My current snowball all started with organizing one small closet that is part of kitchen cabinetry. You can read about the long, drawn out process HERE. But what happened was that once I started thinking about how things functioned and what we actually use where, then I wanted to do more and more!!
As I mentioned, I moved some things into my new shelves which meant I had the chance to re-work the shelves out above the laundry area. And frankly, all that did was make me realize how much I don’t enjoy that space. It’s always cluttery and it is the first thing you see walking into the house. We can’t even put a door on it, because then it would be pretty chilly back there and the last thing we want are frozen pipes!!
As you can see, the back door is right there that leads to the back porch and I’m standing in the front entry, taking the picture! What you can’t see, is just to the right is the pocket door into the bathroom and the sink is actually just beside the back door. So this space is very visible, well-used and gets a ton of traffic.
And, I do believe, this is the last remaining original wall colour in the house. Everything else has been painted but this lonely, hard-working area. Even the ceiling is begging not to be glossy paint anymore! Crisp white trim alone would freshen it up.
But I have a plan! Of course – lol!! I did what any modern soul would do – start a Pinterest board!! I want two upper cabinets with shelving between. It would be functional and pretty! Then fresh paint everywhere. And maybe shiplap on the wall behind the washer and dryer…or beadboard…I’m undecided. I think a pretty slim budget and some elbow grease could make this space look and feel a whole lot better than it does now. I have a light fixture to change out the bare bulb situation happening there, too.
So, that’s one thing I want to do. There’s something else. Surprised? No, I didn’t think you would be! I want to add shelves to either side of the window above the sink. I’m debating whether to do chunky live edge shelves, or simple white curved shelves. I think more plants in that area would be in order, don’t you?? Lol!!! All the places for all the plants, please!! And of course, another new Pinterest board started…
But, then that train of thought snowballed!! Yes, shelves….but I was thinking of using those peel-n-stick tiles on the back splash until we get to re-do the kitchen properly. Then I saw them actually installed and thought otherwise. My goal is to cover up the pink and gold arborite!! Beadboard would be easy enough to do and would be a great nod to the country roots of this house. But if I go to the extent of doing beadboard, then I want to upgrade the countertop first. If you give a mouse a cookie, right?
So I started thinking about those changes to the kitchen. Of course, then I would give the upper cabinets a fresh coat of white and at that time, spray paint the hardware to match what I did when I painted the island HERE. I would also love to pull off a set of the high upper doors to have a little bit of open display but the cupboards aren’t balanced and the set that would really work have the light built into them over the sink. Insert eye roll – I really want to break up allllllll those cupboards!
And I’d love to change the ceiling but then that leads to the fact that our upstairs bathroom needs to be redone and there’s no point in doing the ceiling now, until we’re ready to change that bathroom….see? It really does snowball!!! I will however, get the light fixtures changed out to the awesome old school house style that I added to the studio during the One Room Challenge all those years ago, which you can see HERE.
I think my next actual project will be painting the interior doors a colour….turquoise I believe!! 🙂 But I would like to change all the door knobs then….lol!!!! And the light switches and outlets to white….oy – does it ever stop???
I have some things to do around here. The big, huge projects will have to wait. But there are a lot of smaller jobs I can do now that will make our house feel a little better and continue on the journey of making it ours. Ideally, I will be here until I’m a little old lady so I have lots of time. 😉
Do you have a list of small jobs around your home? What few, small jobs can you do to make your home a better reflection of your family?
Colourfully yours,