We headed over to Truro, to the Clay Cafe. Now, we’ve been to the Clay Cafe before and I love it there. They can pick what they want to paint and it’s so fun! And then about a week later, you pick up your completed piece which looks fantastic with the shiny glaze and pretty colours. It feels to me like you can’t go wrong. You are guaranteed to have a fabulous ‘something’ when it’s all done. We painted mugs last year for Christmas gifts, and bunnies another time and a car and a cupcake plate the first time and each time we go – they turn out amazingly well. And, I mean, what grandparent isn’t going to love a hand painted mug from their grandchild?? It doesn’t matter if the lines aren’t straight or if the paint wasn’t done with enough coats when you are a kid and get this handmade item back! It’s awesome!
So, back to the party, we invited some friends and family to come and paint with us. Some have been before, others haven’t been. But a big chalk board greeted the birthday girls, along with a great hostess and they picked their items and settled in to paint. It takes some a long time to paint and some…not so much time. The older kids take their time and add some great detail, while the younger kids work at their level and still knock it out of the park!
Of course, with any party comes presents. And cupcakes. And coffee for the grown ups. Yeah for coffee! {I had Winter Carnival flavour and it was perfect for the day! We had celebrated my birthday as well as my friend, Amy – whose birthday was the day after mine – on Friday night so everyone was pretty tired today… } We handed in our pale, painted treasures and knew they’d be transformed the next time we saw them. And then we packed up and left it all behind. It’s a fun way to do a party – you don’t have to clean the house, they clean up after you and then the kids get something meaningful and special instead of a treat bag filled with candy or toys that will fall by the wayside.
I would highly recommend a party at the Clay Cafe. The kids had fun, the adults painted a few treasures for Christmas gifts, and there were only tears once. No running around, no screaming, just kids being creative! Definitely my kind of party!
To be continued,