We are living is some crazy times. Toilet paper stock piles, cheap gas, no school, so many people working from home, and our essential workers finally getting the recognition they deserve. It is a heavy time, to be sure. So, I thought I’d bring a little humour to it all, in hopes it makes you smile and maybe even chuckle a little.
To help you remember the key distance to keep between yourself and others, we’re going to the barn yard.
First off, how many chickens should you keep between yourself and the guy at the grocery store? 3 chickens!! { Unless they’re a banty, then you probably want about 6 chickens }

Now, what about cows? How many cows between you and the lady walking her dog on the street? One adult cow or two calves.

And we can’t forget pigs!! Apparently it’s two pigs but I’ve seen pigs big enough that one will do and pigs tiny enough that you’d need three…Angela, how many Lucys do we need to stay 6’ apart? { I highly recommend following Lucy on Instagram which you can do HERE, you may have seen her show up in my stories before!! }

Llamas seems to be the trendy animal at the moment, Dad had one as a livestock protection animal, Larry the Llama did not like Mom, he’d spit at her even though she brought him treats regularly. Anyway, one llama between you and your neighbour.

And this one is an ode to my Lena, who is hoping to do some jumping this summer…let’s hope River doesn’t try to keep you away…

And one last one that I couldn’t resist…being a farm kid and all…

I hope you’ve enjoyed this bit of foolishness, life feels very tough and serious and I’m by no means trying to diminish the seriousness of COVID-19. I miss what life used to be like, seeing my friends and family and hugging the people I love. I miss wandering the grocery store without a care. I miss sending my girls off to teachers and friends, I’m not nearly as much fun as they are!
I’m so thankful for the front lines. People who are our essential workers helping us to stay healthy, to stay feed, to stay up to date. We appreciate you more than you’ll ever know!
It is my prayer that you and yours are staying healthy and staying home as much as possible to do your part in stopping this pandemic. #flattenthecurve
PS No idea who to credit these to – they just came across my FB feed and I’ve been saving them over the last few weeks!
April 1, 2020 at 9:28 amOh Lori…you made my day! Thankyou! Especially the cow dung one!! Lol…it always feels good to laugh in the midst of these heavy times!