2016 was a year of change and a year of adjusting. It wasn’t bad, don’t get me wrong, we had lots of laughter, adventures and fun, too. Life is filled with lots of peaks and valleys, isn’t it? I’m glad my focus was joy, though. In the midst of new routines and different schedules, it’s good to be able to take in the small details that surround you, to embrace them and dwell on those little things.
Of course, when the beginning of a new year rolls around, you have no idea what to expect and what life may throw your way. And you pick your Word of the Year not knowing what the future holds, so sometimes the curve balls make it interesting. When I selected ‘Finding Joy’, I didn’t know I would have to dig as deep as I did this past year to find it. I rolled into 2016 fairly joyful. But as the year progressed I had to dig deeper for it. Life weighed me down. I was busy, tired and stressed. So, taking time to note the little details around me made my appreciate everything so much more and focus on the positive things.
I had started the Facebook group, Finding Joy with Farm Fresh, and I am still thankful for that group. Other people’s joy makes you appreciate your own and makes you aware of making a point to look for your own joy. I loved seeing what brought joy into other people’s lives and connecting over our shared joy. And I love that joy doesn’t have to be over big things, it can be small things like the swirl of frost on glass, the simple bloom of Spring, a note left by a loved one.
I think that regardless of what my word for 2017 is, I will still be ‘Finding Joy’ in the coming year. I feel like it is an underlaying need/calling/purpose in my life right now. So, I’ll continue the Facebook group, so feel free to join us and you can always use the #findingjoywithfarmfresh hashtag on social media, too.
So, here’s to 2016, you helped us grow, mature and learn more about ourselves so thank you. 2017, we are ready to meet you head on, ready for whatever you may bring us.
And stay toned for what I’ve selected for 2017!!!
To be continued,