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Meet Someone New

7 In Adventures/ Blogging/ Meet Someone New

Spoons, Welcome Gifts and Colorado

When I first started reading blogs, I was really stumbling around in the vast world of design, art and craft in blog form without really knowing where to go and who to follow.  I found blogs I liked, some that didn’t resonate and some that I immediately connected with.  One of the one’s that I’ve been following since the beginning is Jeanne Oliver.

Jeanne Oliver may sound familiar to you if you’ve been following along over on Farm Fresh for a few years because she offers on-line courses and I’ve taken a few of them now.  They have been so wonderful, so insightful and inspiring.  They have really helped me see our home in a different light and realize that this is not just MY home to decorate, but that I live here with my family and they have a right to be reflected in our space, too.  I would highly recommend any one of the courses, especially the art courses if you’re artistic!
teaspoon earringsI was checking in the other day, reading about the tale of the purchase of their new home.  It’s quite a story and I read teary eyed and in awe of their journey.  After I read the 3-part blog post, I noticed that the next post was about a workshop that she was going to be offering in the studio of her new home.  I scrolled through, thinking about how much fun it would be to be there.  Something jumped out at me, Welcome Gifts.  I knew what I had to do.  I immediately emailed Jeanne and asked if I could send her teaspoon earrings to give as Welcome Gifts for each of her guests.  And then I waited….

teaspoon earrings

And while I waited, I doubted.  Did I jump the gun? Am I being conceited to think that people like my earrings? Would she even want them? There is time and money involved but I wasn’t worried about that part of it at all.  I just really felt like I needed to make the offer.  But, sheesh, who am I to think Jeanne Oliver would even be interested?

And then within the hour, her answer: ‘Wow! I am blown away by your kindness.  Thank you!  I would be so honored to give each woman a pair of earrings.’

Wow! I was soo excited! You have no idea what this means to me! I went out on a limb with this, something I rarely do.  I’m not a risk-taker and I was kinda putting myself out there. And Jeanne Oliver, guys, JEANNE OLIVER responded and accepted my offer.  I may or may not have cried a little over this one.

teaspoon earrings

But, the moral of the story up to this point is take that risk, go out on that limb and have faith that what you have to offer this world is worth it, it has value and people will appreciate you and your gifts.

So, I’ll be shopping for teaspoons, working on my hammering muscles and sending a box to Colorado!!  Squeal!!!!

To be continued,



In Meet Someone New

Creative Interview with Alena of The Hat Mommas

I’m excited to officially introduce you to my friend, Alena.  She’s gotten quite a few mentions here on Farm Fresh over the past year as I have become better friends with her.  She is real, she is community-minded, she is crafty and she sure loves her family!!  It’s been my pleasure getting to know her more and I’ve enjoyed having her to bounce ideas off of and to work with on community projects.  I also like that she is willing to take on any challenge that I toss her way. And you know I do……even if we never follow up!!  😉

1. Tell me what it is you do with The Hat Mommas?

I’m at a stay at home mom. I have 2 beautiful children, I babysit up to 15 other beautiful children. (Thankfully never all at same time!)  Almost 2 years ago my friends and co owners of The Hat Mommas invited me to join their team! How lucky for me, I love to be creative and to make things, plus I love to be busy! Through the Hat Mommas I make slippers, mittens, scarves, dishcloths and now I am starting to tackle hats! It is scary and fun and, oh so satisfying, to live up to the expectations of these talented ladies.

Alena  - Creative Interview

2. How did you get started down this path of creating?  Have you also been creative or artistic?

I think I have always been artistic and creative. I remember as a kid cutting decor pictures out of catalogues to put into my homemade envelopes, one for every room in my dream house. I think that’s where it started. I also remember being down on the south shore of Nova Scotia, many years ago, during my university years at one of my best friends (parents) house. Her mom had this amazing tedding bear sitting on display made from her father’s suit. It was beautiful and I instantly fell in love with the idea that it was made from a passed loved ones clothing. When my Grandfather passed away 5 years ago (this past Thursday) I knew I was going to make teddy bears for my grandmother, mother and 4 aunts. I never looked back, to this day Memory bears are my very favorite thing to make. I also spend a lot of time crocheting now, and have been able to supplement my living through my crafting. I have my fellow Hat Mommas to thank for that one. They teach, support and encourage me!

Alena - Creative Interview

3. How has your style developed or changed over the years?

I used to scrap book a lot, loved it, and still love my creations. Store bought baby books, not for this momma! In the more recent years I have gone towards crocheting more in my every day, I love doing it and learn new things all the time. I also make money at it and when you’re a stay at home mom sometimes every penny (or I guess nickel now!) counts, I get that extra income I need doing something I very much enjoy. I still love doing projects for around my house too, a little homemade nowhere near perfect sign for my new craft room, making curtains for said craft room, re doing a chair (hmmm, Lori, I think we forgot about that follow up post!). I am a very practical person who loves fun projects and I guess that shows in my crafting. I like making items that people use every day or serve a real purpose (homemade white dishcloths are not on my list, I go for dark), a cute and fun banner for my living room fire place, um yes please!  I have no idea if this answered your question!

Alena - Creative Interview

Alena - Creative Interview

4. Who is your strongest influence starting out and who inspires you now?

I have no idea how to answer this. I have no idea where I got inspired in the beginning. My sister got me started in scrapbooking. The Teddy Bear down on the South Shore inspired me to make something thoughtful for my family after a loss. Now….everything???

5. Where do you get your daily inspiration from?
Everywhere. Pinterest, yes for sure, reading blogs like yours (Lori!) and emailing you (Lori) daily with our projects and just to chat because we’re awesome people (there’s that awesome word again), absolutely. My fellow Hat Mommas telling me I can do something I don’t think I’m ready for, yup!

My 4 best friends since childhood ( 20 some odd years) who I speak to (type to) daily who are all amazing and awesome in their own right, you betcha. In that group of ladies I have 2 moms, 1 child care provider (who I am pretty sure puts all other child care providers to shame with her awesomemness), 1 author and illustrator and owner of her own publishing company, a librarian and blogger and PHD student who is going to change many, many lives (who has made prom dresses and wedding dresses and bakes a mean cupcake) and a fellow crafter after my own heart. I am inspired every day to do better, to do more, to do my best by my husband (who actually pulls off being interested in my crafts) and my kids.

Alena - Creative Interview

6. Where would you like this path of creating to take you in the next few years?

Exactly where I am, home. My crafting is the reason I can be a stay at home mom (I don’t always have 15 kids to care for some weeks its just 2). Crafting fills something in me, crafting allows me to be home, with my family and that’s the only place I want to be right now.

7. What advice would you offer other people who are creative?

Be fearless, believe you can, enjoy every moment, keep learning and be awesome today!

8. In closing – what is your favorite, most feel good thing about creating?

My favorite feel good thing about crafting – the moment I pass someone a teddy bear I have made for them out of a passed loved ones clothing. That moment when I can  see the emotion on their face, that little glimpse of what that means to them, it’s the best moment. Don’t get me wrong I love everything I make, I love the bears I make out of baby clothing and blankets too. But nothing beats the memory bears. It’s why I do what I do.

Thank you so much, Alena for allowing me to interview you.  This was wonderful!  If you’d like to contact Alena, you can email her at alenadawn at gmail dot com. She can crochet you up some cozy slippers or sew you a Memory Bear!!

To be continued,





1 In Meet Someone New

Creative Interview – Sarah of Rustic Mountain Designs

It’s been a looooong time since I’ve done a Creative Interview.  If you’ve been hanging around here for any amount of time, you may have read the previous ones I’ve done.  I’m excited to introduce you to someone who has been inspiring me lately to try my hand at creating a few of my own signs….but I think I should leave it up to the expert!!

Without any further ado, let me introduce you to Sarah Barnes of Rustic Mountain Designs!!  I first met Sarah when we both joined Tupperware under the Tupperware Rock Star, Angela Rae.  I certainly don’t sell Tupperware anymore but I’ve at least kept Sarah around!!


1. Tell us a little about what it is you do at Rustic Mountain Designs?

I create (and sell) wooden signs, wall art, and home decor items…all from re-purposed wood. I choose, prepare, sand, paint, and finish all items by hand. I also create my own designs and my own stencils. I hope to add more items such as shelves, racks, end tables, and some of my handmade jewelry to my business in the future!

2. How did you get started down this path of creating?  Have you always been creative or artistic?

Lol…this will probably be a long, rambling answer…I have been into handcrafts ever since I was little. I guess it all started with 4-H…Crafts, Photography and Outdoorsman were some of my favourite projects.

I used to do a bit of tole painting when I was in high school and make some painted wood crafts before I had my kids, but I guess I lost confidence and got away from it. Then came jewelry. I got into making jewelry about 7-8 years ago. I’ve had success selling my jewelry pieces locally at craft sales and to family and friends. I have also been into photography as a hobby ever since I was big enough to pick up a camera! 🙂  Last Spring, after searching for distressed “beach signs” for the deck of our camper, I decided to attempt making my own signs. I started painting and the rest is history…haha! I discovered a passion and a talent I never knew I had! 

Rustic Mountain Designs

3. How has your style developed or changed over the years?

Hmmm…to me, my style has mostly followed the same path over the years. Most of my creative work has always been nature-themed, featuring natural materials or having animal, plant, or beach themes…
I have always leaned towards making items that are simple, classic, and not too busy or “over-the-top”. I feel that classic, simple style has carried through with my work over the years.
Rustic Mountain Designs4. Who is your strongest influence starting out and who inspires you now?
I’d say one of my biggest influences starting out was my Aunt, Joanne. Growing up, I spent a lot of time around her ( I followed her around like a shadow, lol!) and she was always busy crafting. I think her craftiness rubbed off on me! 😉
Nowadays, I am inspired by my fellow “mom-preneur” friends, both in real-life and in the online world 😉 It is so inspiring seeing other Moms successfully making a living by doing what they love and following their dreams!
Rustic Mountain Designs
5. Where do you get your daily inspiration from?
I find my daily creative inspiration in many places…often, an idea just pops into my head! Other times, it is seeing someone else’s creation that gets my wheels turning. Other times, it may come from chatting with a friend or family member about a certain idea. The best source of inspiration for me, though, is found in quiet time by myself.
Rustic Mountain Designs
6. Where would you like this path of creating to take you in the next few years?
By this time next year, my goal is to expand my business to include running an online shop on Etsy, and to have my workshop/studio finished and fully functionable. In a year or two, I would love to offer sign-making classes to people :)7. What advice would you offer other people who are creative?
Wow…am really qualified to give advice? Haha! I guess I would say to make sure you always stay true to YOU. Do your own thing, make things you love and put your own unique flair into everything you do.
Rustic Mountain Designs
8. In closing – what is your favourite, most feel good thing about creating?
Aaah! SO hard to choose just one thing. I’ll have to choose my top two! I love the accomplished feeling I get when looking at a finished piece and thinking, “Wow, did I really just make that?!” I love creating pieces that can give a happy or inspiring feeling to a space.
My other fave feel-good thing is the reaction I get from people who love and buy my items. I love how something I’ve created can bring happiness into someone’s days 🙂
Thank you so much, Sarah for sharing the story of your creative journey here with us!  If you would like to talk to Sarah about having a sign made or any of the signs here, you can email her at rusticmountaindesigns @ .  I would also recommend following along her Instagram account  (here) as well as the Rustic Mountain Facebook Page (here).
To be continued,
PS Sarah also took all these pictures of her lovely signs, too!!