My camera has been living out there lately as I’ve been taking so many before and after pictures of the things I’ve been working on. I run the SD card back and forth, when I need it to download pictures. And I’ve been so focused on those projects, I fail to look around me. So, the other day, my camera was in my hand and I just started going around the studio, snapping pictures of different things. Things that inspire me, things I love and things that make me happy. I guess you could could say that I stopped to smell the roses.
I thought I would share those with you, to hopefully inspire you to stop and look at the small details that surround you in everyday life, that too often get over looked. So, pause, enjoy and be thankful for the things you have that make your corner of the world a better place!
Hannah spends a lot of time in the studio with me, too, as she isn’t in school yet. So she has a little spot that she likes to sit and create….usually with LOTS of tape. I love listening to her as she works, she talks as though she is hosting a craft show, giving very detailed step by step instructions.
Now that I have this all written and pictures taken, I think that I need to show you what it looks like now…..from further back….did I even show it to you?? I’m thinking not! I guess that means I need to go clean the studio up and take some more pictures for you! { There are a few at the end of this post }
To be continued,