It started out pretty typical, the way most photoshoots would go. We wandered through the yard, stand here, turn this way, chin down…click, click, click. Any time I spend with Christine is time well spent plus the weather was perfect. Hannah tagged along and played with Nugget and Slipper while we tried to catch the last of the day’s light and swatted bugs away to no avail.
And then later that night she sent me a couple sneak peeks. My first reaction was, what a head tilt!! And then I started to cry. Guys, I forgot I was pretty. Seeing myself through the lens of a friend stopped my in my tracks. Yes, the pretty light helped. But, dang, guys, I forgot I was pretty.
I’ve been wrapped up in numbers on the scale. I’ve been wrapped up in how my pants fit. I’ve been wrapped up in the latest wrinkle. I’ve been looking at myself through a critical filter. And I failed to truly look in the mirror to see the face looking back at me.
I’m 42. I have lived my life. I have felt the sunshine on my face. My body grew two healthy, beautiful babies and feed them for months afterwards. This body has carried me through a few half marathons and many, many miles along the roads and trails in this county and beyond. This body houses my creative talents and the gifts I am blessed with. These hands have turned trash into treasures. But I forgot I was pretty.
I forgot how my light hair makes my blue eyes pop. I forgot how my smile makes my face shine. Those wrinkles you see when I smile are because I have smiled and laughed so often that they are always there now. I forgot that just a little colour on my lips and heels on my feet make me stand taller, stand a little more confidently. I forgot I was pretty.
How did this happen? Where along the way did I became so hard on myself? Why did I forgot I was pretty? And more importantly, did my girls see that change? Have I been openly critical? Did they hear me voice anything negative? Being a kid is hard enough but if I am modeling a negative self-image, and they’ve picked up on that, then I have to fix that. I don’t want them looking at themselves through critical eyes. I want them to see how beautiful they are, how much they have to offer to the world through their abilities, through their personalities and their humour. I want them to see the positive things in themselves and be able to help their friends see that in themselves, too. I want them to go forth into this world and shine brightly. But, that means it starts with me.
So, I will stand tall, I will smile big and I will be the role model they need me to be. I will watch my words, my actions, my posture and be the mom they need me to be.
Plus, by times, I can even be kinda fun 😉
Ladies, look in the mirror, REALLY look at yourself and see the beauty you present to the world. Don’t be like me, don’t forget YOU are pretty, too!
To be continued,
PS These are some of the quick edits that Christine of Harrier Hill and Wonkyeye Photography sent me, more photos to come when the session gets properly edited!! And a special Thank You to Christine for all you do! xo
June 21, 2018 at 12:43 pmYou made me tear up. You are pretty! You are amazing! I am glad you realized again just how pretty, how fun how beautiful!
Jennifer Naugler
June 21, 2018 at 1:14 pmOh my gosh…I love this Lori! You are beautiful….inside and out. What a perfect post
June 21, 2018 at 1:14 pmThanks, Jennifer! xo
Kenda MacLellan
June 21, 2018 at 1:57 pmYou are pretty! And pretty awesome. I am 57, and have finally Have faith in my gifts and personality, but my physical body is still giving me trouble. I am losing weight ( again) but this time I feel stronger, healthier, have defeated knee pain, and walk differently, with more confidence. I decided this summer is my Summer of Pretty. I am going to try different hair styles and clothing to see what I feel I look best in and brings me joy, and I will move my body in ways that increase my strength and comfort, and keep me close to nature and life!
I feel pretty when the wind is blowing through my hair, my feet are in the water and the sun on my face.
June 21, 2018 at 1:59 pmYou go, girl!!! I love this, Summer of Pretty!!!
June 21, 2018 at 2:08 pmOh my, I started to tear up too! Yes Lori, you are PRETTY and so are your girls…inside and out. We are all too hard on ourselves. It’s hard to just accept who we are and just get on with life. But please know, your daughters have a wonderful role model!
mary chaisson
June 21, 2018 at 2:56 pmyou may have forgotten how pretty you are but we…those of us who see you on here or in person can’t forget…you are gorgeous..and I am so glad you have had the chance to see yourself through Christine’s lens…many of us are very critical of included…always comparing ourselves to someone else…and we tend to forget what you have just said so eloquently and heartfelt…made me tear up for you and me and all of us who “forget we are pretty”…thank you so much for this post and your honesty
June 21, 2018 at 7:23 pmThank you, Mary, it’s easy to forget, but easy to see the ‘pretty’ in everyone around us, but not in ourselves.
June 21, 2018 at 7:21 pmugh…you are so beautiful inside and out. Thanks for sharing. Made me think twice about how my negative body image comments could be interpreted by my 2 little girls listening.
June 21, 2018 at 7:24 pmThat’s the tough thing, it’s one thing to struggle ourselves, but to navigate that with our girls watching in another!!
June 21, 2018 at 10:21 pmBeautiful thoughts Lori, thanks for sharing, your reflections and honesty will have a “ripple effect” on us all……..ourselves, our children, our partners, our families, our friends.
June 22, 2018 at 1:09 pmLori, what a lovely blog post. Your inner and outer beauty has always been apparent to me. I really enjoy your posts and am honoured that I get to meet with you for work purposes. Your two girls are very fortunate to have you as your role model.
Warmest hugs from here…
June 22, 2018 at 1:10 pmOops I meant as their role model 😀
June 26, 2018 at 12:26 pmTears….thanks for the reminder.