Photo credit to Christine of Wonkyeye Photography
Here we are, celebrating Mother’s Day. A day set aside to appreciate the women surrounding us who have impacted our lives greatly. This Mother’s Day I want to focus on what Motherhood means to different moms at different stages of motherhood. Motherhood is consistently changing and morphing as the children we mother grow and change and leave us eventually and start their own families, continuing the circle of life.
Motherhood is so many things to so many people. So I thought I would ask some moms who I admire to help me out with this post. I thought I’d best write my part before I saw all the wonderful things the other moms had to say and it influenced what I wanted to say.
I love this quote in the song ‘Boom, Clap’ by Charli XCX. It’s the one line that I think about all the time in regards to my children. In the midst of a world filled with chaos, hatred and uncertainty, my girls are such a joy and bring me so much hope, and love. They truly are my glitter. There is nothing better than after being out in the world throughout the day to come home and be greeted with little arms wrapped around my neck. Or to feel a little body slowly ease its way against mine on the couch, as little limbs creep over and through my own. Or to have a warm body show up in the middle of the night to seek the comfort of momma. When their eyes meet mine in a social setting to receive guidance and affirmation. My girls are growing, changing and learning to find their way on their own in this world more and more with each passing year. And I couldn’t be more proud of the people they are turning into. With their own personalities, likes and dislikes and circle of friends whom they have gathered around themselves. Without those two, my world would be so very empty and hollow. It is an honour to be a mother, Mom, to them, a privilege, my blessing.
Heather MacDonald, who is expecting her first baby any day now, shares her thoughts on motherhood as she awaits the arrival of her first little one. How cute is their nursery, sitting ready to greet a wee one?
Mother’s Day has always been a day for celebration, as I have an awesome mom to be grateful for! This year is a little extra special because I am 38 weeks pregnant, and anxiously awaiting to become a mom myself! From the first little kicks, I’ve felt a connection to this little one. I can’t wait until I can hold my baby in my arms for the first time. We are prepared (as prepared as two new parents can be!), and all we need is our little munchkin to come out into the open world to officially make me a mama!
I asked my dear friend, Janice, to share with us what being a Mom to her own boys, but also some foster children, means to her. Here are her words….and a picture that sums up life with boys 😉
Amazingly, I just came across this the other day that would sum it up for me and gave me affirmation in my purpose… “This is Mothering. This is Kingdom work. It is a Calling. It is not a diversion or even a job. It is a God ordained Mission field assignment, specifically tailored for you and one that only you can fulfill. It is the Lords work, accomplished in the Spirits power, and it is never, I repeat, never, in vain.” I would also have to credit Trevor, who, no matter if I’m completely stay at home mom, or work part-time mom, he values me as the mom to his children and those entrusted to us. I just love falling in love and fostering is a gift for me. It has stretched me and torn me but in my core I know we need to be there for these babes. I already see how fostering has instilled a greater empathy and compassion and joy in our own kids. I love them even more for it. We’ve grieved with our kids when a foster child leaves, but life is not about sheltering our hearts from lose. We’ve also seen miracles as our foster child began to bond with his forever family And we got to witness that. When I think of mothering I also can’t help but think of those amazing moms who’ve influenced my life over the years…my mom(my best friend and encourager),my nana( incredibly gracious and gentle), my friends who given me their own experiences and shared frustrations and fears and victories. Mothering is not about blood to me, it’s about heart.
One of the moms I met in our local community has become a dear friend, Alena, so I asked for her perspective on the stage of motherhood that she currently finds herself.
Being a mom of an 11 year old boy and an 8 year old girl, it’s…hectic and fun and stressful, crazy (the good kind) and absolutely amazing. We recently had “the talk” with our son, and my husband said “so our kid knows about the ‘facts of life’ and still believes in the Easter bunny”. Yup, that’s pretty much where I am right now with parenting. It’s making decisions and choices every day and just hoping they are the right ones, it’s constantly trying to find the right balance, and enjoying my life just as it is, because I really do. I love who my kids are becoming and the relationship we have. I am the mom who never pined for years gone by, I have enjoyed every stage of my kids growing up, and right now is no different. My life as a mom is crazy, hectic, stressful, fun and mine.
I feel quite fortunate to be able to call the talented and lovely Sheree Fitch a friend. So, I pestered her for her take on the stage of motherhood where her children are becoming parents. She replied with a poem she had written with a special addition on the end just for us!

Photo Credit to Christine of Wonkyeye Photography