It’s all new for me, as this is our first Spring here at Clear Day Farms. I’m finding all sorts of treats – like a whole fence line of tulips which I hope will gift us with loads of blooms soon! Crocuses { really just three } are growing out of my lawn, and the east bank is very soon going to burst forth in shades of purple.
Our yard hold promises. Promises of colour, promises of work and promises of beauty. I love the promises that Spring holds for us. Renewal. Re-growth. A chance to start again.
But the neat thing with this promise is the promise of fruitfulness and of harvest. But not without effort. I’m so excited and overwhelmed with the size of our garden. I can’t wait to get digging in there and seeing the efforts be rewarded with a tasty carrot or fresh lettuce or whatever else I decide to plant. The girls have plans and I think I have a friend who would like a corner of this field of dirt, too. I know I want tomatoes and sunflowers, not much of a plan, but I have to start somewhere!!
I’m really excited to see this:
Why, you ask? This is the quintessential ‘old homestead’ flower. This is a lily, what kind or what’s the proper name? I have no idea. This is what you find around all old abandoned houses and old farm houses in this area. To me it speaks of timelessness and longevity. It speaks of years gone by and the hardiness of the people. To me, I’ve made it. I own a home that has history, a past. These flowers have bloomed and bloomed and then bloomed again, regardless of what was happening in the world around it, they carried out their sole purpose. To bloom and to promise colour, and to show us that Spring really does exist!
To be continued,