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In Adventures/ Country Life/ Meet Someone New

Zane Lambert – PBR Bullrider

Bullrider, Canadian, and soon-to-be dad – Zane Lambert is here on the East Coast for a competition in Halifax on the Monster Energy PBR Tour and I had the chance to chat with him.  We talked a little bull-riding, some country living and farm talk, too, all thanks to PBR Canada.

SOURCE: PBR Canada Photo by Andy Watson

Zane Lambert has a long list of awards and probably a stack of belt buckles just as impressive.  He has done all Canadians proud with his wins across North America but also around the world.    I asked him about his favourite win and last year’s PBR Canadian Title win topped the list.  His previous PBR title was won in 2013, so to remain competitive and at the top of his field, he trains hard, rides hard and keeps the passion for the event alive.  He has a competitive nature and loves that each ride is different, that bull riding is challenging and takes skill and athleticism.  He said he loves this lifestyle, being on tour and seeing so many different places across North America, even hitting Australia and meeting people wherever he rides.  And getting to compete for Team Canada at the inaugural Global Cup is a pretty big deal, I’d say, wouldn’t you agree?

SOURCE: PBR Canada Photo by Covy Moore/

I was curious about Zane Lambert after I read his bio.  Yes, it went over the impressive career of a young man that started bull riding at a young age, win after win after win.  He comes by the rodeo passion naturally, as the youngest of his siblings, he spent lots of time watching his older siblings doing their thing, whether it was barrel racing, roping, steer wrestling, so that he would find a sport within the rodeo circuit was no surprise.  His father was a grain farmer, country life was the life he knew. But what caught my eye was the fact that he does renovations in his down time.  So, I asked him about it, because, well, why not?

He had helped his dad build the family home and so with that experience under his belt, after college, he went to work for a framer who also had played on a farm team for the NHL, so Zane’s boss could appreciate the time it took to also try to build a career in an athletic field.  He chuckled as he said it would be hard to find any other boss that would let him off work on a Wednesday to hit the rodeo circuit to show back up for work the following Tuesday.  But, they worked together for years, doing anything from new construction to renovations, all the while, Zane was learning skills from him which he puts to good use around his own home.

I asked Zane about his biggest inspiration and I have to say, I loved his answer.  He didn’t name a single person, but instead said that he draws inspiration from so many different sources for many different things in his life.  It’s a series of little things from day to day.

You can follow Zane on Instagram HERE, Twitter HERE and the PBR HERE if you’d like to keep up-to-date on it all!

I’m excited to be ring side tonight at the Scotiabank Centre, watching this exciting sport.  And you know that we’ll be cheering pretty darn loud for Zane!  If you want to follow along, be sure to check out my Instagram stories later on!

To be continued,


Disclaimer:  I was provided the tickets and chance to interview Zane by PBR Canada but my take on it all is just that 😉  I was also provided by the photos by PBR Canada and the talented Covy Moore

2 In Adventures/ Blogging/ Meet Someone New

Chatting with Tiny Adventures

Tiny homes are so interesting to me.  And last fall I had the pleasure of meeting Carmen of Tiny Adventures  who is based in New Brunswick, at Blogjam and I thought I would introduce you to her and her partner, Max, so you can follow along on their Tiny Home Adventure!
Carmen and Max are still in the planning and developing stage of their tiny home adventure, but I love reading about their latest project and keeping up to date with any progress.  Carmen is very engaging on social media and I love how you never know if her videos will be in French or English!  Pour a cup of coffee and join me as we chat.
Where and when did the idea start to build a Tiny Home?

Max: Every time I saw or thought about Tiny Houses and alternative living, I thought, “Man, that’s a great idea.”

Carmen: I’m not sure exactly when the idea first started for me, but it was similar to Max. As soon as I started hearing more about the Tiny House Movement, I was very interested in the idea of having that become a reality for myself. It’s only in 2016 that we actually told each other that we were both coincidentally interested in doing the same thing.

What made you decide to build your own over buying one or having someone build one for you?

Carmen: For me, there was no question about it. My dad and his dad built the house I grew up in, and I knew that one day I would ask my dad to help me build my very own house. And the funny thing is, even before Max and I started dating, I always hoped that the two of them would work together on building my home.

Max: I’ve always wanted to build a house, to look at my home and know that I create that from the ground up. And this is probably the only way I’m ever going to be able to afford it, because I’m way too cheap to pay someone else to build it for me.

What are you most excited about in regards to living in a tiny home?

Carmen: Living in a home that is our very own. I can’t wait to have a kitchen that I helped design, that is perfectly functional for me, that meets all my needs. I also love the idea that every single item we own will have a specific place to call home. No more wondering “Where did I leave that?” or “Where should we put this?” There’s only one place it will fit, so that’s the only place it will ever be when it’s not in use!

Max: Saving money, and having that safety net of knowing that I have a home I can always rely on, even when the power goes out, even when everything goes wrong.

What are you most nervous about in regards to living in a tiny home?

Carmen: Personal space. Definitely personal space. I’m worried we’ll argue more because we’re always in each other’s face and we don’t have a place to call our own, where we can each just be alone for a little while. But we’ve already talked about all the things we are nervous about and we’re continuously trying to work towards preventing the worst from happening. For example, we decided I would have a workplace to go to, my little office space, where I could be alone. We also decided that the bedroom will have a door, so we can close it for privacy and a little alone time if the other person is somewhere else in the house. And best of all, we plan on building a garage inside of which Max will have his very own office/tool house to work in and be alone.

Max: Humidity, mold and air quality.

Carmen: You can see we really have two different perspectives about what worries us. Hahah!

Do you have a goal/plan as to how long you’d like to live in your tiny home?

Carmen: We don’t have a set amount of time that we would like to live in it, but probably something along the lines of 5+ years. We’re not exactly sure where life will bring us, but to me, this will definitely be my home and I know I’m going to be extremely attached to it so I might not even want to move out until much later. We’ve discussed having kids in the future, and I can definitely see myself raising a child in our tiny home.

Max: As long as it can support us. But we’re definitely going to keep it forever. When we do decide to move into a bigger home, it will serve as a summer cottage for the rest of our lives.

What are your ‘must-have’ features in the tiny home?

Carmen: The kitchen is my biggest area of “must haves.” I don’t think I could live without a full-sized oven, a full-sized fridge and enough cupboard space for a small/medium-sized stock pile. And a double sink! I never ever want to go back to living with a single sink. Another important feature was the perfect desk, which I actually think I’ve already found thanks to Max’s aunt! We might tweak it a little bit and add a file folder cabinet underneath, but having a good desk was very important to me since I hope to mostly work from home one day. Honourable mentions in this category are an L-shaped couch (I’ve always wanted one, specifically a grey one) and a stackable washer-dryer set.

Max: I need the entire house to be “injury-accessible.” So not wheelchair accessible, but even though you’re injured, you could still easily use every room and every feature in the house. That means no ladder or rock climbing walls.

They offered some more specifics about their current plan for building the home and where they’d like to locate it.  I love the well-thought-out plans they have to insure that they have the room to pursue their passions and to host guests or family in the future, too.

As for specifics about the tiny house, it will be on a trailer with wheels. We went back and forth on whether to get a fifth wheel trailer or just the flatbed, and in the end we’ve chosen to go with a flatbed because we were able to find a better price. The house plan will now be built around the trailer type we chose, and although nothing is set in stone, we’ve decided that we are not doing a loft bed, but rather an actual bedroom on one end of the trailer. We’ll still have lofts, accessible by stairs (not a ladder or a climbing wall as Max mentioned haha!) but they’ll either be for storage (probably) or for extra guests. The couch we plan on buying will also be a bed, and that will be our go-to spare bed for guests before we decide if we actually want to turn the lofts into guest areas.
It’s a long term plan, but eventually we want to be able to run at least part of the house on solar or wind. To start off the plan is to be connected to the grid, but also be using certain propane appliances. We’re currently making payments on our first appliance, a gas range oven, so we’re pretty excited about that.
But we’re still in the planning phases and have lots of work to do so we’re trying not to get our minds set to something too specific so that we can be open to change if it doesn’t pan out the way we thought it would. Currently Max is working on a computer program to design the trailer because we’re buying different parts from different people and we’ll be building it from those parts.
The only other thing that we know for sure is that we want to buy land soon, somewhere up north of Moncton, but fairly close. We don’t want to live more than 10-15 minutes out of the city because we know we’re probably going to be working in the city for a while and it’s not worth the time and gas for us to buy cheaper land further away.
Oh, and another thing that is guaranteed is that Max will have a (very) large garage on the property. We won’t be building anything permanent right away, but we do own a giant tarp garage, big enough to fit the Tiny House into, so we’re hoping to set that up as soon as we buy land. I think it’s fantastic because Max plans on building himself an insulated shed/man cave in there so that we can each have a space that is our own, and also somewhere to get some work done on his many many hobbies that would take up too much space in the tiny house. He’ll also be keeping his 1964 Chevy C10 in the garage, his pride and joy.
Eventually, after we save a bit more money and know that we want to stay on the same piece of land, we’re thinking of building an actual garage and having a live-in suite upstairs, which could be used for guests, potentially be rented out, or maybe to be used as an in-law suite later on. Only time will tell I suppose!
If you want to follow along their Tiny Home Adventure, be sure to follow Tiny Adventures on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and their blog HERE so you don’t miss a thing!
A special thanks to Carmen and Max for taking some time to chat with us!
To be continued,

In Life/ Meet Someone New

A Chat with Nicole of Oh Mother Care Kits

Today we’re chatting with Nicole of Oh Mother Care Kits. It’s fun to get to know someone you only know via social media.  And the neat thing I learned? She’s a Pictou County girl, too, and we even went to the same high school! { Years apart, mind you….I was long done by the time she graced the halls 😉 }

It’s a privilege to interview someone who runs a business you admire and get the chance to learn more about them and the ‘why’ of what they do.  I have done Creative Interviews in the past but it’s fun to talk about the business side of it.  I’ve not met Nicole, but I look forward to the day that I do.

But, let’s chat with Nicole so you can get to know the mother and business owner behind Oh Mother Care Kits, one of Nova Scotia’s leading curated gift boxes!

Tell us a little about your self, starting with where you grew up, where you live now? Take us on the journey between then and now? And who you share your home with?

I grew up in rural Nova Scotia on the Northumberland Shore. For the most part, it was pretty great. I participated in the local 4-H Club, worked on a farm and spent my summers at the ocean. Choose your own adventure is really the name of the game when you grow up rural. As a child, I loved my proximity to nature – the wildness, the space, the quiet.

Once I hit adolescence though, rural living had barely any charm left. I was preoccupied with friends, frenemies and academics. I hated that I lived miles away from anything “cool” or “worthwhile”. By the time I graduated high school, I had one foot out the door.

I didn’t venture far. Off to Halifax I went, where I spent 7 years in university completing two degrees in the social sciences. I loved my post-secondary education but admittedly, I was pretty disillusioned about what I thought would be waiting for me on the other end. What I discovered was a whole lot of nothing but low to mediocre paying, contract positions to which EVERYONE was applying. Quite simply, I was overeducated and underemployed. The plague of the Millennial generation huh?!

I did the only thing that makes sense when you have thousands of dollars of student loan debt to pay back, I got a contract job, and that lead to another and yet another. And to be fair, some of these positions, I enjoyed. Some of them straight up sucked though.  

Having a strong passion for social justice initiatives, especially those that involve young women, lead me to pour a lot of love into this type of work for many years too, both as a community researcher, a grassroots initiator and NGO worker. Yes, it was rewarding but it also burned me out.

Along the way, I met my now husband, Ian. I was pretty sure I wanted to have a family but it always felt so far in the future and stubbornly, I wanted the awesomely, amazing career before I became a mom.

I honestly don’t know what clicked with me but I didn’t have an awesomely, amazing career to speak of when I had my son in 2015 and I didn’t much care. I was in my thirties and I was ready to raise a little human with my wonderful partner. That took centre stage.

Dartmouth, Nova Scotia is where I call home. I live in a little two-story home with my husband, Ian, our son, Llewyn (2 yrs), our dog, Sophie and our wee grey cat, Boo. Also, jammed into our home is the Oh Mother Care Kits headquarters (aka our basement) where there are boxes upon boxes of product inventory.    

You’ve created this business focused on mothers – tell us about where the idea came from and why you decided to focus on mothers specifically?

Moms are notorious for putting their needs last, right?!

I’m not proud of it, but before I became a mom, I didn’t fully get it. Ok, real talk? I totally misjudged other moms, including my own, for their self-sacrificing behaviour – like, I would think – make time for yourself damnit! I know, I want to slap this past version of me too.

Obviously, I was aware that self-care is an issue for moms but I was completely naive as to the extent and intensity until I was in it myself. And boy, was I in it…wow! Motherhood is a pretty all-consuming thing huh!? And really, it’s not like you’re sitting around being disgruntled about it. Because being a mother is wonderful and you want to show up, be there and ensure that they’re happy and healthy. But guess what? There’s no shutting this off. You’re always mom. Rising to every occasion, putting out fires, taking names and kicking butt. Needless to say, it’s pretty easy to forget yourself in all of it. The mom identity is a strong one.

So this is where my want to serve mothers came from. I know self-care as a mom is friggin’ hard and I wanted to create a business that acknowledged this struggle and reminded the mommas who would receive these care packages that they are loved and oh-so-worthy of some blissful pampering.

How do you source the products for the kits and what requirements do you look for in the products?

I work exclusively with Canadian makers. Small batch. Natural ingredients. Attractive packaging. Practical usage for mom life.

I scour Etsy all the time.

I also get recommendations from my customers, who are spread right across Canada.

I curate my care kits seasonally so I look to this for inspiration. What we crave in terms of self-care and pampering varies depending on the weather. For instance in Fall/Winter we want warm, cozy, immune-boosting goodies. In Spring/Summer, we want fresh, fun items that support outdoor, on-the-go activities.

Are you a goal setter for yourself and your business? Where would you like to see yourself & your business in 5 years?

Goal-setting is crucial in business. You have to have some idea of what you’re after and where you want to go. Honestly, some of the goals I had in the beginning have been completely blown to smithereens. Healthy reality checks. Ha! So, you re-group and you set new goals.

I’ve learned to be open, almost experimental with goal setting, especially as a young business. I’m still trying to find my footing and see what’s possible.

I would like to still be doing this in 5 years so the hustle today is all about ensuring that I will be. Small businesses, especially ecommerce ones are challenging and trends are constantly changing.

What is your favourite part of running this business? Most dreaded task?

Bookkeeping/accounting sucks. It has to be done but it’s boring and tedious and I hate it. End of story.

Hands down, my most favourite part of running this business is hearing stories from customers about how much they loved receiving their care kit or how much their sister, friend, mother, daughter loved receiving her kit. These emails are the BEST. Without fail, they make me cry, every time.

Sometimes the stories are so painfully heartbreaking. One customer wrote me to say that she had purchased a year’s subscription of care kits to remind herself to take some recharge time. She anticipated that this would be needed as her and her husband, both recently retired and planning their many future travels and adventures together, just found out he had terminal cancer. Gah. Gut-wrenching.

Other moms will write and give me the whole play-by-play on receiving their kit and being so excited but deciding to leave it until post-bedtime. It’s ceremonial for them. And I love this. I love that moms swoon and savour their whole Oh Mother Care Kits experience.

But mostly, people write me to say “thank you”. These thank yous strike me so intensely and emotionally. I mean, I’m running a business but it feels like so much more and I’m grateful for that.

Thank you so much for sharing with us, Nicole!  You are doing an amazing job and offering a product that strikes a chord with mommas and friends of mommas!  Nicole was gracious enough to send a kit for me to review, as well as doing this interview with me.  I was amazed at the quality and quantity of product in the kit!  If you have a momma in your life, she deserves this!!  So many treats and treasures to help us take better care of ourselves, which we all know, as mothers, we suck at it!  I look forward to using the great products that are tucked inside! And eating that chocolate, because, well….chocolate!!

We wish you loads of success, Nicole!

To be continued,


All the photo credits from this post go to Dee Dee Morris Photography

{ Disclaimer: I was given a kit to review but my take on it just that. }



5 In Decorating/ Meet Someone New

House Tour – Random Stranger

So, this funny thing happened and I have a bonus house tour to show you! A house tour of a complete stranger!  Odd, right? But soooo fun!!!

Great Village Home TourLast month when Janice and I hit the 75k West Cholchester Yard Sale for the At Home! magazine, we stopped at this sweet yellow house, because, well, they were having a yard sale.  Last year Michael and I stopped and chatted with the homeowner for a bit and I bought a chair { that I still haven’t finished… } so I thought we’d stop to see what treasures we might find this year.  Well, we were quite surprised when Robert told us to go in the house and Rodger would show us around!

So, let’s go in and have a look!

Great Village Home Tour

Great Village Home TourGreat Village Home TourGreat Village Home TourGreat Village Home TourThose are the two living rooms, that flank the front hallway.  Both are rooms that would be wonderful to visit with friends, put your feet up and relax.  Wouldn’t you agree?  Look at that hardwood flooring!  And the old white picket fence!

Here’s a corner of the Dining Room, wishing I had snapped a picture of the one detail that really struck me, though.  They had an old window frame suspended from the ceiling, with some glass in, some glass out, with the chandelier hanging through the middle of it and then branches woven in and out. IT was so neat and added such detail to the ceiling!  I was too busy oohhing and ahhing over it, I forgot to take a picture and it would be perfect for a little reveal I’ll have for you later this week!

Great Village Home Tour

As much as I loved this house, this simple little chaise done in what looks like an old quilt, tucked in a quiet corner at the back of the house was probably my favorite. See? I could spend an afternoon with a good book there quite easily!

Great Village Home Tour

Now on to the upstairs!  This first picture is of the little area that sits above the the front entry, love the chippy cabinet! Oh, and those curtain panels!  Yeah, and that blue bird house!

Great Village Home Tour

And this spare room?  I could stay a night or two or ten tucked in under the eaves!

Great Village Home Tour

And the mural in the master bedroom? How amazing is that?  Perfectly matched with sunflower bedding!

Great Village Home Tour

Red claw foot tub? Yes please!

Great Village Home Tour

Isn’t this just the sweetest house?  Every last corner was perfectly laid out and very welcoming.  I can’t tell you how much I appreciated the welcome we received when all we wanted was to shop their yard sale.  I felt like I was being welcomed into the house of old friends.  And I guess, new friends eventually become old friends, right?

Here’s to blossoming friendships of the complete strangers along the yard sale route!!

To be continued,


In Decorating/ Meet Someone New

Jake’s Home – Guest Post

I’m very excited to have Jake Chisholm on board today doing a guest post about his home in Stellarton.  I like to refer to Jake as my ‘Number 1 Fan’ – he’s the first real fan Farm Fresh had that wasn’t someone I knew….or close to it, anyway!  Without further ado – here’s Jake!

Hi! I’m Jake. Some of you may know me and some may not, so I’ll give you a small background history.

I moved to Stellarton about 3 years ago, on my own, at the tender age of 18. Yes, I was a baby and didn’t know a soul in Pictou County. I hail from Hamilton, Ontario (something I don’t shout from the rooftops).


I spent my summers growing up in Antigonish, more specifically North Grant and Maryvale. My grandparents were born and raised in North Grant and St. Francis Harbour, Guysborough. My Mother and I would make the great trek down the Trans Canada Highway every summer.

I fell in love with the roar of the great Atlantic, and the stillness of the highlands. There was something so magical and stately about Nova Scotia; I was hooked. As soon as we left, I began living for when we’d be back.

I bought a house online, sight unseen a year after I graduated from high school. It’s a two storey built in about the 1890’s, quite large and has a rental unit. When I arrived the house had been sitting empty for about a year and the rental unit about three. The still air and dust made the house quiet and calm. Little did it know, I would be taking out all the windows, fix the plumbing, put in some new flooring and giving it a paint job.

His name was Garry. He was the contractor my Father found to do all the necessary renovations needed to make this house my home. Garry was tall, lanky and very kind. He had a moustache and grey hair, but sparkling blue eyes.  He brought his crew of 4 to assist him in the great overhaul. They came in trucks, smokes in hand and coveralls to boot.

They were very comical. Tim Hortons in hand and tin can lunches, and smoke breaks every half hour next to their beat up trucks. I’m happy to document them here, in the hopes that it’ll help me remember them longer. I wish I had filmed them then. They could have been the stars of my next great short film as they were extremely funny, good-natured and kind. Both classic construction workers and classic East Coasters

I had no friends when I arrived so these five men became family for the month while they were here. Sadly, Garry and his men had to leave to head to their next job. I was on my own again and the quest to decorate my home was on.


To describe my house I would say it’s Liberace meets 1800’s country folk farmhouse. I took my time finding all these pieces and I can officially say, three years later, I am almost done. Almost.

Most of the furniture came from antique stores and the side of the road. Some it came from family and friends and other pieces I had picked up in Ontario. I must say, Pictou County throws out a lot of treasures on the side of the road. So thanks PC!



One piece I picked up was this desk. It was rough and the drawer sticks sometimes. It was sturdy with the paint chipping off. I imagine it came from a schoolhouse, then maybe to a child’s bedroom, and now my living room. To think that just maybe, some great ideas or realizations happened at this very desk, brings me great comfort to think that it may rub off on me (fingers crossed).


Let’s explain my fireplace. This spot in my home has become quite iconic. People often get me to poise in-front of it to post on social media because well, it’s kinda funny. So yes, I have a charcoal drawing of the one and only, Shania Twain. People call it the shrine, because the sun beams off the mirror frame that my neighbour Sandi gave to me, but I don’t. It reminds me to live life fully everyday and to never let the small things get to you.

Shania once said, “I find that the very things that I get criticized for, which is usually being different and just doing my own thing and just being original, is the very thing that’s making me successful.” This was my high school yearbook quote and now one of my anthems of life. Just be yourself fully and do whatever your little drum says you should do and I’ve done just that.


My ‘Grammy’ passed away when I was only four. I have some vague memories of her. Orange creamsicles on the  back porch on a glistening summer day, with my Little Tikes car not far away. When I moved from Ontario to Nova Scotia, I was gifted her kitchen table. I sit at that table often – eating my favourite meal (steak & eggs), or working on the computer. I often think about my Mom as a little girl sitting at it with her Mom, eating supper that she made for her. I’ll always wonder where she’d be today if she were here. Maybe sitting with me at her table in my little kitchen in Stellarton.


What I hope you can take away the most is that a home is more than blog post or magazine spread. It’s a safety net, a testament of ones character and a place to grow. It changes you and changes with you. It bleeds love and beauty from it’s cracks and creases. Appreciate it and love it, and it will do the same to you.

With that, I sign off with one simple thing! In the great words of Ms. Twain herself, “it can only go up from here!”.


Thank you so much for welcoming us into your home, Jake! I love the line, ‘It changes you and changes with you.’ So very true – thanks for bringing that insight to our attention. Our homes are so closely connected to who we are.

To be continued,
