To be honest, I had planned this post to be a tutorial. In fact, I’ve be planning this post for maybe a year? Now it is a Pinterest Fail post. Whomp whomp.
So, let me show you what not to do….to save you the trouble of doing it and not having it turn out! If nothing else, I am here to provide with my experiences, good, bad or otherwise!
Do not use paper letters if you are going to paint over them, they buckle with the moisture. Then the paint bleeds underneath. No crisp edges here.
Make sure there is contrast between the paint you are topcoating with and the papers you used underneath. There is absolutely no point to this project if you can not read what the canvas says.
On a positive note, the wet paint washed right off the canvas. Thankfully I had sealed the scrapbook paper with a layer of Modge Podge. Now I am back to the stage I was at with this project when I first moved into my studio, like 6 months ago! I think this canvas may need to hung just the way it is and taken down when I’m ready for a do-over…
The whole idea behind this canvas was to add a little fun to our laundry room and hide the chimney clean out. Our laundry room sees a lot of traffic in the course of the day. It runs between the front porch and the back entry, plus the door to the main level bathroom is off it. So, yeah, we see this room a lot!! And it severely lacks any personality.
I’m sure there are other Pinterest Fails out there!! What project did you tackle thinking it would be EPIC only for it to fail miserably? I’m sure I am not alone in this!! Help a girl out – show me your fails so I don’t have to wallow in self-pity alone!!
To be continued, (hopefully with better luck next time!)