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In Adventures/ Life

100 Happy Days

I’ve done it before and I have the urge to do it again!  I’m going to seek out the happiness deliberately and share it with you!  Care to join me?

A few years ago, my friend Vonda put the challenge out to join her in focusing on the Happy for 100 days.  Focusing on the Happy makes me stop, take notice of the little things in my life that make me smile and bring some joy to my heart.  And I think we could all use a little more Happy in our lives, am I right? Yeah, I thought so.

This whole idea of focusing on Happy is legit. There’s a website, which you can find HERE and a course AND a book!  And can I just say how fun is this website??  You had me at yellow because #allthecoloursplease

I scrolled back through my hashtag #100happydaysoflori and it’s so fun to take a walk down memory lane!  If you want to read my post from a few years ago, you can see it HERE. Here’s a few of my favourites:

Lena and Maryn spinning in Jeannie’s front yard!!  Dizzy much?

Lilacs ushering in Spring with their lovely nostalgic scent

Queen Hannah following Lena and the flock of chickens across the yard

Our bright, sunny kitchen in our last home

So, starting on May 1st, I’m having another go at posting things that bring me happiness over on my Instagram account, using the hashtag #100happydaysoflori  I will probably cross-post over on my Finding Joy FB page, too – you can join up by clicking HERE if you are more of a FB person than Instagram.  I’d love for you to follow along or even better, take the challenge with me!  If you decide to take the challenge, too, let me know so I can be sure to see your daily posts!

I know that there will be days that finding something to post about might be a struggle.  And that’s ok.  Life throws things our way that sucks the joy from our souls but surely we can find one thing, one happy thing, to focus on and let it guide us to a happier place.  Sometimes, when the girls are complaining about this or that, I make them tell me one good thing about it.  Switching our focus, looking for the good, the happy, the joy can truly impact our lives, our outlook on life and hopefully make us better people.

Here we go – 100 days of Happy – can I do it?

To be continued,


PS Know what makes me Happy right now? This new look to my blog – it’s fresh and bright and yep, you guessed it – Happy!!

2 In Life

Addicted to My ‘Stuff’

Hi, my name is Lori and I’m addicted to my stuff.  I keep stuff just in case I need it to re-decorate or just in case someone might need it. I have spaces that are over-flowing with ‘stuff’ and it’s really starting to weigh on me.

I’m not even sure where to start with this post – I’m feeling so overwhelmed!  And I’m so tired of feeling that way!  Maybe it started because I had to remove everything from my stash in the machine shed at the farm and in our shed, sort through it and store what was left in the loft and studio.  Maybe it’s because last August I did a minimalist challenge with a friend and purged a bunch of stuff and we’re doing it again.  Maybe it’s because I’ve been chatting with Janine of My Joyful Home, a blogger friend and certified KonMari consultant for an ‘thing’ we worked on together.  Maybe it is all these things but I feel it in my soul that it is time.  Time to purge, sort, give away and CLEAN IT OUT!

Do you ever feel that way?  Am I the only one who gets so overwhelmed with stuff everywhere?  Closets, garage, shelves, drawers, places it DOESN’T EVEN MAKE SENSE!!!  Why, why, why do I feel the need to hoard so much stuff.  And I feel still it even though we have gotten rid of some stuff already!  My friend, Alena, and I talked about the post that was going around Facebook about letting people look into every nook and cranny of your house – open closet and cupboard doors, shuffle piles – what would they find?  Would you be mortified at what they would find?  I think I would be.

Like I mentioned, I did a challenge in August and that got rid of little things around the house and I’m looking forward to doing it again.  And when Mom and Dad sold the farm { you can read that story HERE } I had to clear out the machine shed loft where I had a stash of stuff for 10 years!  Chairs, wood, lights, a marble fireplace, not one but 2 sinks, SO.MUCH.STUFF.  And all that stuff needed to find a home.  Some went to the trash, some was given away and some got shuffled into the loft above the garage.  A canoe, chairs, wood, sand dune fencing, rubbermaid bins all jumbled up with all the stuff that was already up there – year books, magazines, fabric, chairs, a table set, chaise lounge, coffee tables, lamps, shelves, hockey sticks and baseball bats from the last owners.  There is a narrow path through the loft.  I’m hanging onto this stuff in case I need it some day or someone else does.

And I feel justified to a certain degree.  The butcher block chunk that I drug around for years now finally found a home at Mom and Dad’s new home.  See??  It was the perfect piece, it cost us nothing, I was glad to give it to them for their new home.  I had a gorgeous vintage dining room set that I was given by a sweet friend that I’ve been hanging onto for a few years now.  I always planned on painting it and selling it but I never quite got around to it.  And now, I’m so excited to pass it on to the sweetest couple who are getting married next year and setting up their first home.  I’m going to go through my stash and see what else they might need.  They are my ‘just in case’.  They left with not only the set, but a chair, coffee table and a set of curtains, plus a small compressor that Michael had before he upgraded. { Can I get a fist bump for that?? }

I watched Mom and Dad sort and purge and toss and pack up stuff to donate and offer things to us kids { no thanks, we don’t need your old VCR }  and it made me realize just how much stuff we do collect over the years.  We’ve only been in this house for over 3 years and already I have closets overflowing with stuff.  And I have to say that I’m pretty good about passing on the girls outgrown clothes and toys and also about going through my own closet regularly.  I’m not a clothes horse, nor do I have a large stash of makeup and beauty stuff, nor do I have a shoe problem.  But I still have so much stuff.  I have scarves.  A lot of them….insert eye roll….

I’m a creative person, plus an interior decorator, so I like to have options.  Chairs, art, projects, craft supplies and bits of wood, knick knacks, lamps, frames, tables, pillow covers, curtains….see what I mean?  I like to be able to shop my stash for something and re-do a room without leaving the yard.  But – how do I purge and still be able to do that?  At this point, I’m just not sure.

So, what’s my point? What’s my game plan?  I have no idea.  But I feel like this is the starting point of something.  I want to live lighter.  I want to have more space, and less stuff.  That goes back to my Word of the Year { which you can read HERE }  and I just felt the need to write about it and get this much off my chest.  I’d love to hear anything you’ve been through along these lines – are you a hoarder?  Are you a minialist? Have you used the KonMari method?  Where do I start?

To be continued,



2 In Life

I’m Not a Hockey Mom

We aren’t a hockey family.  My kids aren’t into sports.  I don’t pack them up early in the morning to head to a cold rink.  I don’t carry a heavy hockey bag to the back of my car as part of my routine.  I’m not a hockey mom.

But that doesn’t mean that my heart doesn’t ache at the tragedy that happened, at the 16 lives lost.  It doesn’t mean I haven’t shed tears for the families, the parents, the siblings, the community of Humboldt who has had their entire world rocked.  It doesn’t mean that I don’t hug my girls a little tighter.

If I had hockey sticks, they’d be on my front porch.  I borrowed a jersey today so I could show some support and join the thousands upon thousands who wore a jersey today.  We’ll make a donation, I ate a sprinkle donut….really, I’ll probably eat more.  It’s a little thing but it feels like I’m doing something, ANYTHING to show they aren’t facing this alone.

What happened is tragic.  It shook this country to its core.  We are a hockey-loving nation and when one of our teams has to face such a horrific event, we surround them anyway we know how.  I think the fact that Go Fund Me Page has reached record highs speaks to the depth that this has been felt across the nation.  { If you want to donate, click HERE. }

I’m not a hockey mom.  I have friends who are.  And I know this is all too real for them.  They’ve loaded their kids on a bus, waved as they drove off and held their breath until they walked back through the kitchen door.  I see it in their eyes.  They think it could just as easily have been them.  The messages I’ve been hearing move me.  Hockey moms to hockey moms, hockey kids to their hockey moms…  Two of my blogging friends are hockey moms and wrote incredible posts about the Humboldt accident, you can read Colleen’s, of Curtains Are Open, HERE and Jennifer’s, of Simple Local Life, HERE….I highly recommend you go read them. Here in Nova Scotia, we may by miles removed from the scene of the accident but they are our neighbours, our people, too.

I’m not a hockey mom, but I am a mom.  I want my children to grow up and follow their dreams.  Every mom wishes, prays for that for their children.  And now, there is a group of moms who won’t get that chance.  My momma-heart aches for their momma-hearts and what they are missing out on and all they still have to suffer through.  I’m a mom who curls into herself at the thought of losing her child.  How do you even go on?  I can’t even imagine.

I love hearing the bravery that has come out of this tragedy.  How, even with a bleak diagnosis, Ryan Straschnitzki is setting his sights on making the Para Olympic team for sledge hockey.  How, having just turned 21, Logan Boulet signed his donor card and now the lives of six people have been changed forever.  { You know I’m a huge supporter of organ donation, you can read that story HERE } These are the stories that don’t lessen the pain, but they do offer encouragement, hope and give us some good to focus on.  And these young men are inspiring us, motivating us to come together, whether it’s to don our jerseys, donate blood or talk to our loved ones about signing their donor cards.  I just hate that it takes a tragedy like this to make it happen.

Our country isn’t perfect, but I love how when it truly is time to come together to support each other, we are all over it.  I’m not a Hockey Mom, I’m a proud Canadian, I’m a mom and I mourn with the rest of Canada.

To be continued,


4 In Adventures/ Life

The Dominican – Part 3 – Flora and Fauna

I’m still not over my trip, mmmmkay? But I ‘think’ this is my last blog post about it.  There was just too much to say all in one post!!  And this is will be a short one, I promise.  Basically I’m writing this post to share the story of the ‘black flamingos’ and how this country girl felt at home with them. 

You’re probably thinking there is no such thing as black flamingos.  And you’d be right.  Well, almost right…I did a little research and came across THIS… so you’re mostly right, but that’s neither here nor way over there…

Dominican, me, my husband, and chickens.  Our first morning waking up in the resort, I go out on our balcony to enjoy the morning and low and behold, there are chickens pecking around the grass below me!!!  I can’t tell you how happy it made me, to see something so ordinary in such an extraordinary place.  I’m sure they’re there for bug control but who cares!!  They provided great entertainment, especially when the staff had to chase them out of the sitting area of the pizzeria!

Before I’ll tell my story, I’ll say that I knew somewhere on the resort there were flamingos, of the pink variety.  We looked for them the first day and couldn’t find them, but that was because we didn’t realize the resort had a whole other section that we didn’t know existed!  Eventually we did find them and enjoyed watching them in their bizarre behavior.

So, imagine Michael and I walking along one of the lovely paths, watching chickens off on the grass, when he pipes up to say something along the lines of, ‘Oh, there’s some of those black flamingos’…. Now, if you know him, he might strike you as a serious fella, but let me tell you, he is always trying to get a rise out of me.  So, his comment was said loud enough so the lady in front of us heard us, and you could see the pause in her step, her sideways glance in our direction and of course, we lost it!!!  For the rest of the trip, we always referred to the chickens as black flamingos.

I wanted a souvenir to bring home to remind my of our trip.  I bought the prettiest red mug but also loved the carved wooden pieces, I had narrowed it down to a flamingo and of course, Michael picked the black flamingo….

I’ll also sneak a few flower and palm tree pictures in here, too, because I don’t want to bore you with a FOURTH post from our trip.  We spent a lot of time talking about palm trees and coconuts as we lay under them, trying not to burn our fair winter skin.  Am I the only one who thinks they look very prehistoric and that dinosaurs should be coming around the corner at any minute?  Anyway, flowers in February seemed like such a treat!!

This thorny plant reminded me of a plant mom had tucked in the corner of our living room as kids.  It was tall and had thick thorns on it but it had the prettiest blooms.  As soon as I saw this, my mind went back to my childhood and that plant in the corner.  Funny how things make you remember, eh?

And how could I not share the cuteness that was this sweet little three-legged kitten???  I caught him mid-yawn as he sat, washing in the middle of the path.  We saw a few cats around the resort, again, probably pest control but engaging, regardless.  There was a tall, lanky mister that seemed to enjoy hanging out in the theatre, he’d be on the stage, curled up in a seat or sitting by the doorway, expecting some affection from a passer-by.  Funny how little things like cats and chickens can make the world seem a little smaller and home not so far away!

Well, I think that finishes off all my posts about our trip to the Dominican…I think…. And if you missed the previous parts, you can find them HERE and HERE!

To be continued,



2 In Adventures/ Life

The Dominican – Part 1

Well, we are back and way more tanned after spending a week under the tropical sun in the Dominican Republic.   Winter here seems a little harsher and the cold seems a little colder now.  But it was well worth it.

This was the trip I won back in November when I attended the Blogjam conference, given away by the sponsor, Sunwing.  Never having gone south before, I didn’t know much about travelling in the winter to a tropical island.  I asked a lot of questions of friends, was given lots of advice, some of which I followed and some I didn’t.  And, lucky for me, my co-worker, Rachel, was at the exact same resort just a few weeks prior so she was a wealth of information!

Michael and I flew out on a lovely Spring Nova Scotia day, and landed in paradise.  Our resort, IFA Villas Bavaro, was so lovely.  We had a great room, with a balcony, on the the third floor.  Although I’ll admit I was a little worried about the loud music blaring next door at the Teatro (theatre) but it shut down at 11 each night and we were in the audience most every night anyway.  Besides, I sleep with earplugs in anyway 😉

We ate like kings the entire time.  The buffet on-site was packed full of such a variety of choices, it was hard not to fill your plate to overflowing at each meal.  One of our favourite things to do was get a cup of coffee after supper and send one of us up to the dessert table and pick a plate of treats to try.  We got to eat so many yummy things!  And I made sure to enjoy the fresh, tasty fruit at every meal – lots of papaya, mango and loads of fresh pineapple.  One night we went out to one of the A La Carte restaurants at the resort and enjoyed a fancy meal of Chinese food.  We got all dressed up for it, but trying to get a picture of the two of us together looking swanky was trickier than I thought…but not to shabby looking regardless of the awkward angle…lol!!  Because, hello, my $15 dollar Banana Republic dress I scored at Winners!!!

We went on one excursion while there, we took a trip out to the Saona Island, part of the National Park system in the Dominican.  It was a gorgeous island surrounded by the most beautiful turquoise waters which were filled with huge starfish.  We took a wild speed boat ride out the island, with a stop in a waist-deep lagoon.  Once on the island, they served us a tasty BBQ and buffet before letting us swim and lounge around on the beach for a few hours.  Then we were shuttled onto a catamaran for a leisurely sail back to the mainland.  Well, I say leisurely, but some of us danced our little souls out.


On our excursion, there were loads of people from around the world.  But at one point, I was following a guy with a Nova Scotia flag tattoo on his calf, so when we got the chance, we went over to them and introduced ourselves.  Sure enough, Rob was born on the East Coast and had moved to Ontario where he met his sweet wife, Jen.  We ended up hanging out with them for the rest of the excursion and really enjoyed getting to know them.  Of course, I failed to get a picture of them, except this one of Jen dancing with one of the tour guides on the boat!

The rest of our week was spent either poolside or on the beach, over looking the palm trees and turquoise seas.  In the evenings we went to the entertainment and then enjoyed leisurely mornings, drinking coffee on the balcony.  It was a very relaxing trip, I read 3 books, did some chalk pastel drawings and just enjoyed the company of Michael.  The wifi was sketchy at best, so phones stayed tucked away for the most part.  So we didn’t even have that distraction.

We found the service to be excellent, even if there was barrier in our ability to communicate – the staff being Spanish and us being English.  But we managed to muddle our way through it.  Going into it, I knew that English was going to be an issue, but it wasn’t too bad, we always were able to get what we needed, whether it was a cup of coffee, a tasty meal or even something as basic as toilet paper.

The thing that surprised me was how little English was spoken by the other guests!  Lots of Spanish amd French and very little English!  But it was neat, it almost gave us a lot more freedom because we were so anonymous and conversations were so much more private, even if there were people near by.

When I finished my first book, I turned it in at the little kiosk, not wanting to drag it back home, not thinking there were so few English guests that might be looking for a new book to read.  And after I did turn it in, I was kicking myself for not adding a little note in the margin somewhere to let the reader know the journey the book had been on already.  That problem was solved when a Canadian lady from Ontario stopped to chat our last day at the resort and we discovered she had my old book in her possession – so she knew exactly where it came from!

I loved the coffee there.  So rich, dark and strong.  I looked forward to every cup I had!  I bought some coffee to bring home, because that was one of the things I was going to miss a lot about the Dominican.  I was pleased as punch with myself, only to discover on Sunday afternoon that our local Sobeys store is wise enough to stock Dominican coffee.  I guess I won’t have to miss the coffee after all!

Everyone had warned us that once we went south and had a taste of it, we’d want to go again.  And they’re right.  I’d love to go again but this time I’d take the girls, it was too long apart from my girls for this momma’s heart!

I have more to share about the trip so look for another Dominican post over the next few days!  So much to share!!

To be continued,


PS Just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to the Blogjam crew for this opportunity and for the hard work they do lining up awesome sponsors for their event such as Sunwing!!!  So, Renee, Kerra and Krista – you ladies rock!!