My friend and I were working on a project together and so we ended up on Pinterest, chatting over a shared secret board and she happened upon a neat blog called Hollyhocks & Honeybees. We both had a peek at some of the posts and quite enjoyed them. I made the comment I would add that blog to my Bloglovin’ feed. And she said what, Bloglovin’ – what’s that? I think I answered something along the lines of it’s like the Facebook news feed of all your favourite blogs so you know when a new post is up.
Now, let me just say that 6 months ago, I had no idea what Bloglovin’ was either. But now I wondered how I survived before it. I see the posts from my favourite bloggers so I don’t have to hop from site to site, seeing if there is something new. My list is kept for me so I’m not forgetting about one of my favourite blogs and missing something neat. There’s the option to search for blogs by type/category and you can find some good ones that way, too.
I’m currently enjoying Miss Mustard Seed, Thistlewood Farm and Funky Junk Interiors. Inspiring, witty and filled with great ideas. What about you? Do you have some favourite blogs that I should know about? Where are you hanging out in blog land? And if you are on Bloglovin’, follow along with Farm Fresh here.
To be continued,
January 21, 2015 at 9:35 amI also love Book and Bite (she’s looking into getting onto bloglovin (after I introduced her to it!)
can’t wait to check out the ones you are following