Who knew my favourite piece of clothing would be a muumuu? Who knew I needed a muumuu in my life? Annette. That’s who. She knew I needed a muumuu in my life.
But let me back up to ‘pre-Covid, still hanging out with friends, going into thrift stores’ times. Annette and I made plans for supper out in the town and a trip to our local Value Village. Now, I’m not a clothes shopper typically when I hit up the thrift stores. I do not enjoy clothes shopping. I may have mentioned this repeatedly? But Annette being Annette, made it fun going through the racks. { You can read a little about that adventure HERE } She’d pick random things for me to try on. And I did. I can’t say no to Annette. I’m not sure anyone can. Have you met her??
Anyway, one of the random things she found was a muumuu. And she made me try it on. I’ve never had a muumuu, tried on a muumuu or had anything to do with a muumuu. Except for this one amazing client I had…she would meet me at the door of her perfectly-her home in…you guessed it…a muumuu!!
Here I popping out of the dressing room in the soon-to-be-mine muumuu. I was not convinced I needed yet. It seemed like a dumb thing to buy. What 44 year old wears a muumuu?

Well, once you put it out on the internet that you have purchased your first muumuu, fellow muumuu wearers come out of the woodwork!! One old high school pal informed me she prefers to call them caftans! Sounds way better and yet, I still refer to mine as my muumuu. Want to know what Hannah calls it? My cowcow….hmmmm, thanks Hannah….
Here’s me, enjoying a cup of coffee on my pretty new patio set, in my muumuu. The girls are mortified that I step outside the door in it. But hey, I’m 44 and give zero poops. Clearly they haven’t worn one yet. I love getting out of the shower, slipping this on until I’m no longer damp or warm from my shower before getting dressed for the day. My housecoat is way too heavy and warm, but my muumuu, it’s perfection!

S’mores, our new kitten, loves my muumuu, too. Pictured above is Monty trying to figure out where that brat kitten went. Where is S’mores? Hiding in my muumuu, of course!!
So tell me, do you have a muumuu? Are you Team Muumuu or Team Caftan? Do you live it one – leave the house in one?