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Winter Has Arrived…Here Anyway…..


Well, I’m living in a world of white!  We had snow the other day and it turned my world into a winter wonderland!  I don’t enjoy driving in it or shoveling it, but man is it pretty!

Before I headed to Truro to work, I took a little wander through the back yard with my camera.  Snow at this time of the year might not stick around for long and I wanted to capture it while it was icing the trees so beautifully!


Yesterday I shared this picture of my girls and  my niece building an igloo in the front yard and boy, did I get comments on that picture!  See, we live in a snowbelt, people who live 15 minutes away were commenting on how much snow we had and the fact they had NONE!!! We have our own special climate here….and I’m not so sure exactly how I feel about that!!  I mean, the girls had a blast playing outside for the majority of the day, but the driving sucks and the fact that I think we are the last road in the county to get plowed sucks even more.


Have you had snow yet? Do you enjoy it or loathe it?  I will admit it sure helps add to the feeling of an East Coast Christmas!!!

Enjoy! Drive safely!

To be continued,


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The Ending of Cakember


Thank Heavens November is over.  I’m looking forward to the quiet month of December.  Sounds crazy, I know!  Between birthdays, parties, work, markets and custom orders, I’m toast.  I barely blogged, only showed up on Instagram randomly, I feel like I could barely form a cohesive thought, let alone write something worth reading.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy celebrating the lives of my children.  I think they are pretty special and deserve to be celebrated.  Will I invite a hoard of children over again? No, probably not.  It gets too crazy for this momma! The kids love it, of course, why wouldn’t they?  A bunch of their buddies over together, jacked up on junk food….they are living the dream.   Meanwhile, I’m down stairs wondering where the earplugs are….


I hit a milestone this birthday….the big 4-0.  Hard to believe that.  But, it is what it is,  I guess.  I’m not much of a goal setter so I’m not looking at 40 with a bunch of un-obtained goals, I’m looking at 40, thinking that I have so much more I want to do with my life.  Maybe hitting 40 is my chance to set some goals and cross some things off my list.


Catherine and Dawn planned a party for me, I’ll confess I asked for it.  I wanted to hang out with my friends and I didn’t have time, nor the desire, to plan my 40th birthday party.  It was held in Catherine’s beautiful home, and they did some great things to decorate for it.  55′ of bunting, a banner of me through the ages { I didn’t realize just how much Hannah looks like me…. } a huge glass jar of Rockets, beautifully decorated cupcakes with fun, little chalkboard signs in them.  Most of my closest friends were there and we laughed and carried on like fools.  My stomach muscles were aching the next day from all the laughter.

So, thus draws Cakember to a close in our household.  We have another year before the intense birthday month of November hits again.  It’ll give me a chance to recoup from the party planning and hopefully come up with a new plan for the girls’ parties.

I still enjoy cake which is a good thing…I do love cake.  We didn’t over do the cake this month, phew….now for the Christmas celebrations….

To be continued,




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Olde Foundry Christmas Market

In case you thought I’ve fallen off the face of the earth, I’m still here!  I’ve been running around like a little Elf getting ready for this year’s Olde Foundry Christmas Market!

OFCM 2015

We are there today from 9-5 and Sunday from 10-4 with lots of exciting vendors! This year I am extra excited about the vendor line-up because they all makers or vintage items!  Except for the lovely peeps bringing coffee….but we all need coffee right? ( {I’m typing this at 5:30am…}

I hope to see lots of familiar faces this weekend and I’m looking forward to meeting lots more new folks, too!

Now, off to put on some coffee and grab my To-Do list for the day!

To be continued,


PS Check in on Instagram to see what’s happening all day long!!

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I thought it might be about time I shared the girls’ costumes now that most of the candy is gone and everyone is coming down off the sugar high!

It’s always fun talking with the girls about what they want to dress up as.  We try to start planning early in case they change their minds 20 times before Halloween… But this year it went pretty well.


Lena saw a picture in the Michael’s flyer that was pretty simple and turned her into a pretty pumpkin girl, but as it got closer, she decided she wanted to be a cowgirl and pulled her costume together all by herself, except for the hat she borrowed from Oma { one of the props Oma had from a past VBS season…. }


Hannah, as I have previously mentioned, fell in love with Anne of Green Gables when we were on PEI this summer.  She claimed Anne as her costume since then and never wavered.  Thankfully we started collecting the bits and pieces in time to pull it together….there was almost an epic momma fail!

Every year their school has a Halloween Dance and this year was no exception.  Except I thought it was the Friday right before Halloween but it was the week before!!  We made this discovery on the Wednesday night right before the dance, so I had to scramble on Thursday to sew the dress and make the hat with the long red braids!! But it turned out awesome!

Hannah costume ended up being super inexpensive to pull together – the jumper I found at Frenchy’s for a couple dollars, the fabric was on clearance for 99 cents per meter, Oma had the straw hat, she had black boots and the ball of yarn cost about $6.00.  Her dress is actually a night gown pattern that I borrowed from Catherine, so it was so simple to whip up! And Hannah loved her costume!!


Since we live in the country, Trick-or-Treating involves driving everywhere.  But since Catherine moved into their new house on a pretty cul-de-sac, we gotten the kids together and let them walk to the few houses on their street and it has quickly become their favourite part of Halloween!  We still drive to all our regular stops and visit friends, family and neighbours, but this is a special little highlight for the kids!


These two may be complete opposites but they are the sweetest of friends!!


I leave you with this picture of Anne having an identity crisis caused by too much sugar!!

To be continued,



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Pier 21

Last Christmas, Mom and Dad gifted every one of us the best kind of gift ever.  They gave us a ‘pass’ to a family day together at Pier 21, complete with gas money and lunch.  Now, for those of you how are unfamiliar with Pier 21, it was the landing place of many immigrants who left their homeland to come to Canada.  Both my parents came through as small children after they had left Holland, on their way to settle in Ontario with their families.

It was hard to figure out a weekend that all 14 of us could go to Halifax together for the day. Plus, Pier 21 underwent some changes over the past year, as well, which meant they opened for the season when everyone was getting into their busy season of racing…motocross, mountain bikes, road bikes or race cars.  Everyone was off in every direction until last weekend.

We carpooled and switched up children and somehow we ended up driving a childless car to Halifax….what a treat!  Somehow, I got deemed the driver of the lead vehicle, which was fine for the most part, until I ran into a slight hitch with a certain one-way street on the waterfront and my desire to turn left…..  Who knew Lower Water Street was one-way the whole length of it?!?!?  Thankfully, after a few detours and quite a few passes of the Historic Properties, we all found our way to Pier 21.

Pier 21

It was neat to hear stories first hand but also to see all the displays and hear other stories as well.  How brave of these families to leave everything they knew to set forth for a new land, a new dream and a new lifestyle.  I can’t even imagine it.

Pier 21

Pier 21Pier 21Pier 21

The curators of this museum did a fantastic job of making it interesting and interactive for all ages.  This display got my emotions going.  To see everyone’s personal connection with Pier 21 was so amazing, the different stories, written is so many unique scripts, very neat, for sure.  I loved that even Hannah got into it and wrote her own name, along with Oma and Opa’s names.

Pier 21Pier 21Pier 21

The thought of packing up your life in crates and trunks is overwhelming.  How would you know what you would need, what you would want?  How do you decide which treasures to take and which to leave….  Some of the people through Pier 21 were kids who were sent over seas during the war, who expected to be gone for 6 months but ended up staying for 5 years – how do you pack for that??

Pier 21Pier 21Pier 21

Pier 21

Over and over we heard how people were so amazed that as soon as they had that stamp on their papers, they were allowed to go anywhere in the country, they were able to just walk out the doors of Pier 21 and start their new lives.  Our country welcomed them in and let them start living their new lives here.

Pier 21This is one of the exhibits that my girls enjoyed the most.  A store.  This store was stocked with canned goods, fresh fruit and breads, all pretend, but there for the children to play with, pack into shopping bags, ring through the till and hand to their customer.  I think they’d want to go back again, just to be able to play here.  This station allowed the grownups to study the other exhibits and do our own exploring while the littles were occupied.

Pier 21Pier 21Pier 21Pier 21The displays ranged from reading, to listening, to watching and to playing to learn about Immigration into Canada.  They truly had something for every age…whether it be the young or the young at heart… I learned so much about not only the time period of when my parents came to Canada, but also current immigration and the reasons for that.  So many things I never thought of before.

Pier 21Pier 21

When people immigrate, they are required to pass a test about Canada.  This was a lot of fun to complete…and fail, as the case might be for me…. Sadly, I didn’t know enough about this great country that I live in to pass the 20 question test.  One of the staff went over my test with me and told me some background information on the questions I got incorrect.  It was very interesting to learn more about Canada, things I should know.  Apparently, I should’ve paid more attention in school!  There was short quiz that some of the kids did, too.  Thankfully I was born here and didn’t have to go through the process of the test, but it makes me appreciate how much the immigrants truly do want to be here.

This day with my family made me appreciate my roots, the story of my parents’ journeys across the ocean, even more than I had in the past.  I appreciated getting to spend a day with my family and see the interactions between everyone, big and little.  And, now, I appreciate the history of this great country even more, and how everyone has a story about their connection to Canada.

I would highly recommend spending a few hours exploring Pier 21 and learning about our collective past.  Bring your kids, bring your parents, doesn’t matter who, just go!

To be continued,
