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In Life

Celebrating 20 Years

I know I’ve bragged about how wonderful my friend Janice is already here many times.  I’m not done.  Surprised? When you find a true friend, hang onto them tight.  They will be in your corner 100%.

We met way back on our first day of school in Lower Sackville for Interiors.  That school year kicked off in 1999!!  How crazy is that?  Forever ago and yet it went by in a blink.  2020 marks 20 years since we graduated.

When I wrote THIS post to celebrate Janice’s birthday AND being friends for half her life, I had mentioned/thought about how fun it would be to do a photoshoot with the talented Christine.  Well, a few weeks back, Janice was here to celebrate my birthday and Christine told us to pop by for a quick shoot at Harrier Hill.  You didn’t have to ask me twice.

Here are the results…clearly we had no fun at all…

I will forever be grateful for Janice’s role in my life.  Her willingness to drop everything and come hang out, her fierce protection of me, her loyalty, her faith, her love of her family and community, and her sweet nature…which is mixed with a very healthy dose of sarcasm.  Oh, and her crazy ability to find amazing wardrobe pieces at Value Village!

Plus – she’s a beauty, eh?

I hope that you all have someone like Janice in your life….but you can’t have her, she’s mine….



Special shoutout to Christine for jumping on board with this ‘Friends’ photoshoot!  We’re sorry we laughed and talked our way through it…. 😉

2 In Life

Book Club Tea Party

I used to hear about book clubs and scoff.  Why would I want to sit around and talk about books that I’ve read??  I hated English class for that exact reason.  And I know there are some book clubs out there that are just a cover for the chance to get out of the house and drink wine with your friends.

But let me say, I love my book club and I am so thankful for the group of ladies who I have the pleasure of calling my friends.  And when I gleefully use the hashtag #mybookclubisbetterthanyourbookclub I am not kidding.  My favourite examples include an Outlander themed meal and a network for buying bulk food and supplies during the intense part of the pandemic when we were told to ‘Stay the blazes home’ by our Premier including cheese, coffee and chocolate.  But most recently, it was a tea party.

One of our members is Keltie, the prettier half of Small Holdings Farm in Millsville. { No offence Michael, we love you, too!! } I know you’ve seen my Friday Flower posts, well, they are the ones responsible for keeping me in flowers again this year.  They do sell primarily vegetables but I am honestly in it for the flowers, not gonna lie.  Anyway, during this year, they ran their Friday CSA pick-up out of the old barn on their property, and it was just calling out to host some kind of a shindig. My other friend, Nicole of Oh Mother!, was the one who instigated an event in the barn and I was 100% on board.

So, a CSA season wrap Tea Party was set into motion.  The post was put out in our FB group, lovingly called Meadowville and Poplar Fiction { a clever play on the area Meadowville and Poplar Hill and the genre Popular Fiction } and a plan was hatched.  Tasty treats, hot tea all consumed in the setting of a historic barn.  I was unconcerned by the food, tea and music, I wanted to know the plan for the decor.  I am who I am.

So, the last Friday of the CSA, Nicole and I planned to met in the barn to scope things out and come up with our plan.  Our animated conversation caught the ear of a fellow shopper and we shared a few laughs over what we were actually planning { a tea party } versus what we were not planning { our wedding }.

Here is what we started with:

We hauled in tables, chairs, decorations, candles, tea cups, trays of food, feet upon feet of bunting, and table clothes.  In no time at all, we had the barn feeling much less like a barn and way more like the perfect spot to host a tea party.

And then our friends arrived and it went from a pretty barn to a gathering.

My soul, I’ve so enjoyed getting to know Nicole over the last year she’s been living in the area. She definitely is a great addition to our book club!

Keltie is the baby whisperer, she snuggled the wee twins who joined us that day. I had the privilege of snuggling this wee muffin, too, it’s been so long since my girls were this tiny!

Heather is showing off just one of the pretty teacups from the day. She just happens to match it perfectly!

Ladies, pick your book club people wisely. Be sure to include a wide range of talents, life styles and values. You will glean so much from them. Open your home and your heart to them, they will fill both with love and laughter.

My book club really is amazing.




In Life/ Meet Someone New

A Cat Tale – Monty

Is there a conventional way to acquire cats?  The cats we’ve had seem to come into our lives in unusual ways.  And Monty’s story isn’t any different.  Here’s his tale of how he became our kitty.

I had seen a momma cat with some kittens at the end of the road a few times late last summer.  We were talking about getting a kitten and so I asked the lady whose house I spotted them by if that family of cats belonged to her.  She feeds the stray cats in the area but lays no claim to them so she said if I could catch any, they are free for the taking.

Well, on one of the hardest days of my life, here the kittens appear in the ditch, clamoring over big rocks left from a recent paving job.  I hopped out of the car and into the ditch and managed to grab one little kitten and almost a second one but he/she slipped away too fast.

Once back in the car, I handed Hannah the little kitten.  He is scared and alone and away from his kitty family for the first time ever.  But he snuggles in and settles down pretty quickly, thankfully. { Have you ever driven around with a cat flipping out in the car?? }

Hannah decided to name him Monty.  We have a list of names for lambs, pets, or whatever unnamed animal comes into our life, so she picked one from the list.  Of course he gets nick names.  Mont-mont, Monters, Mont-man, we sing him the Batman song, replacing Batman with Mont-man.  Na na na na na na na na na na na Mont-man!!

He was probably 6-7 weeks when we rescued him from that ditch.  He’s was a fiesty little guy so we kept him in a dog crate so he wouldn’t get lost in the house and so he could get used to using the litter box.  He was so little he could barely make it up the stairs!! But he quickly found his way into our hearts.

One of his favourite things to do is attack your legs as you innocently walk by.  For no good reason he would pounce and dig his little kitty claws into your flesh.  He has now pretty much grown out of that, although he can still put up a good fight if he thinks you deserve it…

He is a big snuggler.  He loves to sit on your chest, with his face rubbing against your face, his front paws on your shoulders.  His purr is loud and you know he loves you.  He also doesn’t mind being carried like a baby and if he’s feeling mellow and not feisty, he’ll rest a soft paw gently on your face.  And like a dog { we think he thinks he is a dog by times } he greets you very happily at the door when you get home from anywhere!!

We have discovered he loves the outdoors but given how close we are to the road here, we keep him inside.  However, on our recent trip to the valley, we bought him a cat harness { we had ordered one online but he was way too big for it!! } and now he loves going for walks and cries to go outside for a good part of the day.  If he isn’t crying to go outside, he’s waiting by the door for someone to accidentally let him out or he’s hanging out in the front window making noises at the birds in the yard, with his tail whipping aggressively!

Monty sleeps in his crate at night, I’ve tried to sleep with him a few times but he doesn’t like to let you get any sleep, he prefers to play, pounce, purr and just be a general pain.  I wish he’s just curl up and settle in and maybe when he gets a little older he will? Who knows!!

I’m always amazed at the personality of cats.  He definitely has his own!  He likes naps on the kitchen table and now laying on his harness.  He loves water and can be found in the tub or kitchen sink, leaving little wet foot prints across the floor when he’s done.  He has a favourite toy named Lambie which he carried around even though it was as big as him when he first got it.  It’s the cutest thing to watch him wrestle Lambie!!

We decided to start an Instagram account for him and it’s been fun to update that every now and again.  He’s such a handsome boy in his tuxedo!  You can follow along HERE. He’s handle comes from a nickname that the babysitter’s husband called all the kids that graced their doorway – Bad Cats….although I’d have to say that Monty really is a bad cat….

We are very thankful for our ditch kitten and even though there are times we threaten to take him back to said ditch, our lives would be very empty without him!



In Adventures/ Life

Not Missing Summer

Last summer felt like a bust to me.  Between life stuff going on and waiting for our new building at Costandi Designs to be ready, I feel like I missed out.  I think I can count on two fingers how many times I took the girls to the beach, we didn’t go on vacation – it truly was a bust.

So, this summer I’m determined not to miss it.

If it means spending days off touring the province and rolling in after bedtime, so be it.

If it means trips to the beach after supper is eaten, so be it.

If it means hitting the trails on the mountain in the drizzle or at 5:45am, so be it.

If it means the house being a little less tidy, so be it.

If it means ice cream for supper then so be it.

I refuse to miss summer this year. 2020 has been the most bizarre year to date so I’m not going to miss out on summer, too.  Our Nova Scotia summers are short, so I’m determined to make it sweet.


I think I could start a series of ‘Lena Jumping Pictures’….

This next picture might just be my all time fav for this summer…..or it’ll be their album cover….I’m very thankful for the friendship these four have forged.

My sweet babe – with blonde tendrils and sun-kissed cheeks!

And our faithful little side-kick!

These two ran and screamed as if there were giant waves sweeping them away….thankfully we pretty much had the beach to ourselves!!

No crabs were harmed in the taking of this picture….he was already dead! Gross, Noah!

Tell me – how are you making the most out of your summer?



2 In Life

Half Her Life

I have this friend, you may recall me talking about her here once or twice.  Janice? Yeah, her.  Well.  This year marks two major milestones in her life.  One is a significant birthday – yes, she turns 40 this year!!  And the other is that we’ve been friends for 20 years now.  So, according to my math, that means she’s been putting up with me for half her life.

In honour of these milestones, I thought I’d share 20 memories and pictures for my wonderful friend.

1. Very first day of decorating school.  I knew not a soul.  We did class introductions and we both had moved to Lower Sackville for school.  So I decide to get to know her first, figuring she might be as lost and lonely as me.  That first day of school, I invited her to join me for an adventure after class.  We eat pancakes at the Big Stop and explore Laurie Park and that, dear readers, is where this friendship started.

2. I sat behind Janice in class.  She has the longest, most beautiful dark curly hair.  Which required frequent style adjustments during the long school days.  My static pant legs would be covered in her long hair off the floor behind her chair as I stretched my legs out under my desk.  I had short blond hair….there was no mistaking who they belonged to!

3. Middle names came up one day in class.  Our lovely teacher was letting us guess her middle name.  Sweet Janice pipes up and says something along the line of it can’t be as awful as Gertrude.  Guess what Mrs. Kent’s middle name was? Yep, Gertrude.  Janice was mortified.  And I have still to let her live that one down.

4. Janice and I traveled to and from Lower Sackville on the weekends to go home and get a break from school.  I had a cat named Drew that she hated. { How do cats know who hate them and go to them regardless? }  Drew came back and forth with me sometimes and I recall one eventful trip home when my trusty Ranger left us all stranded on the side of the highway…..not one of our best trips home….she still hates all our cats….and bonds with Lena over ways to torture or kill them, all in fun…I hope!!!

5. I love the backroads.  No secret.  So, after delivering Janice’s furniture back to Cape Breton at the end of the school year, I took the scenic route home from CB….lots of gravel roads, probably not enough gas to feel comfortable, lots of memories and of course, no map!!!  I’m sure it took longer than if we actually took the highway but what’s the fun in that?  But, I’m willing to bet she’d still hop in the car and travel some back roads with me!!

6. Graduation Day at The Cohn.  Look how young we were!!

7. After knowing Janice for only a year, I was honoured to be asked to stand with her as she married her best friend, Trevor. Such a fun, beautiful, meaningful day celebrating the love they share.

8.  At some point, Janice and Trevor lived on PEI.  Michael and I loved to go over for the weekend to visit with them.  One trip, we stopped by and Janice made us lunch.  Still to this day, those sandwiches she made us are the best sandwiches we’ve ever eaten.  Not sure what made them so tasty, must’ve been that they were made with love!!

9. Janice stood with me, pregnant with Wyatt, when I married the handsome Mr. Byrne.  My favourite memory from that day was waking up crazy early and sneaking out of the house with Janice to go get cinnamon rolls at Tim Horton’s.  Then we went to Sobey’s and bought pumpkins and sunflowers to decorate the front step of the church.  Sitting on the front steps of that sweet church with her will be forever etched in my memory of that day.

10. Janice and I have different decorating styles.  But I love the homes she creates for her family.  You can see pictures HERE, HERE and HERE.

11. Going to Cape Breton is always a favourite way for me to get away.  It’s the perfect change of scenery.  And Janice has such a gift of making each visit special and makes you feel as though you matter the most.  She spoils me rotten in other words.  You can read about a few trips HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.  { I see there are some sideways pictures….not sure why…I’ll edit those later…. } Sometimes she comes to me….which you can read about HERE.  She always does such a good job of taking care of me, I hope she feels the same when she comes to visit me!!  She’s my favourite person to host!

12. Janice’s friends in Cape Breton have become some of my friends, too.  I love how welcoming they are.  And they are game for a roadtrip to support me in some of my endeavors, too.  This picture is from my Homegrown Vintage Market when a carload of them drove down to spend a few hours shopping the market.  I’m so thankful to know that Janice is surrounded by amazing friends.

13. Sugar Moon is our top pick for a place to eat….you have to take a picture in front of the fireplace every time!!!  The best memory of Sugar Moon was when we each had a baby in a car seat, the snow was softly falling outside the window, the coffee was hot….ahhhh, it was perfectly peaceful and relaxing.

14. Janice and I both love to hunt for great treasures.  We have walked the aisles of antique stores, thrift stores, the lawns of strangers at yard sales and even an estate sale that will forever be etched in our memories due to the colourfully carpeted bathrooms….  We even had one of our road trips featured in the magazine I write for!  You can read it HERE.

15. Friends – no matter the season!!!

16. I love how Janice loves the girls.  She always welcomes them with open arms, makes sure they feel loved and spoiled, too.  She teases them, wrestles them and will swing in the trees with them.  Janice has a houseful of boys so she loves to do girlie things with my girls, like painting their nails or braiding their hair.

17. Back in our school days, sometimes we would skip school to go on adventures.  I recall hiking Cape Split with Janice and a few other fellow students and then there was the time we went to the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia in the middle of a snow storm, typical adventures, right?

18. One of the things I love the most about Janice is how she is there for me to celebrate the highs,  grieve the losses and talk about everything in between.  No matter the time of day, I know she’ll be there for me.  I feel loved and heard with her.  We have cried tears of sadness, laughed until tears ran down our checks, hugged long, prayed hard and loved each other unconditionally for 20 years now.  She’s got my back not matter what.  And I don’t see that ending anytime soon.  I know we will be little old ladies getting into mischief with our canes and walkers.


20.  Janice is the best at sending mail.  I love going to the mail box and finding a beautiful card { quite often made by Simone } with a handwritten, thoughtful note in it.  The note will always make me smile and usually make me cry.  I have a saved them, they feel too important and special to toss.  When I’m dead and gone, my girls will find a box of notes from Janice and know just how well she loved me.

This marks 20 years of friendship.  And 40 years of the world being blessed by Janice.  She loves fiercely and protectively.  She fights for the underdog.  Her home has welcomed numerous foster children regardless of the fact she has 4 of her own boys and they have each been prayed over, loved and snuggled as if they were her own.  And grieved for when they leave for their new life.  She loves her momma, admires her father, prays for her family.  She is a Proverbs 31 woman and holds her faith in utmost importance.  I am so thankful for the 20 years she’s played such an important role in my life and I look forward to at least 20 more.

Happiest of Birthday, my dear friend.  I love you more than the words of this blog post could ever say.  Your are a treasure.

