I have fabric to make curtains to cover up the shelves on this end of the studio. I find the shelves so busy and distracting. The storage is nice to have and the laundry tub is wonderful with all the painting and scrubbing I’ve been doing lately. Running water in the studio is awesome!
This dresser was given to me by a roommate who no longer wanted it. We moved here and ironically, a lot of the things we were missing when we moved were right here, exactly where they lived in our last place…..we moved things complete…and then completely forgot!
I love having big, comfy chairs in here. My people love to wander in, hang out and it gives them a cozy spot to linger. I may or may not be found here, scouring Pinterest or checking Instagram here regularly….. I would love to add a rug down here, it would have to be an indoor/outdoor rug to put up with the foot traffic it would get. And the tissue paper garland is leftover from the wedding of 2014!!
My worktable is a restaurant prep table that was given to me by Catherine and her husband. It is huge and still, I don’t have enough room to work some days!! It holds lots underneath, too. I would like to make this storage more attractive but not close it in. I also debate with myself about painting the legs and shelf….
This is where Hannah hangs out when she comes into the studio with me. There is always bits of paper laying around the floor, she can never find what she is looking for and she goes through one pile of tape but the company is good! When I’m in there alone, it seems too quiet!
This is my sewing table with a curbside chair that needs to be redone. I love the print the hangs above it, too. The desk, the frame and the print came from the same yard sale. That yard sale was the score of the summer….you can see what I scored that day here.
I hope to paint the walls white at some point…..probably should do that hallway that looms first, though….although I have started a few changes in the laundry area right now….nothing major, just tidying a few things up, I’ll share pictures when it’s ready!
I hope you like my studio. It has been so enjoyable having this space after barely having room for crafting in our last place. I can walk away to cook a meal and not have to move a thing!!
To be continued,
March 26, 2015 at 5:00 pmLove it Lori! Totally digging all of the chairs!