We aren’t feeding a nation, we aren’t even storing things up for the winter, but we do add a little ‘farm fresh’ to our meals. Or maybe even a little snack as we wander. And it feels good!
The grape vines that were planted by the previous owner are so flush with grapes this year! Aren’t they gorgeous!?!?!? They are still pretty sour and I hope they get a chance to sweeten before the raccoons get them. You’d think they’d leave enough for us but…..they are greedy little fellows!
And the apples!!! Oh my!! We have so many apple trees in our yard and the trees are laden with apples this year!! This apple tree has apples without spots, the majority of the apples have spots but we don’t spray them so spots it is. It doesn’t make any difference to the deer that live around here. It’s nothing to see deer wander through the yard or find evidence of them having visited.
I’m enjoying the yard and all it has to offer us. This is our first full summer here and even though there’s work involved, I wouldn’t trade it for anything!
To be continued,