Wow, I didn’t realize so much time had passed since I blogged here! Over a week, really??? How did that happen!?!??!
I was distracted, I confess. Have you been following my Instagram feed? I was distracted by cute babies. Baby sheep. Swoon. I can’t help it. It happens every year. I’ve been very fortunate that this year, like last year, my work schedule has permitted me to help my father during this busy time of year. It is such a blessing to be able to hang out with Dad amongst all these cute lambies. So, most days, twice a day, I’ve been in the barn, with these little rascals.
And then I feel in love, too. All the babies are cute. But a teeny, tiny little woolie lamb has stolen my heart. It’s always such a battle. The ones that steal your heart are usually the ones that are borderline ‘going to make it or not’. Man, oh man!! When you end up with a bottle baby, you can’t help but feel for them, struggling to make it in this world. Then you spend time with them, snuggling them, checking up on them and feeding them. How can you not fall hard and fast? Come on, Sweet Willow….have you seen her? How can you not fall for her?
Towards the end of last year, my girls decided they wanted to save up money and buy a lamb from Dad. They talked to him about it and they made their deal. { That was one of the cutest, most serious conversations I have ever witnessed my children being involved in!! } They worked and saved birthday and Christmas money. Lena has hers all tucked in a envelope, ready for Spring. Hannah is still a little short, but she’s working on it….or at least working on Opa 😉 Hannah has decided that she wants Sweet Willow. { And Lena has decided that she doesn’t really want a sheep, so she is working on saving more for something else that will bring her more happiness than a sheep would, which is exciting, too, but I won’t tell quite yet!! Makes me equally proud and excited for her!!! }
Lots of other life has happened during this past week of silence, but I’ll do you up a random post about all that tomorrow!! Lots of exciting things happening over here!!
To be continued,
PS If you need more cuteness, head over to last year’s posts here and here.
PSS I confess these are all iPhone pictures, I didn’t take my camera to the barn once!!