The day that Catherine was suppose to come, she couldn’t so we did it the next day and had a blast. We did a little work and then decided we needed to go for a drive to look for some…..stuff. The stuff we found included red berries, my sap bucket, pine boughs, a bird’s nest, a weird cocoon thingie, red branches and a very wet dog. I’m sure if people saw us (and I don’t think anyone did because…well, it’s rural out here) they would have thought we were hunting or whacked. We were in and out of ditches, clipping things and driving very slowly!! It was so much fun to hang out and even accomplish something. Sometimes you need to just meander with your friend. She also made me a beautiful wreath! I’ll post pictures when it’s in its new home!
Today, I finally got back outside to do more work to the outside decorations. It was a perfect day for it! So warm that the girls just had on sweatshirts while they were riding bikes and playing soccer. I also had the help of the chickens. Which, really, were no help at all. They just wanted to eat the red berries we hunted so long for. I’m not sure how many times I had to chase them off the front porch. But aren’t they pretty?? I am rather fond of my buzzards.
Tomorrow we get our tree. That’ll be a fun trip with my sister and her crew. We’ll start with breakfast at Sugar Moon, a great way to start any day! Once the tree is up, it’ll feel more like Christmas is coming (and rather quickly, too!!!) I don’t even want to talk about how the shopping is going. And wrapping hasn’t even been on my radar. I do damage control wrapping….which is quickly wrapping the gift as you are about to leave to deliver it. I’d love to be the type of person who has a wonderful wrapping station set up and does everything up so prettily and detailed. Maybe some day….but certainly not today, and probably not tomorrow either.
To be continued,