. While it will be great its no where near as fun! the Kitchen might be 6 years away yet 🙁 and the bathroom maybe 11…we’ll still be friend then, right? right…RIGHT?
February 1, 2015 at 1:26 pmAbsolutely! Wait – except if you keep arguing with me about how much I’m going to pay you for crocheted hearts!