The response to Catherine’s post has been incredible. So many people can relate to what she was saying. We need to hear that we are enough. Not matter what our job, our weight or our family status is, we are enough.
I now have Catherine’s voice echoing around in my head whenever I think negatively about myself. I’ll start with having her tell me. When I am doing better, I’ll tell myself I am enough. But for now, her voice. It is easier coming from someone else right now. I hope someday to be able to look myself in the mirror and say it.
She told me she sat down to write this after a lengthy, hearth-to-heart on the phone with me. We may have shared this post with everyone else, but, really….it was for me. I needed to hear it. Do you ever feel that way? That someone posts a scripture or a quote or something and it resonates so deeply within you, you know it was meant for you? Yeah….that post….me….yep.
I could tell you all about the numbers and the stats of the post but that isn’t what this is about at all, crazy as they were. This about needing to know we are okay, where we are is okay and that the here and now isn’t carved in stone, because we change and grow as life changes and forces us to grow. It has been so interesting reading the comments and hearing the feedback from people on this post. Complete strangers are messaging Catherine to tell her how much this meant to them and how much they needed to hear it.
So to everyone who shared, comments or read the post – thank you!! Thank you for listening, thank you for hearing what she had to say. And listen to the voice in your head, whoever’s voice it may be, when it says that “YOU ARE ENOUGH”. And it is my hope and prayer that you get to the spot when you own it, believe it and look in the mirror and say to yourself in your own strong and powerful voice, “I AM ENOUGH!”
April 17, 2015 at 2:14 pmLori – you are enough
Mr. Q (of Q is for Quandie)
April 18, 2015 at 10:23 amLori,
Such a powerful post! I too am a stay at home partner, though we don’t have kids (my children are in their 30s), I do have a disability that prevents me from contributing enough to feel good about (IOW, more than my wife). However, I do my best. I am enough. I sort of knew that, but your putting it into words was a catalyst. I also know that being a joyous and supportive friend is my greatest contribution, and therefore I struggle to make it a priority.