One of the things I noticed is that I posted a fair amount of ‘random’ blog posts, covering a variety of topics that I felt compelled to talk about but didn’t necessarily deserve their own full post. I miss those! They are so fun, I can be my distracted old self and write the way my brain works. Feel free to read THIS and THIS and THIS, if you don’t know what I’m talking about! I haven’t posted many of those at all. Today it changes!! Get ready for randomness!! 🙂
I was looking back for kitchen cabinet pictures for THIS post I just wrote for Stones. Wow, our house has come so far! { You’ll have to head to the Stones post to see what it looks like now! } But, know what else I noticed? Our house seems so much more cluttered now. How does that happen? When did that happen? And how do I fix it? Probably should stop buying stuff and dragging into the house. I need a good purge. Seeing the pictures makes me want to do a major purge, tidy and clean, photograph it all and do a proper Home Tour again, just so you can see what it looks like now. I know you all seem to enjoy home tour posts…..I guess I should do more!
I love that when Michael and I travel together, we end up shopping for treasures and checking out wharves. We did that this past weekend, while the girls were at his parents, the above picture is the treasures I scored on our mini road trip. Scrolling back through posts, I came across THIS POST from our anniversary trip to PEI….treasure hunting, coffee and wharves….yep, sounds just like us! He’s pretty good company – I think I’ll keep him!
Um, so, the other thing I noticed is that I made a lot of spelling mistakes, left words out of sentences….I guess I should go back a fix all that! Sheesh, my English teachers would shake their heads at me! Oy!! I feel like I need to go back over all my older posts and check them out, re-share some of them, pin them to Pinterest…get some love going on for some of those ones, too. I’ve covered a lot of ground over the past few years of blogging!
I’m long overdue for a visit to my hair dresser… at least a month overdue! My hair is longer now than it’s been since the girls were very small. On the left is March and on the right was in the middle of December. It’s been amazingly simple to grow out this time, it seemed to take no time and never hit any of those awkward stages. So, because I’m due for a haircut, I turn to Pinterest, start pinning things I like. Then I show Brenda and she says yes or no, and I listen, she’s my expert! She knows how low maintenance I am (like very, very) and so she gives me styles and cuts that work for me. I’m always amazed at how many people will stop me and ask where I get my hair done, and to be sure, I give the credit to Brenda! When it’s this long, it has some curl to it, so some days, I just let it go curly – way easier when getting ready in the morning, that’s for sure! Or I could just let Hannah put, and I quote, “An inch pony in!” And yep, as long as it seems to me that’s about all it would be!
I thought I would also give you a quick update on the cardboard box Elfie and I gave the girls! { If you don’t know what box I mean, read THIS, where I won Mother of Year!! } They turned that box into a ‘tiny home’ complete with purple Christmas tree, construction paper fireplace and curtains, floor boards, etc. They had so much fun! And when they grew tired of that….they are 7 and 10 afterall….they turned it into a horse stable, complete with tack room. And then they grew tired of that and now it’s a clothing store, called Moiz. I think this might be the last go-round for that box, the most recent doorway really compromised it! Without the HUGE box, Hannah’s room will seem very spacious!
Alright, enough for right now! But there’s blog post brewing about a ‘game’ Lena played that always drove me mad, but now it passes the time on my commute!
To be continued,