My pottery experience is very limited. As in, a handful. I’m sure I did clay projects in school, as a child, and I can’t say when my desire to learn and create with clay truly got started. Some of you may remember back a few years ago when I took a Raku workshop in Cape Breton with the amazing Tim Issac. You can read posts on it HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE. { As a side note, the people from that workshop are still among my favourite Cape Bretoners!!! Thankful for FB to stay connected! }
Then, my friend, Denise Lynch, built a pottery studio and invited me to come over and play for an afternoon. She let me use the wheel…..I was in my glory.
This is the bowl I made. Second attempt…..the first didn’t work so well…..but I’m still so excited! I can’t wait to get back there and play again!
I had started a Pottery Board on Pinterest and have been adding to it regularly. I want to go into the class with ideas of what I want to make. And I love seeing what people can create with clay. I think I’ll have to do lots of work to learn all I want to learn and make all I want to make! But it is exciting to be learning something new, something I have wanted to learn for years.
I’m sure I’ll be taking some snapshots on my phone during class to share with you. It’s all so exciting and inspiring! To be learning a new creative skill, especially one that I never thought I’d get to learn, makes me get all wired and yes, I’ll over share purely due to my excitement! I think I have officially overused the word excited, exciting and excitement in the post so far…. But, guys!!! I GET TO LEARN POTTERY!!
Coasters, tiny houses, jewelry and probably lots of bowls and hopefully a mug….and and and – I want to make so much! Bring on the clay! Bring on the messy! Bring on the creativity and undoubtedly, the failures! But if it is all chalked up to learning the processes and the ways of the clay, I’m game.
These are a few things that have caught my eye while perusing Pinterest. { 1. Source 2. Source 3. Source } I’m noticing that I like clean lines and simple finishes. Nothing too overdone or wild. I like the form to be the main focus, not some fancy technique or elaborate design. Simple may also be within my ability, too…. 😉
I’m off to do laundry and pin more things on Pinterest! Enjoy your Saturday!
To be continued,