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6 In Country Life/ Life

Memories from the Farm

Last week I asked on Instagram what you guys would be interested in reading about on the blog.  And you gave me some great ideas!!  So, today I’m taking the advice of the one and only Peady, and I’m going to share some of the fun memories of growing up on a farm.

When I was a kid, we lived on a fully operational dairy farm.  My parents bought it and moved here in 1974 from Ontario.  So, with dairy farming comes a lot of work.  And when we were little, there was only so much we could do so mom and dad would hire help.  Usually this was some young guy from within the church we attended.  And as little kids can do, we ended up making buddies with these guys.

The various hired hands let us tag along to the fields, ‘help’ them unload wagon loads of hay, drive over to the cattle market, etc….basically if we weren’t given our own task, then we’d find a way to entertain ourselves.  But, the best was the water fights.  With lots of buckets at our disposal, we would have some epic water fights.  At the end of a hot summer’s day, there was nothing like chasing each other around the yard with a bucket of cold well water to cool off.   It wouldn’t matter if you didn’t want to play, one splash of a bucket made you a part of it.  I recall one hired hand, John, who would threaten us with a steady stream from the hose on our rubber boots and just. one. word…..Dance.  And if we didn’t, he thought nothing of soaking us.  But don’t feel bad for us, we started just as many water fights as any one else.  Who needs a water gun on a farm? Certainly not us.

Summers on the farm meant lunches in the field where we’d make an entire loaf of bread into sandwiches, pile into the farm pick-up and head out to whatever field they were haying in to bring the guys a meal.  We’d lug a huge Thermos of Kool-aid along and another filled with cold water and then probably whatever sweets mom or one of us { my sister and I loved to bake! } had made and everyone would gather around for a break and a meal.  The jugs would be passed around, one to another, not a thought of everyone drinking from the same jug.  There was skill involved in pushing that little button and getting the stream of sweet liquid in your mouth and not down the front of your shirt.  I don’t recall a single conversation or specific event about those meals, just that there was a sense of unity in the task at hand.  If it was a good haying day, then that was what everyone focused on, in whatever way we could.  Maybe Steve ran wagons back and forth to the fields and someone else milked so Dad could keep baling or stacking hay in the mow.  I was the littlest so my tasks were different, I’d help mom make meals or unload wagons or help whoever was milking.  But I also recall biking for hours up and down the drive way, down into the yard and behind the barn – so maybe I helped, too?  Funny how over time the memories blend and fade.

Haying when I was a kid was nothing like it is now.  The hay was cut, tedded and raked up, then it would get baled into square bales and stacked on the hay wagon.  Then that wagon would be pulled up to the base of the elevator, unloaded and carried up the side of the barn on said elevator and then stacked in the hay mow into neat piles all the way to the rafters.  Dad would come down from the haymow, shirtless, covered in sweat and chaff with jeans on to protect his legs from the prickly hay. You’d be hard pressed to find a hotter spot on the farm than the hay mow in July or August. He’d find the jug of water and take a long drink.  If he had to go into the house, he needed to brush off and get all the hay out of his boots and off his wool socks on the doorstep.  Of course, he was always tanned up because back then our tractors didn’t have cabs and certainly not air conditioning.  Those guys worked so hard on the hottest days of the years in ensure that the cows would have an adequate supply of good quality hay for over the winter.

As we got older and were able to do more, our roles fell into a pattern.  Saturdays were spent doing jobs around the farm and weeknights we took turns milking with Dad, or doing the other barn chores or staying in the house to help Mom clean up supper.  My girls recently asked me what job I preferred.  I think my answer is different now than it was as a kid.  Clearly doing supper clean up with Mom was the easiest task so that was probably my answer as a kid.  But now, as an adult who looks back at that time in my life, I would milk with Dad a hundred times over { no offence, Mom! }  It was in that milking parlour I learned multiplication, I learned about animal husbandry, I learned to that not every minute spent with someone else needed to be filled with chatter.  I learned which cows needed special attention and which cows to steer clear of.  I learned to work through a belly full of supper, too, even though I told Dad repeatedly that my food was expanding and I thought I was dying.  😉  There is something to be said for the hard, regular work of milking, of producing food for this country’s people.  { Don’t get me started on the Canadian Dairy industry but all I’ll say is be sure to buy products that sport the logo so you can be sure you are supporting your Canadian Dairy farmers!! }

It wasn’t all work and no play.  We had loads of fun, too.  Baseball games on Sunday nights after milking, sledding down the hill behind the barn, building hay forts, playing in the woods, walking to Strawberry Hill, biking for hours, sewing clothes for our dolls, riding our pony, sleeping in the tent in the back yard, eating yellow plums right off the tree, yes, those were the days.

I wouldn’t trade my childhood on the farm for anything.  And even though I may not have enjoyed doing the farm work, I have come to appreciate the life lessons it taught me.  So much so that we want our girls to have a taste of that in their childhood, too.  That’s why they have animals, too.  Yes, it’s fun and yes, I love having them around but I want my kids to grow up to work hard and to be responsible for someone who depends solely on them.  Our girls make sure the animals needs are tended to before they get on the school bus each morning and again before they call it a day.  I think those are important life lessons, I learned that on the farm as a kid.

As time passes, different things stand out to me about the way I was raised.  At the time, we were surrounded by other farming families so these things seemed perfectly normal.  But, I see that what we had was special, unique even.  And I wouldn’t trade one day for any of it, it made me who I am today, and for that I am so very thankful.

To be continued,


4 In Life

Miracle – A Tale of a Special Gift

Every now and then, a special little friend enters your life and buries themselves deeply in your heart.  For Abbie, it was Gapsy and for me, it is Abbie.

Abbie really belongs to Lena, she’s one of Lena’s best friends and they have been since Primary.  But because I get to spend time with Abbie and her curious little self, she’s become someone whose company I quite enjoy.  { Abbie has appeared on the blog HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE } But this isn’t a story about that.  This is a story about a little bunny.

Abbie had a rabbit, her first bunny who she named Gapsy.  And oh how she loved her bunny.  She took great care of him, she played with him and made sure he had everything he needed.  They were best friends.

Then Gapsy got sick, he had an abscess.  And so off to the vet they went, who happens to be my sister and they fought hard to save that little guy.  They treated him and gave him all the special attention and medical care that he needed.  And for a while, Gapsy was doing so much better.

Around this time, they decided that they wanted to breed Gapsy to Amber.  But alas, no baby bunnies.  And Gapsy got sick again and this time, there wasn’t anything they could do.  It was time to say goodbye to Gapsy.  Abbie’s poor little heart was broken to have lost her best friend.  We all grieved with Abbie over her beloved bunny.

Abbie was so sad, she didn’t want to talk about Gapsy.  She carried that loss everyday.  And our hearts broke for her.  But life has a way of moving on, the other bunnies still needed to be cared for, fed everyday, cages had to be cleaned…

Then one day, Angela, Abbie’s mom, was checking on Amber and found one tiny baby nestled in fur, tucked deeply in a bed of shavings.  There’s a video of Abbie meeting this little legacy of Gapsy for the first time and if your heart broke once, it will mend and cry tears of pure joy.

Gapsy lives on.  In one tiny little ball of fluff.  But that’s all Abbie needed.  This little bit of Gapsy to remember him and hold onto him a little bit longer.

Meet Miracle.

I snapped this picture of Abbie holding Miracle one day after school.  Little did she realize, I had just spent some time capturing him on camera as a special birthday gift to her.  Here’s Amber and Miracle together…

Miracle was fun to photograph, but let me tell you, baby bunnies move fast!!

And this is Miracle and Ryder, one of the other bunnies that joined the family after they lost Gapsy.

And one last one because, well….is there anything cuter than a sleeping bunny?

Sometimes in life, miracles can come in all shapes and sizes and during any season.  Make sure your eyes are open to see them, to appreciate them and be ready to take what is offered and love them hard….

To be continued,


1 In Life

100 More Days

100 Days may seem like a long time.  But I’m amazed at how quickly over 3 months can speed by!  But it’s fun to have a focus and a goal, especially when it comes to sharing on social media.

The end of my latest stretch of #100HappyDaysofLori is in sight!  I loved sharing the things around me that make me happy and bring a smile to my face.  I certainly hope that you enjoyed following along, too.  And if you have no idea what I’m talking about, pop over HERE to find out what I’m referring to.

I did miss some days in there, but I think for the most part I did pretty well with posting daily.  I found the weekends hard – which strikes me as strange, that’s when we do the most fun things and maybe that’s why, I was too busy ‘living’ to actually post something!

So, now that I’m almost at the end of #100HappyDaysofLori, the question is – where do I go from here?  I COULD just carry on posting Happy Day posts or just go back to regular life and post at random.  But, I was very inspired recently by a podcast I heard and it made me wonder if I should do a series showcasing how gorgeous Nova Scotia is.  But then again, I wonder if my followers are here for that kind of content or are they here because of my design style and DIY’s….but then again, come on – how pretty is this place??

You guys know I love a good podcast.  Recently Live Life in Tents launched a podcast so I gave the first one a listen on my drive home.  AND IT WAS FABULOUS.  It was a conversation between Lee, the co-founder of Live Life in Tents, and Sawyer of Country Liberty and I found it so encouraging and inspiring and it made me want to do a better job of sharing this gorgeous part of Canada with my followers.  So much so, that I’m considering my next series to be based on showcasing the beauty I see around me – wild plants, landscapes, oceans, old farmsteads like the one shown above, the things I cross paths with that I think the world needs to see, too.

But then I’m torn!  I love my province but you know what else I love? My house and the treasures I fill it with.  And I know you guys do, too!  Obviously I love to share that type of thing over here on the blog and on Instagram, too.  And that is what I love to do – create settings in my home that are inviting and cozy and tell the stories of who we are.  And share pieces that I’ve thrifted and redone and brought into our home.  And another podcast I listened to today swayed me towards sharing our home….

So here lays the question – what do you want to see?  I started a poll on Instagram to see what my followers there have to say.  And I’ve had a few people make the same valid point – this is summer and we’re going to be moving into Fall within the next 100 Days….now is the time to explore and show off the beauty here and then I can cozy up in our home for the next 100….because, well, winter….

#100ProvincialScenes #100DaysofNovaScotia #100PicturesofHOME I’m still trying to decide!!!  On a hashtag to use, what direction to go….help a girl out, would ya??

Home or Nova Scotia?

To be continued,


PS Photos in this post are a few that I’ve shared during the past 100 Days that have been well-loved!

14 In Life

I Forgot I Was Pretty

I needed a new head shot, my last one went back to 2014.  So, I ran over to Christine’s on a sunny evening when I was having a good hair day. 

It started out pretty typical, the way most photoshoots would go. We wandered through the yard, stand here, turn this way, chin down…click, click, click.  Any time I spend with Christine is time well spent plus the weather was perfect.  Hannah tagged along and played with Nugget and Slipper while we tried to catch the last of the day’s light and swatted bugs away to no avail.

And then later that night she sent me a couple sneak peeks. My first reaction was, what a head tilt!! And then I started to cry.  Guys, I forgot I was pretty.  Seeing myself through the lens of a friend stopped my in my tracks.  Yes, the pretty light helped.  But, dang, guys, I forgot I was pretty.

I’ve been wrapped up in numbers on the scale.  I’ve been wrapped up in how my pants fit.  I’ve been wrapped up in the latest wrinkle.  I’ve been looking at myself through a critical filter.  And I failed to truly look in the mirror to see the face looking back at me.

I’m 42.  I have lived my life.  I have felt the sunshine on my face.  My body grew two healthy, beautiful babies and feed them for months afterwards.  This body has carried me through a few half marathons and many, many miles along the roads and trails in this county and beyond.  This body houses my creative talents and the gifts I am blessed with.  These hands have turned trash into treasures.  But I forgot I was pretty.

I forgot how my light hair makes my blue eyes pop.  I forgot how my smile makes my face shine.  Those wrinkles you see when I smile are because I have smiled and laughed so often that they are always there now.  I forgot that just a little colour on my lips and heels on my feet make me stand taller, stand a little more confidently.  I forgot I was pretty.

How did this happen?  Where along the way did I became so hard on myself? Why did I forgot I was pretty?  And more importantly, did my girls see that change?  Have I been openly critical? Did they hear me voice anything negative?  Being a kid is hard enough but if I am modeling a negative self-image, and they’ve picked up on that, then I have to fix that.  I don’t want them looking at themselves through critical eyes.  I want them to see how beautiful they are, how much they have to offer to the world through their abilities, through their personalities and their humour.  I want them to see the positive things in themselves and be able to help their friends see that in themselves, too.  I want them to go forth into this world and shine brightly.  But, that means it starts with me.

So, I will stand tall, I will smile big and I will be the role model they need me to be.  I will watch my words, my actions, my posture and be the mom they need me to be.

Plus, by times, I can even be kinda fun 😉


Ladies, look in the mirror, REALLY look at yourself and see the beauty you present to the world.  Don’t be like me, don’t forget YOU are pretty, too!

To be continued,


PS These are some of the quick edits that Christine of Harrier Hill  and Wonkyeye Photography sent me, more photos to come when the session gets properly edited!!  And a special Thank You to Christine for all you do! xo



5 In Life

My Stuff – Update 1

I have too much stuff.  I think I may have mentioned that once or twice?  I thought I would share an update as to how I’m doing with purging and getting rid of it.

A few weeks ago I shared how my worldly possessions have been weighing me down and how I want to deal with them and clear them out of our home, my studio and my life.   { You can read that post HERE. } And I thought I would try to do some regular updates, partly to keep me accountable on some level and partly because I know this isn’t a battle I face alone.  I know that there are lots of you out there who are dealing with similar issues.

Minimalist Challenge Take 2 – I did that challenge last year and we’re at the end of it again.  The basic idea is that on Day 1, you purge 1 item, on Day 2, 2 items and so on.  And I have to say that I certainly missed some days but I am also determined to make up those days, too.  I know which days I missed so I when I’m purging, I’ll track it and register the items.  By the end of the challenge, you should be down 465 items { if I did the math right 😉 }  If you are interested in taking on this challenge, you can read about it HERE.

My friend, Alena, started a Facebook group called Living Lighter { you can join HERE } and she’s currently running a similar challenge that I decided I would join because, yeah –  #toomuchstuff!! I’m trying not to cheat and overlap my posts and I’m really using this second challenge to get rid of even more stuff.


So, you might wonder what kind of stuff I am clearing out.  Welllllll, obvious ones are clothes that don’t fit or that I hate wearing, shoes that no longer fit the girls, old magazines that I’ve stashed from 2010 – seriously, if I haven’t read or needed them since then, I should probably let them go, right?  I’m also trying to clear out my stash of furniture, which honestly is a struggle for me.  Also purging old make-up, utensils that just take up space or are broken….like that stupid broken funnel that always jams the drawer, yep, I finally threw it out!

I’m recycling old catalogues from suppliers I no longer deal with from home  – why should they get real estate in my cozy back bedroom?  It’s crazy things like that that sit unseen for so long.  It takes really opening your eyes and looking around you to see, and I mean really see, what is in your home.

Here’s the other thing I’ve found out.  Sometimes, the things that needs purging are the items on your To-Do list.  I have a running list in my notebook.  It’s 4 pages long.  4 PAGES LONG!  That doesn’t include things like Go To Work Monday-Friday Full-time, Take the Girls to 4H or Riding Lessons, Laundry, Cook, Do Barn Chores.  It’s things like Paint the Interior Doors Black, Send so-and-so a Thank You Card, Contact this Company For the Blog, Sew the Bedroom Pillows, Drop Off Saddle for Repairs, etc.  Most things don’t have a deadline, but are still things I want to accomplish.  But, here’s the thing, this list has mental weight.  So, do I toss the list or do I focus on crossing stuff off it?  I know me, I need to cross stuff off.  I will add items I needed to do, after they’re done, JUST SO I CAN CROSS SOMETHING OFF!! Lol – but, ‘fess up – you do it, too, right?  There is such satisfaction in crossing something off the list.

I know I need to tackle my clothes closet, too.  I have stuff that I love that doesn’t fit, stuff that fits that I don’t love and that is not helpful.  I have my favourites that I wear time and time again, too, some which are getting a little worse for wear.  I want to explore a capsule wardrobe, so stay tuned for more on that.  Plus, there is stuff in there that doesn’t belong in there – like the girls old schoolwork – why???

So, that’s where I’m at.  How about you?  What is your relationship like with your stuff? Do you think you have too much stuff?  Does your family think you have too much stuff? 😉

To be continued,
