The girls went out to play in the snow and since they like to have me close by, I headed to the Studio. They needed to burn off some energy, it came to them having wrestling matches on the couch….which ended badly, of course. I did have to play referee…when Lena fell on Hannah’s snow fort and crushed it. Hannah was broken hearted. So she went to her ‘garage’ snow fort and that was the end of it. They coasted in the back yard. I love hearing their laughter and chatter as they sled outside my window.
I had a few things to work on while in the studio….of which I did none. I played with paint instead. And had so much fun!! I’ll share my projects in the next day or two. (Usually stuff appears on Instagram, if you’d like to follow along!!) My nails are dirty from the antique wax and I have dried paint on my hands, which makes my heart happy. I completed a few projects and carried on with others. Lena and I are working on a project together for her bedroom, so it’s fun to work together on that.
We also finally have enough snow for a snowshoe!! We’ve been working on getting our trails in shape for snowshoe season and they really are prime! Mom and Dad came over and we headed out back for a trek. Loads of little bunny tracks in the snow, plus some deer, as well. The girls are really getting into being in the woods. Michael is so good for teaching them neat things while they are out wandering around and Lena has taken every bit of it in.
I’m amazed in the difference a year makes in Lena’a ability to snowshoe. She can run past people through the deeper snow and take little scenic routes….all without complaining!! Hannah got about half way and started on about tired legs…so we have a few years left to go for her….
I know life will return to normal tomorrow. The kids will go their separate ways for the day and my work is piling up. But its days like this that are such treasures. Days where there’s no rush to leave, where the schedule is flexible and everyone is kicking around. So, far now, I’ll take every snow day and max that sucker out!
To be continued,