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5 In Make Something

The Surprise in Cuff-making

Before Christmas, I advertised that I was making cuffs.  And you guys were great to respond with purchasing them for yourselves and for loved ones in your life.  And I am very thankful.

Here’s the thing.  I was expecting to enjoy the process of making them each for you.  And I certainly did.  I love getting out into my studio and creating things.  And if I can make a little extra money doing it, even better.  But what I wasn’t expecting was how much I would enjoy the back stories of those words I stamped for you.

I’m going to share a few stories with you.  If they touched me, I know you will find something in them, as well.  Granted, I know I’m a sap, too.

I made one cuff, stamped with the word ‘Hope’ for my dear friend, Janice. That ‘Hope’ is for the life of a sweet little foster boy – that he settles into his forever home, finally reunited with his birth sister.  ‘Hope’ that the ache and hole he leaves behind heals, in the lives of those he lived with and those he was loved by.  I, too, love this boy.  He is lovable and boy, I’m going to miss his bright little smile.  And it is my ‘Hope’ for Janice and her family that they treasure the memories, take some time for themselves but that they open their hearts and home again someday, when they are ready.

Christine and I talked about what she would want on a cuff, and the conversation took a turn when she mentioned that she considered getting a tattoo of the word ‘Hooray’.  We decided a cuff was a good, temporary place to start.  But ‘Hooray’ had to be bright – no brown or black cuff would do for the fun of a word, right?  So when I found this purple leather – I knew it was right!!  I love ‘Hooray’!! Dave and Christine used big, bold letters of ‘Hooray’ at their wedding, too and it was perfect!!

This is such a great reminder that we all need by times, right?  This was one I mailed out to my friend, Terrie as a little Christmas surprise.  It was something we spoke about that we need to talk time to just ‘Be Still’, but man, is it hard to actually do.  A cuff seems like the perfect way to remember. 

I made another ‘Be Still’ cuff from one sister to another as she watched her sister fly through life, filling her days with work, raising kids and all the stuff life tosses our way.  It’s a gentle reminder out of love, to take time to rest, to worship, to just be.

The cuffs in this picture – ‘Delight’, ‘Finding Joy’ and ‘I Am The Good Shepherd’ – are fabulous reminders.  The story behind the ‘I Am The Good Shepherd’ cuff is that recipient of the cuff tends to be someone who is always taking care of others, she has the biggest heart.  So her sister wanted her to remember that she deserves to be taken care of and that the Good Shepherd is HER shepherd, too and He loves her.

The ‘Finding Joy’ cuff is mine.  Every year when I pick a Word of the Year, I make something to serve as a physical reminder of my word.  And back at the beginning of 2016, I decided on Finding Joy, so I made myself a cuff.  I did change the leather it was on, but I do still love ‘Finding Joy’ 😉

These two were a momma’s reminder to her daughters – daughters who have left the nest and are finding their way in the world.  A mother never stops loving or worry about her children.

When I made this one, I had no idea who would end up with it.  It was donated to our local recreation program to go in a basket that was being raffled off.  And I couldn’t be more thrilled that my friend ended up winning it.  Life has been really tough for her these last few years and I hope she finds a new way to ‘Bloom’ in the life she now finds herself.

Words to live by here, eh? The funny thing about this cuff isn’t what this one actually says but the conversation about what to put on a cuff, how many words would fit, can I do a scripture verse on a cuff….she jokingly asked for all of Psalm 23 and I told I could do it but it would have to be on a ladle, not a spoon!  Thankfully she decided on this two powerful words. 😉

My friend, Alena’s mom ordered this for her and she asked me for my input on what it should say.  And really, Alena unknowingly picked this herself.  I was scrolling through her FB posts to see if inspiration struck.  And it did, this was a hashtag Alena had used on a few of her Letterboard posts and it was perfect.  It is up to us to find that beauty, or create that beauty in our day-to-day lives.  But we have to be ready to see it, too.  Alena, I know that you will ‘Make Everyday Beautiful’, regardless of how long some days are or the curveballs life throws!  I was so happy to make this for you and I know you’re reading this!! xo

Sometimes a cuff is so much more than just a cuff.  Sometimes it’s a consistent reminder that you’ve got someone cheering you on as you deal with life’s huge struggles like cancer.  Sometimes it’s a positive note to remind you are strong enough, a note to say you are loved.  This was a special Christmas gift from a daughter to her mother as she fights.

Well, you know I had to make myself another cuff, right?  Honestly, it was a trial to see if this leather was too thick.  But I figured I might as well make it something meaningful and now I wear it almost daily.  I have a post started about what this saying means to me, I’ll be sharing it soon!

I am going to continue to offer cuffs throughout the year.  It’s a fun, creative thing for me to do and it seems to have resonated with you, too.  So, if you want to order one, message me on FB or Insta or email me – you know how to find me….  If there is something you need to remember, get a cuff.  If your friend/daughter/mother/friend needs to be reminded about something, get them a cuff.

To be continued,






In Make Something

Best Brownies Ever

When you come across a recipe that makes you swoon, you hang on to it and it becomes one of your go-to recipes.  This brownie recipe is just that in our household.  It’s one of my favourite desserts to serve to company. 

Part of the reason I love this recipe is just the shock value in telling them there is more sugar in them than flour.  I think…no, I KNOW that is why they are just soooo tasty.  Lots of sugar, eggs and cocoa seems to be just the right combination for a soft, crumbly brownie.


These brownies are best served in large squares, topped with ice cream.  And this time of year, it has to be Scotsburn’s Candy Cane Ice Cream { totally not sponsored but I am a die-hard Scotsburn ice cream girl – always was, always will be #farmersdaughter }  I love the combination of the pepperminty flavour paired with chocolate.  And on a warm brownie??  Even better!  And in a pinch, homemade caramel sauce will do. 😉


Fudge Brownies

1 1/3 cup flour

2 cups white sugar

3/4 cup cocoa

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

4 beaten eggs

2/3 cup oil

2 tsp vanilla

Combine dry ingredients and wet ingredients separately then add wet ingredients to the dry. Mix and pour into a 9″x13″ pan.  Bake at 350* for 20-25 minutes.

Serve warm with ice cream!!

I recently made this recipe for my friend, Janice, and her mom, who came to stay with us overnight.  We had it for dessert after supper, and then as a bedtime snack and we may or may not have had some for breakfast the next morning, too.  { We justified it because cake for birthday breakfast is totally acceptable and they weren’t going to be there the next day to have birthday breakfast with me so, see? Perfectly acceptable, right?? }

I hope you enjoy this recipe.  I’m not one to share too many recipes but a few of my favourites always manage to slip in there!!  Sometimes they are too good not to share!  So….remember…you have to share these!!! 😉

To be continued,


In Adventures/ Life/ Make Something

Gingerbread, Candy and Fun

Building gingerbread houses with the United Way has been apart of our annual Christmas celebration for a few years now.  I’m not sure how many more years we’ll get to take the girls but we managed to squeeze in at least one more year!  I suspect the ‘bigs’ won’t want to hang with us much longer…

I look forward to this event every holiday season.  Maybe it’s the sense of community there, maybe it’s the fun the girls have, maybe it’s hanging out with friends….and maybe it’s all the candy.  The United Way does so much within our community, it’s a fun way to be able to support them, too.

I need to go back through the pictures to see just how many years we’ve been going { we think it’s 5 now } to see how little they were when we started!  HERE is a blog post I did at some point – look how little those girls were!!

Wait, wait!!!  HERE they are even smaller!!! Oh my heart!!!!

This year it was held at the Museum of Industry in Stellarton.  It’s nice to see various venues being used for this event.  I just hope the carpet recovered from it 😉 We met Angela and her girls there and got down to business.  So much yummy candy to decorate with and snack on.  And the icing may have been tested out, too….

The girls have fun and sometimes it gets a little crazy.  But the decorative freedom is theirs and so away they go.  Lena clearly is her mother’s daughter, with shutters and window boxes on her house.  Hannah is her own person so she did what it takes to make a candy cane stand upright on the roof….

I think they always start out with good intentions.  They work away with a clear game plan in place…

And when things go off the rails, then you grab life by the roof and just bite into it!!!

Do you think Hannah had a litttle too much sugar?  No, me either….

I honestly can’t recall if Santa showed up other years or not, but he did this year and I loved watching Lena and Abbie interact with him.  They know where things stand, but still couldn’t resist the chance to get a picture with Santa.  The best was when Santa informed us he knew these two well and knew they were good kids.  More than just being Santa, he happens to drive a local school bus when he isn’t too busy overseeing the production line and elves up there at the North Pole.  How can you resist that glint of mischief in his eye?

If one of your local chairties puts on this type of event, I highly recommend you take your kids, or borrow someone else’s and go.  You are supporting your community, you get to enoy watching your children create and the highlight for me?  You don’t have to make the gingerbread nor clean up the mess afterwards!!

Us? We’ll be hanging onto this tradition for as long as we can!!

To be continued,



1 In Adventures/ Make Something

Fibre Share – Part 2

New friends & new yarn?  Sounds like fun, right?  I had my doubts about taking part in Fibre Share after  I had signed up but it was one great big win, in the end!

I talked a bit about taking part in Fibre Share HERE so I thought I would let you know what I sent and what I received.

When I first found out who my partner was, we chatted back and forth on Instagram and got to know each other.  Brittany lives in the states so I wanted to send her some goodies from the East Coast of Canada.  When I think about Canadian things, I knew I had to include some Maple products and something related to the ocean.  So, I swung into Earltown General store and bought up some fun things for her – LURE Caramels, East Coasters, and some Maple Candy….I figured that was a little safer to ship than syrup!  I also wanted to include something related to weaving that wasn’t actually fibre so I had Matt of The Spoonery Woodenware & Needful Things make a fork and needle for her….and since I was ordering one set, I got one for myself, too!  I also packed up some authentic Nova Scotia driftwood because driftwood makes a great rod for a weaving!

When it came time to buy wool and other fun fibres for B, I hit up a few of my favourite wool shops.  First stop was Lismore Sheep Farm just outside of River John.  There I bought some fun colours of wool in mini skeins because she loves colour, too!  My next stop was Water Street Studios for some yummy Cobweb Woolies fibre! I could’ve spent a small fortune on wool – some for her, some for me… know how it is!  I also sent her some for my own stash, too, it’s fun to share!

I wanted to tuck some other fun things in the package for her, too, so I made her a bracelet out of a belt and an old spoon, because that’s just what I do!  It’s a nod to Makers Gonna Make but it said ‘Weavers Gonna Weave’!  Fitting, right?

I sent her this sneak peek of it – in B&W so she wouldn’t be able to tell the colours!!  Aren’t I cruel??

I had saved a shoe box to pack everything in but it was too small!!  So, I searched for a bigger box and packed it to the gills and sent it off!  And finally it found its way to her!  It’s hard to wait and follow the tracking, knowing they’re waiting on the other end, too!  When it arrived, I got a message, well, three in a row, bing, bang, boom…’Sooo I just opened my package and I am floored’ followed by ‘I love it all!!!’ and finished up with “Thank you so much for putting so much thought and effort! I can’t wait to play!’

I’m thrilled she loved it all, but I’m especially thrilled to have made a new friend who loves to weave, too!

And then one day I came home from work and found a box on my doorstep!  It was like Christmas!!  The packaging, the thoughtful treasures tucked into that box from my new friend, Cindy.  And I have to say, I think she has changed the direction that my weavings are going to go….I’ll explain in a minute, but first, here’s a look at all the goodies!

Can you tell what my favourite colour might be??  I love all the turquoise!  She did such a fabulous job of collecting goodies for me.  And here’s what I especially love, she totally stalked me and tuned into my love of thrifting and my farm life, too.  And the hand written notes she included on each thoughtfully wrapped package along with a long letter was so special!  I love that she included some of her favourite weaving Instagram accounts, too, so I could follow along and get inspired, too!  Wooden sheep, a pink pig, vintage cloth measuring tape, a pom pom, a hoop so I can do a round weaving, so many ‘lisious fibres – it was like Christmas!!!

One of the bundles she sent was filled with goodies she bought at a local craft store that sells thrifted supplies.  This really struck a chord with me.  I love upcycling.  And I know our local Value Village has a craft supply section so why not upcycle some of that??  I think living a second life in a weaving is a good way to spend it, don’t you?  So, now I can’t wait to shop for some fibres to upcycle into a weaving.  And denim, too, because why not – and some t-shirt yarn from favourite old shirts that probably have paint splatters on them….so many options!

I did a weaving with just fibres from the treasure box.  I especially wanted to see what I could do with that silky stuff.  It was a mystery to us both what that may have been for.  And it was all tied off by colour gradient…I will say it wasn’t the easiest thing to work with, but it sure is pretty and makes for a pretty fringe!  It was fun working a bunch of different yarns, camel hair, red vintage bias tape and even some of the string she used to tie up my packages into one weaving as an ode to Fibre Share.  I still have a ton of goodies to work into future weavings, and I just warped a branch to do my next weaving on….so many ideas, so little time!  And this little beauty is being shipped off to its new happy home in the next couple days where it will be loved and appreciated.  It’s fun to be able to spread the love via random Instagram conversations, eh, Peady?? 😉

I certainly hope that down the road, if you have the chance to take part in a swap like Fibre Share, you put yourself out there and go for it.  I have no regrets!  Well, only that I probably won’t even get the chance to meet both my wonderful partners in person!

Happy weaving, folks!

To be continued,



In Adventures/ Make Something/ Meet Someone New

Fibre Share – Part 1

I love taking part in a good swap and connecting with fellow creatives.  So, when I heard about the Fibre Share, it peaked my interest.  I checked it out and decided I wanted in.  I signed up. And then the panic set in…

What had I done?   I’m not yarn guru.  I have no idea what the difference between Aran or Worsted or what different styles of looms or needles are called.  I’m clueless!!  But I was also committed. So – I buckled up and waited for my partners.

With the Fibre Share swap, you get two partners.  One partner who you are sending a package to and the other partner who is sending you a package.  The only requirement is that the package has 200g of fibre in it.  And you can also sign up for domestic or international – so you have some control over where you are shipping your package to.

Waiting to find out who your partners are is tough.  You have committed to the swapping, and then you wait.  Meanwhile, there is lots of conversation on the FB group so you are getting a feel for the group and some of the members.  Now, there are over 2400 { I think that’s what I read – I went back to double check and couldn’t find it!! }  people taking part in the swap this go-round from ALL OVER THE WORLD!!!!

Finally, I got my partners.  Both ladies are in the US, and on Instagram so they were easy to stalk.  And clearly, they are both creatives.  And thankfully they both do weavings in similar styles to what I do.  Phew!!  I was so relieved, I have to admit.  I had fears about getting someone who was a weaver on a big floor loom or some kind of knitting pro and they’d get stuck with little ole me!!  Beginner weaver me.  But I think I’m going to be ok.  😉

Because I sent my package off to Kentucky, I wanted to include some classic East Coast goodies.  Maple something-or-other, clearly the yarn will come from some of our sweet local yarn shops, and I ordered a few specially made goodies, too – but I can’t say too much yet, my package hasn’t arrived yet!

I snapped this picture to send to Brittany as a tease, in Black & White so she doesn’t know what colours they are, of course!!

Then I started wrapping.  It was like Christmas, I had lost the tape before I even had anything wrapped…but I did find it again.

Once I had everything wrapped, I tried to fit it in the box I had saved just for this reason…..and it’s way too small!!!

So, I had to find a bigger box, package it up and ship it off!  I sure hope Brittany likes it all!  I can’t wait to share ALL the treasures I tucked inside the package!  But that won’t be until I know she’s received it!  In the meantime, go check out her Etsy shop and Instagram, I know you’ll enjoy all her weavings!  And check out the Instagram account of the lady who is sending some goodies my way, too, you can find it HERE.

Have you done a swap before?  Did you deem it a success or a flop?  I’ve done a few different ones now, but I think this may be my favourite!

To be continued,
