So, you know we have these sheep living here, they belong to Hannah but I’m just as excited about the fact that the babies are due ANY DAY NOW! And, today, my post, may have led you astray in thinking that we might have babies sooner rather than later. I saw some signs that led me to believe lambs might make an appearance. And I posted about it because clearly I could think about nothing else. I was trying to figure out a way to spin it to my boss so I could stay home to be there when the lambs arrived. Hannah wanted to stay home from school, too, and I almost let her….Miss Ferguson, if she isn’t in school for the next 2 weeks, she’s standing by the sheep pen, just send the homework home with Lena!
Then Michael looked in on the expectant mothers and said, nope. I talked to my dad a couple of times today and he laughed at my exuberance. I messaged Tashia { the farm-wife/friend next door who bought the farm } in my excitement and I’m pretty sure she got a kick out of me and our lambing out of three ewes as compared to their 600 ewes, give or take. Then the girls flagged Dad down later this afternoon and he looked and told me we probably had some time to wait before the lambs arrived. Insert a huge eye roll here because I WANT THE BABIES HERE!!!
If you were waiting all day for sweet lambie updates or pictures, I’m sorry….I’m not a farmer, I’m just an enthusiastic hobby farmer who has been waiting for lambs for far too long now….since last Spring!! All I have to share is this blurry snap of Hannah giving the expectant momma a loving head scratch – one of Sweet Willow’s favourite things!
But I promise to keep you posted! And I’ll try not to get your hopes up…again! In the mean time, if you need a lamb fix, you can go HERE and HERE!
To be continued,