I wanted to start documenting things that brought me Joy. I’ve posted my ‘found Joy’ on Instagram but sometimes it isn’t photo worthy. Or something that can be captured in a picture even. But I want to be more aware of the things that bring me Joy so I decided I wanted to start a Joy Journal. I mentioned it HERE.
I shopped for a blank journal that spoke to me. I bought two. A sweet little red one and this bigger turquoise one with a shiny J on the front. I took a poll an Instagram and now I can’t even remember the results. I decided on the turquoise Journal and away I went. The red journal is kicking around here somewhere…..I’m sure someday I’ll need a little red journal and then I’ll have the perfect one on hand!
I started with some quotes about Joy and some entries early in the month. In theory I’d love to add an entry each night before bed but I know I’d do better first thing in the morning, posting about the previous day. I need to have it handy, or it just doesn’t happen.
Colour brings me joy and so do yummy Macarons. How pretty are these? I love how they pair with the turquoise cover, but I’m getting sidetracked! Oh, but before I forget, you can join my FB group where we semi-publically share what has brought us Joy, click on the sunflower picture on the main page of this site and it’ll bring you to us!
I know someday I will be very thankful that I took notice and made notes of the little things in my daily life that made me smile, made me feel special or made me take notice of the beauty and splendor around me.
Are you someone who makes daily documentation of life? Do you have a Gratitude Journal? Or do you want to join me with a Joy Journal? I’d love to hear about it!
Colourfully yours,