But….this post is not about the need for rain, it’s just to share some pictures I had taken after a night of rain a week or so ago. I wandered through the yard with my camera, capturing the promises that the blossoms and buds speak of. Of future fruits and beauty. Of growth and coming seasons.
I love that I left a trail through the yard of my meandering footsteps. I came in with wet feet and hope. I came in more in love with this property. Every season has so much to offer here and I am so thankful I get the privilege of coming this place ‘Home’.
If the amount of blossoms in the blackberry patch are any indication of what this year’s crop might be like, it promises to be amazing! I’m blown away with them! It’s crazy – just a sea of white blossoms and the hum of busy bees!
And my hydrangeas! Covered in tight buds! This bush under our living room window is so enjoyable! There are actually three bushes but my guess is that the other two bushes are a different variety. I may move them out of there as they get taken over by the one in the middle, you’d never even guess there were two other bushes along that wall.
I’m a sucker for poppies. I love their wild form and flowing blossoms. I have seeds from our babysitter’s poppy patch but I haven’t planted them yet. I think I even spied some poppies in my flower bed in the middle of dad’s poor sheep pasture! I do need to get those out of there! I would have poppies every where of I had the space for them! Imagine a big patch of billowy poppies blowing in the wind – divine!
As you can see, there’s exciting things showing themselves here around the yard. I love it! And now, the roses are starting the bloom! So, back out I’ll go to capture their beauty, too!
To be continued,