When I started the #RedAndWhite campaign with Canadian Tire, the wheels started turning – what would I do? How could I capture what Canada means to me? Without travelling across our vast country to do it?
Lena threw the idea out of wrapping the red and white lights around a set of antlers. I laughed and continued to try to come up with a game plan. Until I realized she was right. In a way, anyway. I needed to showcase some of the things that I love about Canada. So I started thinking about Iconic Canadian things, people and places. Then I throw the call out on my Facebook page!
Oh my, I opened a can of worms with that! It was so neat to see what people responded with. The random ‘Canadian’ stuff they had and offered up! And so the plan was hatched. I started a list of Iconic Canadian things. I thought about the people who make Canada great. I thought about the objects that speak of Canada. I thought about the places that make up the landscape of Canada. And then I thought about a few of the things Canadians are known for.
When you think of Canada, what comes to mind? The Heritage commercials? Blue Rodeo? Canada Geese? Sid the Kid? Our veterans and soldiers? St. Lawrence River? Terry Fox? Niagara Falls? Signal Hill? Bare Naked Ladies? The Northern Lights? Hudson Bay Company? Louisburg? Hockey? The Maple Leaf? Hayley Wickenheiser? Jann Arden? Baseball? Stuart McLean? Pier 21? Snow? Sheree Fitch? RCMP? Beavertails? Loonies? Ketchup chips? Red dirt of PEI? Shania Twain?
Hang onto your toque, grab your plaid coat and let’s start our search for the most Iconic Canadian things!
First stop, Peggy’s Cove. Our coastlines are dotted with lighthouses that help our sailors navigate our rocky shorelines. These lighthouses have been a guide for years and years, guiding our fishermen, our soldiers, our visitors. Plus, they make of pretty awesome photographs!
The next stop on our search, is not a place, as much as it is a time. We’re going into the past, to when I was a wee Canadian child. #99, Wayne Gretzky and Ian Miller with his horse, Big Ben are the sports stars of my childhood { I wasn’t into sports, this is a stretch for me } but I remember cutting pictures of Wayne Gretzky out of the newspaper and taping them up, I may have had a school-girl crush on him. Anne Murray and Stompin’ Tom Connors come to mind for the music scene, along with Bryan Adams. And I can’t talk about Canada without mentioning Bob and Doug MacKenzie of the Great White North….ironically I was introduced to them by Americans….too funny…and not a true representation of us…really…we don’t all smoke and drink beer!
As we continue on our search, we need a coffee break, don’t you think? Let’s just pull into the nearest Tim’s to grab a double double and a donut. I love that we can say we’re going to Tim’s or Timmy’s and no one asks who Tim is…. What kind of donut would you like?
While searching for Iconic Canadian things, I’d like to mention a few things I wasn’t able to get pictures of…things like the Rocky Mountains, the prairies, the CN Tower in Toronto or Parliament Hill in our nation’s capitol. These are definitely things one thinks of when Canada is mentioned. I wasn’t able to find a moose or a polar bear. I had offers of a taxidermy moose, but no beavers. I looked in some spots where I know beavers lived, but no luck. And our local town moose has moved on {thankfully}. So I borrowed a moose antler from a friend and continued searching for the Iconic Canadian Beaver.
As we carry on our search, let’s flip on the radio. Oh, it’s the Tragically Hip. They’re Canadian. But here’s a special fellow who is also Canadian, a huge Hip fan and also a major supporter of Canadian musicians here locally. Meet Carlton Munroe – he has a history of working on radio and at a local venue where he has brought so many great Canadian musicians to the stage. He is battling cancer but in true Canadian spirit, remains positive, active and involved. In fact, he was off to play ball after I snapped this picture. What a guy!
I’m afraid the next stop is a disappointing one. I wanted to show you the Bluenose II, I may have mentioned stealing it in the above FB thread, but I was really only kidding. And then it arrives in Pictou Harbour! We went to visit it, but alas, the gates were closed and they weren’t letting anyone in!! So close, yet so far! I did have the opportunity to board it in the past, but in case you forget what it looks like, find the nearest dime and have a peek!
I do have a boat to show you, though. This is a Kajait that my friend’s son built for a school project. And if you are anything like me, you had no idea what it was, but it is an Inuit style of a kayak built typically from wood or bone and covered with animal skin. Xander built his from wood and leather and it’s pretty awesome!
When I think about Canada and it’s industries, there are 4 that come to mind that rely on our natural resources. And I have or had ties to all of them at some point in my life, mainly through my upbringing and through Michael. I grew up on a dairy farm in rural Nova Scotia so agriculture is a big one for me. The area where I live is coastal, too, so fishing is a huge part of life around here. Michael spent many early mornings and late nights out on the water. The forestry and mining industries are the other two, and if you look across the landscape of this country, you’ll find all four and regions where the people rely on these industries for their livelihood.
Another tasty natural resource of this great country is our Maple Syrup! I can’t talk about Canada and not mention our maple syrup! It’s the perfect topping for so many things – obviously pancakes but add it to your coffee, top your grilled cheese with it, drizzle it over your sausages, mix it into your baked beans and whip cream and pour it over your ice cream. Yep, pretty Canadian that maple syrup! So let’s make maple flavoured everything – cookies, marshmallows, vodka, fudge, bacon, coffee, donuts…
And since we’re talking about food again, we need to mention poutine. That’s pretty Canadian, eh? Now, I’m not a huge fan of poutine because I’m not fond of gravy. But I know people LOVE their poutine. Donair poutine. Classic poutine. Lobster poutine. Bacon poutine. Sweet Potato Poutine. Just make mine light on the gravy…. And should I bring up seafood chowder? Classic!
Of course lobster is pretty Canadian, especially on the East Coast. We hit the wharf but the fisherman were all home for the day. So, we settled for this lovely old wooden lobster trap. The particular stop is also at one of other things that we’re known for – our great beaches. But, alas, no beavers.
We’ve covered some ground, had some fun looking at some of the things Canada is known for. And, finally, at the end of the search, I came across a beaver. But not just any beaver. But a pretty amazing little beaver. This beaver symbolizes the future of Canada. Our country is only as great as the people who live here and call it home. And as a parent, it is my hope and prayer that we are raising up little people who treasure our great nation and will stand for everything Canadian, now and into the coming years. But it is up to us to teach and guide them. So, put on your #RedAndWhite, grab your family and neighbours and celebrate our nation today and always!
To be continued,
I was provided with some of the items in this post by Canadian Tire for the #RedAndWhite Campaign and the Letterboard Company but my take on things is just that!
Catherine Moore
July 1, 2017 at 7:41 pmWonderful article Lori. Your words come alive and bring a smile. Cool that you have our grandson’s Xander’s Kajait on display. How lucky and blessed we are to be Canadian!
July 1, 2017 at 8:26 pmHey, I’ve seen that little beaver at SES!
July 7, 2017 at 1:51 pmCutest one there, right?
mary chaisson
July 6, 2017 at 4:59 pmand your take was just perfectly you