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In Adventures/ Clear Day Farm/ Country Life/ Life/ Our Family

Clean Slate Snowshoe

Tonight, enough was enough.  The sun was setting, the shadows were lengthening and the clean field was calling.  We strapped on our snowshoes and headed for the barren wasteland known as ‘The Mailbox Field’.

The wasteland that stretched out in front of us has been begging to be explored.  No human footsteps could be seen as far as the eye could see…until the snowplow ridge…but whatever.  The girls had been eyeing this expanse for a few days.  They wanted to explore the other day, but they needed a guide to ensure their safety on the exploration mission.snowshoesnowshoesnowshoesnowshoesnowshoesnowshoe

Exploration completed.  There were coyotes heard, so they replied with their own howls.  The clean snowscape was marred and games were played.   Toes and noses got cold so the mission was drawn to a close.  And the debriefing took place over mugs of hot chocolate, as any good winter mission is ended with.

To be continued,


In Adventures/ Life

Bittersweet – PTES

Yesterday we WALKed.  If you’ve been around the blog, or lived near me, you know all about the WALK.  Coldest Night of the Year.  What a day!!  The day we hit the streets to support those who are homeless, hurting and hungry and raise money for The LifeShelter.


But let me back up to Friday night, the day before the WALK when we hit 100% of our goal.  What a moment!!!  As an organizer, it is so sweet to know you’ve meet the goal and that everything else is gravy, so to speak.  That totally took the stress off me.  That and I knew I had an incredible team of people to work with on it.


When we started planning for this year, we set our sights on $30,000 with 25 Teams hitting the streets with 125 walkers.  What actually happened was that we raised (unofficially) over $43,000 with 35 Teams with close 300 walkers.  Whoa.  Completely blew it out of the water!  We had such support from the people around the county!  Volunteers, walkers, people who donated, companies who sponsored the event…..the list is long!!

I’ve enjoyed the role of Event Director so much!  I got to meet so many amazing people along the way. People who give so much.  People who expect nothing in return.  People who go the extra mile to see what more they can do for the shelter and the people who use it.  I love being a part of something so amazing, of being behind the scenes and planning.


I worked with Keith Hazzard, the Executive Director of The LifeShelter, on Coldest Night.  Our weekly meetings were usually filled with getting off topic, laughter and obviously some planning.  But always coffee.  Seeing how passionate he is about helping others and filling the needs without our county has been a huge blessing to me.

The Team Captains in place for the event were fantastic.  When people say the quote about ‘many hands’, they aren’t kidding.  Knowing we had experienced people in place to head up things like Registration, Food and the Route…..what a relief.   And then the volunteers who helped out these Captains were amazing as well!  I feel like we ran like a well-oiled machine….but that might just be me!  A special shout out to Christine of Wonkyeye Photography (and Dave!) for capturing all the moments!  I know that I’ll look back over these for years to come and remember the awesomeness of CNOY2015!


It was awesome to have my girls there.  They have seen how hard I worked for this and were there to walk beside me.  They have big hearts and did a great job with their fundraising efforts.  I think one of them could easily take over next year and rock it!! Plus, they’re cute.  That always helps!


There were so many little things that meant so much to me.  The bracelet that one of the Team Captains presented me, his team figured they’d raise about $300, they raised over $1300 selling grilled cheese sandwiches and bracelets at their high school.  The hugs from so many people, the comments from volunteers who already offered to help next year, the yummy seafood chowder, and the conversations that took place during the night.  The photo booth was a riot, too – so glad to see so many other people thought so, too!  I was surrounded by so many of my friends, new and old and my family.  How could it not be wonderful?

All in all, it was awesome!  Today is strange, though.  I’m a little lost and a lot tired.  I’m so thrilled with how it went, but I’m sad its over.  Bittersweet.  I’m suffering from PTES – Post Traumatic Event Syndrome…..

When do we start planning for 2016?

To be continued,


All the photos in this post are from Christine, you can view more HERE


In Adventures/ Clear Day Farm/ Country Life/ Life/ Our Family

Storm Day Take 2

Well, here we go again.  Storm Day Take 2.  Blogs, coffee, snuggles.  Bad roads.  Postponing the Shelter Tour we had planned?!?!  I guess so… 🙁   School’s been cancelled again so I’ll be playing referee again, too.  There has been wrestling matches on the couch.  Coffee has been consumed.  I think everyone has actually eaten breakfast, too.  Hannah got dressed today…..unlike yesterday…..  Pyjama days are okay once in a while but not two days in a row. I didn’t cook or make anything exciting….I used up all my ‘snow day enthusiasm’ for that yesterday.


The girls went out to play in the snow and since they like to have me close by, I headed to the Studio.  They needed to burn off some energy, it came to them having wrestling matches on the couch….which ended badly, of course.  I did have to play referee…when Lena fell on Hannah’s snow fort and crushed it.  Hannah was broken hearted.  So she went to her ‘garage’ snow fort and that was the end of it.  They coasted in the back yard.  I love hearing their laughter and chatter as they sled outside my window.

I had a few things to work on while in the studio….of which I did none.  I played with paint instead.  And had so much fun!!  I’ll share my projects in the next day or two.  (Usually stuff appears on Instagram, if you’d like to follow along!!)  My nails are dirty from the antique wax and I have dried paint on my hands, which makes my heart happy.  I completed a few projects and carried on with others.  Lena and I are working on a project together for her bedroom, so it’s fun to work together on that.


We also finally have enough snow for a snowshoe!!  We’ve been working on getting our trails in shape for snowshoe season and they really are prime!  Mom and Dad came over and we headed out back for a trek.  Loads of little bunny tracks in the snow, plus some deer, as well.  The girls are really getting into being in the woods.  Michael is so good for teaching them neat things while they are out wandering around and Lena has taken every bit of it in.

I’m amazed in the difference a year makes in Lena’a ability to snowshoe.  She can run past people through the deeper snow and take little scenic routes….all without complaining!!  Hannah got about half way and started on about tired legs…so we have a few years left to go for her….


I know life will return to normal tomorrow.  The kids will go their separate ways for the day and my work is piling up.  But its days like this that are such treasures. Days where there’s no rush to leave, where the schedule is flexible and everyone is kicking around.  So, far now, I’ll take every snow day and max that sucker out!

To be continued,


1 In Life

Farewell Fleur

“When you are sorrowful look again in your heart,

and you shall see that in truth you are weeping

for that which has been your delight.”

–Kahlil Gibran

Our county and the music industry are very saddened today by the news of the passing of Fleur Mainville, our beautiful flower.  Fleur was a vibrant, talented lady whose music livened up the hearts and homes of everyone who heard her.  She was a wonderful support of so many events and activities around our county.  If your friends have a daisy as their profile picture, they are sharing in the burden of this loss.


I didn’t know Fleur personally.  I’ve not met her, nor taken lessons from her but her beautiful music has filled our home.  My friends knew and loved her.  And my heart aches for their loss.  I know there will be a void that no other could possibly fill.  The pride of our people runs deep and wide here and there was no other like Fleur.  This is a loss that will be felt, stretching on for years to come.

My heart aches for her new family.  They didn’t have enough time together.  I can’t even imagine the hurt they are feeling, how the days and years loom ahead of them.  They will need our support, prayers and care for a long time to come.


It almost seems to me that the world is slow to wake up today.  The sky is colourless, the light dim.  As if even the earth doesn’t want to greet this day and the heartbreak and sadness it will bring.  Hold the ones you love near.  Be sure to say, “I love you”, there is never enough time.

To be continued,



In Life

Laundry Laundry Everywhere

I do not enjoy doing laundry.  I love having clean, neatly folded clothes.  I do not enjoy the process of going from wearing clean, fresh clothes to wearing clean, fresh clothes.   I do not enjoy gathering up dirty clothes, sorting them, turning all those little sleeves and pant legs the right way or flipping socks outside in.

I remember back before I had children and it was just the handsome Mr.Byrne and I.  Laundry wasn’t a big deal.  A couple loads a week.  Fold, put away – no biggie.  I even remember saying to my sister that laundry in a basket near drove me foolish and I couldn’t handle it.  She laughed.  She knew.  She had two little boys at home….she knew what I had coming.



Fast forward to now.  We are lucky if the laundry makes it into the right room now, let alone folded in a drawer.  Switching loads means finding an empty chair to house the load you just pulled out of the dryer.  No, wait, the HALF load you pulled out of the dryer, we’ve been getting dressed out of that load for a few days now.

Yes, it still drives me crazy to have clothes in a laundry basket.  But, I am thankful for the fact I can do my laundry at home.  I am thankful that we have clothes to wear when there’s a load in the washer.  In the summer, I am thankful for my clothes line and the smell of freshly dried clothes.  I am thankful doing laundry is really as easy as it is.  I’m thankful for the dressers and closets we have to store our clothes in.  I’m thankful for the fact that we have received hand-me-downs and that they go from one to the other and then on to someone else.  I am thankful that doing laundry does not involve walking down to the river and washing the clothes on the rocks.  We really are quite spoiled, so why am I complaining?


Lena is getting pretty interested in the ins and outs of sorting and loading the washer.  I guess it is time to appoint more responsibility to them in regards to the laundry situation here.  Any help is appreciated.  Mom walked through the door here the other day and said something like, “Laundry Service” and I almost kissed her feet until I realized she was just delivering Hannah’s clean clothes from the other day at the farm.

The best feeling?  When you open the dryer and it’s already empty!

To be continued,
