This isn’t my first Blogjam – I went the last two years, which you can read about HERE and HERE. The first year I knew no one and I was speaking during one of the sessions. Because I knew no one, I had to get outside my comfort zone and introduce myself to complete strangers! Eeeeekkk!! Stressful for even the most outgoing of us, I think! But the next year I had made some connections and brought a friend along so it wasn’t nearly as stressful, thankfully! Besides, I got to sit back and just enjoy without the stress of presenting.
Now, this year is different yet again! I’m heading down extra early to take in a workshop, hang out with my friend, Jennifer, and then….gasp….do another presentation on Sunday! This year’s presentation is going to be fun – it’s not just that I’m doing a presentation, Heather and I have decided to partner and do the presentation together! And guys, we think we’re really funny!! I’ll let you know if anyone else thinks we’re funny.

Prepping during the lunch break back in 2015
Over the course of the last year, I’ve connected with so many other bloggers and it’s going to be one giant weekend long hangout while learning about blogging, social media and the such. I haven’t quite decided which sessions I’m going to, I probably won’t decide until the last minute. I’ve also volunteered to help with whatever over the course of the day, too. One of the main organizers, Kerra, has a new baby so I’m happy to lend a hand, especially if it means baby snuggles….although I suspect there will be line up for Brooklyn snuggles!
I can’t wait to meet more of the friends I’ve made online finally and get to know some others even better. I feel like the internet has changed friendships and the way they evolve and develop. There is something to be said for finding your tribe. I’m amazed at who has crossed my path that I’ve connected with that I probably would never have known otherwise. It’s fun!!! These women inspire me to work harder at blogging and they show me the potential that’s out there. They support each other and celebrate victories and come around each other during the hard stuff, too.
Anyway, I have a million things to do between now and when I hit the road! I best finish this cup of coffee and maybe pack a bag and clear up breakfast. Wish me luck tomorrow!!
To be continued,