Today marked the beginning of another school year for Lena and the beginning of school for Hannah. It was a big day here. Outfits were carefully laid out last night, lunches were packed and new school things were labeled.
Lena was off to Grade 3, excited and scared all at the same time. All her fellow Grade 3 friends will be in the same class with her, no split class for her this year! I can’t wait to hear about the stories she’ll have to tell about class now….
Hannah is excited to be starting Primary! And she’s even more excited that her teacher is even related to her!! I wasn’t too worried about Hannah going off to school, but this makes me feel even more at ease with it, I know she is in good hands with Mrs. Craig. Can you tell from the picture just how excited she is?!!?!
Lena is happy to have Hannah join her, but feels very responsible for her, too. But I know they’ll work the kinks out and they will both settle into their own way around the school. Thankfully their best friends are there with them and happen to be sisters, too….we couldn’t have planned it better!
Its become a bit of a tradition that my niece and nephew get on the bus at our house the first day and today was the same thing. It sure adds to the excitement of the day! My parents both come up this morning, too, to see Hannah off to school, the last of their grandchildren to start. No more Oma Days although they will still get off the bus there sometimes, if for no other reason than to keep Oma happy!!
And then the bus rolled up and on climbed my babies.
Now, this picture may just look like a group of kids getting on the bus. But if you look closely, you can see our awesome bus driver with her hand out to high-five Hannah. Hannah and Jules have been getting to know each other as Jules has always been Lena’s bus driver and so now, they actually get to hang out on the bus! I think they are both excited about that! The other thing about this picture is that boy in the red sweatshirt? That’s my other nephew, leaning in to greet Hannah as she climbs on the bus. The cousins have been debating back and forth who gets to sit with Hannah on her first bus drive to school! I never did find out who got to sit with her, now that I mention it… I do know that not one of them was paying us any mind as we waved to them all as the bus pulled away!
And then, like a flash, the day was over and the bus pulled up again to delivered two girls with stories to share!
To be continued,