Michael got the feeder and found some bird seed and hung it on the apple tree beside the house. And not once did we see that fat robin at the feeder.
But let me tell you how much we enjoy watching our other feathered friends dinning at the feeder! I thought the girls would be the ones who enjoyed seeing the birds up close, but actually, its Michael who enjoys it the most. He can see the feeder from his spot at the table and will frequently give us updates during a meal as to who is visiting.
I love the bossy bluejays, they seem to think they run the diner. And the chickadees are so friendly! I’d love to get them eating out of my hand. But I think my favourite would have to be the juncos. With their grey bodies and white tummies, they look like little penguins who take flight.
I went to the library to borrow some bird watching books so we could figure out who was who. I know the people who lived in this house years ago did a lot of bird watching around the house and in the woods and saw so many variety of birds. It would be fun to start our own list to see who we might see. Hawks, eagles, owls, pheasants, partridges and lots of little song birds. Some books are better than others, I like to old one for it’s sketches of the birds, although it listed very few varieties. But now I know what book I would actually invest in buying. Gotta love your local library!
This is a purple finch, hiding in the bush under the window this morning. Our feeder is very popular today, in the middle of this storm. The birds are having a hard time fighting the wind. One hop on a day like today will take them much further than a regular hop….maybe not in the direction they wanted to go…
All these pictures are taken through our living room window. It’s nice to be able to see them close up without having to be super quiet or still. This feeder has been a great addition to our yard! I think our feathered friends think so, too!
To be continued,