So, what else have I been doing?
Well, sourcing furniture and working on doing it over. Which is fun – because a) I get to shop for fun things like furniture and fabric, b) I get to re-do said furniture with said fabric, c) I’m getting paid to do it. Win-win all around!! I’ll show you before and after pictures when they are all set.

A coffee table that now sits in my studio, awaiting some more attention!
I’m also part of a team that organizes this little thing called Fitz Frenzy Trail Run. We do a race on our mountain once a year and it is EPIC. I would highly recommend you take up trail running and come out to join us on May 17th. You can register HERE or ‘Like’ our Facebook page HERE or check out our out-of-date blog HERE….I guess I should get on that. But if I shared pictures of the mountain right now, it would all just be white. So, hope for lots of sun and warm winds to melt all the snow before the long weekend in May or feel free to grab your shovel or snowblower and help us out!! I would highly recommend registering soon, as we are capping our registration at 100.
There is also another fun, exciting thing happening in our area, which is the Hike Nova Scotia Trails Summit, being hosted at Scotsburn Elementary School on April 24th-26th. There will be Pecha Kucha presentations, different presenters and sessions throughout, a Pork Chop BBQ, hikes….or snowshoes depending on how much melts!! It’s a great opportunity for my community to shine and for a large group of people to come together to learn, explore and unite. You can join the fun and register HERE now, they are capping it at 100 {see the trend?}
I’m also busy planning a few classes and sessions and I’ll keep you posted about those. There will be a variety of them with a few different instructors, so it should be fun!
I’m also participating in a Mother’s Day Market in Pictou on May 2nd. I have run markets, I have set up at a market I ran, so just setting up at one should be a cake walk!! I’m looking forward to it, and of course am enjoying working in the studio, getting ready for it, too.
So, life is good!! I love the opportunities that are coming my way and the amazing things I get to be involved in. What fun things have you been doing?
To be continued,