In Adventures/ Clear Day Farm/ Country Life/ Life/ Our Family Clean Slate Snowshoe February 27, 2015 By Tonight, enough was enough. The sun was setting, the shadows were lengthening and the clean field was calling. We strapped on our snowshoes and headed for the barren wasteland… Continue Reading →
In Decorating Pinterest Inspiration February 25, 2015 By I was suppose to have a meeting tonight but due to MORE snow, it got cancelled. So, I spent some time on Pinterest. Oh, Pinterest, how I love thee…… Continue Reading →
In Clear Day Farm/ Makeover Hallway Denial February 23, 2015 By The one big project that needs to be done around here is the painting of the hallway. It’s the one spot that hasn’t seen a paint brush since we… Continue Reading →
In Adventures/ Life Bittersweet – PTES February 22, 2015 By Yesterday we WALKed. If you’ve been around the blog, or lived near me, you know all about the WALK. Coldest Night of the Year. What a day!! The day… Continue Reading →
In Uncategorized Brrr, It’s Cold Out There February 16, 2015 By For the last four months, I have been working as Event Director for the Coldest Night of the Year. And, now, the actual WALK is less than a week… Continue Reading →