Well, this poor blog has been sorely neglected over the course of this summer. I can’t believe how little I post and how irregularly it happens. I used to blog daily, way back in the beginning. Which, actually, reminds me that I have an anniversary { blog-iversary } coming up later this month – hard to believe I posted the first post way back in 2012!! A long time has passed us by and my life sure looks different now!!
One big change that will be happening next week is that both, I repeat, both my children will be hopping on that school bus and heading off to school. I can’t even wrap my head around the fact that my children are both old enough to be going to school. Those babies sure grow fast!
Our summer has been spent staying up too late, sleeping in too late and with no real game plan. It’s been a bit of a ‘fly by the seat of your pants’ kinda summer. I’ve enjoyed it. There’s been no real schedule to keep us on track, except when I’m expected to be at one place or another, which changes weekly, too, so in some ways, it only contributed to the randomness of this summer. I can’t even say we did all sorts of wonderful things. A little beach time, a little pool time and lots of play time. No major trips anywhere, just some day trips out and about. A couple of sleepovers for the girls with their grandparents.
We enjoyed swimming, trolling the beach for beach glass, having bonfires, working in our garden with our friends and finding places to stop for ice cream. There may have been playing in the mud, making apple sauce in the mud lab and building various jumps, balance beams and obstacles with random boards in the front yard. I painted, crafted and tried to stay ahead of the weeds. I was also Instagramming like a mad woman…..I can’t stop.
So, now that Fall is on the horizon, I’m looking forward to a little more routine. It feels like high time. Structure, To-Do lists and accomplishments are what I’m looking forward to. With both girls off to school, I’m hoping that my days feel like they are more organized. My friend, Angela, and I are planning on setting aside one morning a week to work on book keeping so that we stay on top of that, as her littles will be joining my littles at school. That’s one way I hope to feel more organized.
My To-Do List game needs improvement, I have sticky notes plastered on the office wall, the studio and my laptop. I need a better system. Have any suggestions? Post-It notes are wonderful, but only helpful to a certain degree….they need to be in the right place at the right time. I also need to add a stack beside my bed, along with a pen. I’m not sure if it is my age or what, but I find myself waking up at 3 or 4 am and not being able to settle again. So, I think if I scrabble down what’s on my mind, maybe I’ll be able to sleep again.
I’d also like to lose some weight and run more, but let’s not get too carried away!
What are you looking forward to now that Summer seems to be on the home stretch? Any last plans to soak up every possible minute? Camping? Shopping for back to school? Planning lunches?
To be continued,
August 26, 2015 at 8:49 amI am looking forward to routine! and less crazy days and my kids getting a break from each other, and me getting a break from them! I am looking forward to maybe possibly having a day off somewhere along the line (until 2:30 anyways), and just a heads up, I want to spend some time with you!