Let me start at the beginning. Our living room is a little awkward to arrange. And maybe we made it more-so when we did the big switch of where the sofa sits in the room. But I so enjoy the space more with it in front of the east window, not the north window with our backs to the road. But, that means we need a narrower, shorter coffee table to allow traffic to flow easily from the dining room and without cramping Grace the Fern, too.
Since I had a few coffee tables in my stash, I tried every single one out that I had. I feel like Goldilocks and the 4 Coffee Tables.
This one was chunky enough but not narrow enough, although Hannah seems quite pleased with it… The next one was too delicate and low but really a good width and depth. So they got passed on or made over { which you can read about HERE & HERE } Enter the table that came from the farm machinery auction because clearly that’s where one would go to buy a coffee table, right? { I suck at remembering to take before shots before I start my makeover…again, notice my adorable family member peeking over the edge but don’t take note of the state of the studio!! }
It’s a little too long, but it’s narrow enough and low enough to comfortably put your feet up because that’s how we roll. I like that it has storage in a shallow drawer and a shelf below. So after a trial run, I decided that yes, it would work so I hauled it back to the studio to get painted. I decided on a neutral colour, a special mix of Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint. Then I finished it with hemp oil, my favourite go-to finish. And drug that heavy sucker back into the living room. And I wish I could tell you how much I loved it. But I didn’t.
Why did I think I would want a netural? I’m not a netural kinda gal. And it just blended into the sofa!! I’m all colour, right?? Ugh. But I left it for a while. I thought maybe my long-term coffee table might arrive but it wasn’t happening right away. { I’ll save that whole story for when it does arrive }
But what did arrive was a box of yummy, delicious Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint!!! Guys, I was thrilled. Maybe you saw the Instastory? You know how much I love the products and the process of using milk paint. So, this gave me the perfect excuse to haul that heavy coffee table baaaaack out the to studio and paint it a colour I would be happy with.
I mixed up some Kitchen Scale with Flow Blue and got to it. { I can’t seem to ever just mix one straight colour. } I sanded heavily between the layers to add depth and show some of the previous colour, because it isn’t you, dear netural, it’s me… So, three layers and lots of pretty dust later, I was ready to hemp oil it. Guys, if you have never hemp oiled a painted surface or metal or raw wood or leather, I recommend you get to it. I’ll wait…..
There is something so deeply satisfying about seeing the depth and richness of colours blossom under a silky layer of hemp oil. And this coffee table sure did come together for me in the end. It’s bold and big and bossy but that’s what our monster of a sofa needed.
So, I wish I could say this ends the saga of Goldilocks and the 4 Coffee Tables but there’s another one coming eventually. But until it does, this beauty will hold down the fort. And the remotes, cups of coffee and whatever else I decide it needs to hold for us!
To be continued,
PS I was provided the products by Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint, but my take on them are just that 😉