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4 In Life

Tears at A&W

It isn’t often you’d find yourself in tears in the line up at a local fast food restaurant but today was one of those days when I didn’t shed tears alone.

It started out quite causally –  he had left his keys when he was grabbing napkins.  I handed them to him and he thanked me.  Completely normal and expected.  I had heard he spoke loudly to a table off to our right moments before, “I’ll be right there, honey”.  I had glanced over to see a lady seated, facing away from us but I saw no visible response.

As I handed him his keys, and joked that ‘it’s a long walk home’, he said something along the lines of being pulled in too many directions.  I noticed that look in his eye.  I told him I had his back.  And his response struck me to my core.  He said with such depth and emotion, that he was just so busy trying to keep his baby alive.  He had turned back to the counter to grab a straw and I saw the fight for control slip away as tears filled his eyes and his chin quivered.  I wish I had the words to ease that burden for him, if only for a minute.  But he squared his shoulders and took his tray to sat across from his ‘baby’ and I waited in line for my bag of greasy goodness.  But, boy, did I struggle to keep the tears from slipping over.  I couldn’t make eye contact with any of the ladies behind the counter because I was afraid I’d seem foolish for crying over a few words exchanged with a complete stranger.

I stole a quick glance over again as I made my way out the door.  They sat chatting and eating together, the days must be numbered, you could hear the forced normality in his too loud voice.  But these moments of a shared meal and chatter mean even more.

It was a reality check.  The stress of my day fell away.  I did the only thing I could do.  I offered up two strangers and their struggle to the One who loves them more than anyone, who feels their pain and offers to carry it, along with them, in the palm of His hands.

To be continued,


In Life

Oh, September!

If I had to pick a favourite month, hands down, it’s September.  And I have lots of reasons!! 

Every year has 12 months. And each month has its best features. But, I have to admit September is my favourite! There’s lots to love about September…and not one reason has to do with Pumpkin Spice, either! 😉

Reason 1. School starts! Now, I’m not happy because I’m freed of my children, I like my kids and spending time with them.  But I like the routine that school days bring to our life.  And it gives them something to focus on, unlike summer which is an endless free-for-all.

Reason 2. Our anniversary is this month.  Hard to believe it’ll be 13 years this time!  We try to get away for a weekend, just the two of us. I’m thinking Oceanstone Resort or White Point Beach Resort this year…

Reason 3.  The weather… Oh, how I love the September weather!! Cooler, fresher, still sunny and bright but without the intense heat.

Reason 4. Fall decorating because pumpkins and antlers and wood and loads of chippy texture! I love layering all those things inside and outside our home.  I have a fun little pumpkin-themed project coming up, too! Actually, I have two….

Reason 5. Tall boots. Scarves. Layers. Sweaters.  Fall is my favourite season to dress for.  Completely.  I can’t wait to shop for fall clothes.

Reason 6. The colours of the landscape.  In fall, the leaves turn it up and show off their reds, oranges and yellows.  Fields of wheat turn to gold.  The setting sun turns the world into a glowing wonderland.

Reason 7. Sunflowers.  Always my favourite flower! I love their cheeriness, their sunny disposition, and willingness to give up their fruits to feed our feathered friends.

So, I think that pretty much sums up why I’m happy to flip the calendar to September.  Do you love fall? Do you love pumpkin spice…are you reading this in a Starbucks lineup? 😉

To be continued,


In Adventures/ Country Life/ Life

Lavender Fields

Is there anything more beautiful than a field of lavender in bloom? How about some sweet girls in said field?

A few weeks ago, we paid a visit to the Seafoam Lavender Farm in, you guessed it, Seafoam! The fields were blooming and the bees were buzzing.  We’ve gone before last summer with another of the girls friends and this trip we had my friend Catherine’s daughter, Gabby, with us for the visit.  The girls love to play hide and seek among the rows and I love to photograph the flowers, the bees and the girls.

Gabby and Lena have been friends from the beginning.  Catherine and I carried these two at the same time, there is only 4 months between them and that mat leave solidified our friendship.  They grew up together.  So, I love to see them together and such good friends still.  Next September they’ll even finally be in the same school together and I hope their friendship withstands the trials and tribulations of pre-teen middle school.  They are so carefree together and so enjoy the company of each other.  If it’s been too long since their last visit, they beg to together.

The pace of life among the lavender seems to really slow down.  I always feel like I have all the time in the world to linger among the rows.  Apparently Hannah finds it pretty relaxing as well….

When the lavender is in bloom, they operate a U-Pick of sorts where they school you in clipping lavender blooms and set you out among the rows.  We happened to be there when it was blooming so I couldn’t resist the chance to collect some.  Lena helped me and you can see she took it very seriously.  When you go to pay for your bouquet, they also give you drying instruction so I did as I was told and hung it in my closet which is dark and dry.  So, now I have some dried lavender around the house.

It was a pretty windy day so I wasn’t able to capture too many non-blurry pictures of the bees that were busy pollinating.  But it’s still fun to try and I managed to get a couple.

This one from last year still blows my mind….a bee with its tongue stuck out?!?!?!

I hope that you all have the chance to slow down and soak up some time with friends in peaceful places, whether it’s the lavender field, the beach or a cabin in the woods with the people you love!


To be continued,




9 In Life

Less Than…More Than…..

This is not a math lesson, this is a lesson in comparison and how I feel about where I am.  And why you need to reassess where you think you are, too.

All too often we compare ourselves to those around us. And in these days of social media and phones by our sides all day, every day, it’s always staring us right in the face; a digital reminder of where we are at in the grand scheme of life.

We are bombarded by everyone’s best version of themselves, shown through the filters of Instagram and Facebook.  The neatly styled corners of their homes, wardrobes, work and life.  And its hard not to compare. Really hard.  Someone else’s vacation was better than where we went, their house is bigger, prettier and more current.  Her wardrobe looks so good on her thin frame and their car is newer, fancier and better.  She seems to be going places in her career, that Facebook page has more followers and her Instagram post has way more engagement than mine.  See? We are constantly fed a filtered glimpse into other people’s lives.

This has been on my mind lately.  I looked at my shower floor the other morning and wondered if other people have a hairball, clumps of soggy soap and a razor begging for attention.  The kitchen is barely functional for the stuff piled on every available horizontal surface.  The laundry is gathering wrinkles in the back bedroom while I frantically get my children out the door, hoping they have what they need for their field trip to the beach.  Greeting me outside is a lawn that could be made into a hay field, shutters that need to be painted and a barn that is crying for some tidying and a good sweep.  This is my reality.  I barely have time to take it in as I scurry to get myself out the door for the day.  Throw into that a blog hop with fellow bloggers that I yet again managed to mess up and social media posts that seem to be flopping.

But what did I show you? A peaceful scene on a beach from a month ago. Not my kitchen, not my yard.  Certainly not my shower floor.  I didn’t show you my reality. So, really, what you saw wasn’t real.  It’s what I’m choosing to put out there for the world to see.  I show you the pretty while the reality or behind the scenes is very real and not at all pretty. AND WE ALL DO IT! And accept everyone’s posts as their reality.  But is it? No. It isn’t.

There are times that I feel like I am doing a half-assed job of 20 things and not giving 100% to any one task at hand.  Not my mothering, not my work, not my home, not my friends and not even me.  But I see how well everyone else manages to get through life…or appears to…

So, where does this leave me? I could wallow in my ‘less than’ and self-pity.  And yes, I have let myself put my head down and have a little cry but I don’t stay there.  I am more than my house or my blog or the number on the scale or the number of followers on any given social media platform or the balance of my bank account or the items crossed off (or not crossed off) my to-do list.  I am more than what I find in those comparisons.

That elusive word ‘Balance’ comes into play.  How do I find that balance in my current stage of life/family/career?  I let go of some of the things and I hold tighter to others.  I prioritize, I make lists and I seek out help.  I realize that where I am today is because of my yesterdays and not where I need to be tomorrow.  What my reality is today doesn’t mean I’m tied to that for tomorrow.  I have a choice every morning, every day, every minute of where I want to be.  Maybe not physically but for sure mentally.  I can let comparison steal my joy or I can be thankful for where I am today.

Where am I today? Well, let’s have a look, shall we?  Two years ago I didn’t have a blogging tribe to even do a hop with.  I may not be my ideal weight but I’m healthy. My children are wonderful little humans whose company  I enjoy and they’re healthy, too.  My husband makes me smile and I know without a doubt he loves me. I enjoy my house, mess and all.  I have friends and family who offer their support and friendship to me on a daily basis.  And I’m carving out time for myself to grow creatively and artistically.

And dear readers and followers, please don’t compare your today to my today.  We are all at different places and stages in our lives.  I’m not less than nor am I more than you.  You are not less than nor are you more than me.  I am me, living my best life with where I am today, so you best be you, living your best life. And my gifts and talents are not your gifts and talents.

Someone said, in one of the podcasts I’ve been listening to, not to compare your Chapter 1 with someone else’s Chapter 15.  We are all at different stages and places in this journey of life.  Wake up each day determined to do the best you can with what you have to work with.  And if you feel like you failed today, try again tomorrow.  Every day can’t be filled with sunshine and lollipops, but remember the sun does shine again after the rain.

“A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it, it just blooms” ~ Zen Shin

I share pictures of my life as seen through my lens.  I tend to shoot close.  There are two reasons I shoot close.  One being that, yes, it hides the background and usually the mess.  I’m not going to lie, I hide the messy bits of my life on social media.  The other reason is so we/I can focus on the little details and take joy in them.  The swirl of frost, the curve of a petal, the freckles dancing across a cheek bone.  If I trust you with my reality, I’ll span out.  I’ll show you the soggy soap and the shaggy lawn.  Those messy bits are there, trust me.  Just like I know that you have them, too, and I hope you have people in your life that you can trust with those bits, too.  Your real bits of reality, the messy parts, the hurt and scarred bits.  Find your people and let them love you.

To be continued,







2 In Life

Red & White Canada Day Prep

With the big celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday, preparations must be done!  Thanks to Canadian Tire, I have some extra goodies to decorate and have fun with!

Celebrating Canada Day is always fun and we usually try to do something special to mark the day. But this year, as it is a big one, I feel the need to do something EXTRA special!  Clearly, a 150th birthday is something worthy of a grand gesture. { You can read what we did last year HERE }

So, I started to think – what would I do? Would I make something? Decorate a space up? How would I, Lori of Farm Fresh Style, mark this occasion.  And when I came up blank, I did what any mom would do….I asked my kids.  And I’ll admit that at first I chuckled at Lena’s response…until I really saw the merit of her idea!! And then the wheels started turning and a plan was hatched!! A plan I’m super excited about…as in foolishly excited about…. 🙂

But, before I tell you anything about my plan, you need to see what was in the box! I did a Facebook Live with Hannah helping me.  You can watch it on my Facebook page HERE.  { After we finished, Hannah asked me to record her as she talked about the flag in our box!!  Too cute!! }

So, here’s the pretty red box.  I love red….but I’ll bet you knew that already.  And know what else I love?  Surprises!!!  Well, some surprises…not like a blind mouse in my glove box kinda surprise but a big red box of goodies kinda surprise….  I knew a couple of the things that were coming in the box, but they added some extra goodies, too!

Inside they had 2 sets of the Red and White lights which I will wrap around my porch or fence after I finish my secret mission.   They were even generous enough to send 2 extra sets for our local community’s Canada 150 celebrations!!!  How great is that!?!?!?

There is a Canadian Flag, which I’m really excited about.  I’ve never owned a flag before.  How sad is that! I’m trying to decide where it’ll go, I have a few ideas….you’ll have to wait to see.  I love that the package even says its suitable for windy locations….it’s certainly windy here and I can’t even imagine how much more so in other spots across this country! My friend was recently at Signal Hill in Newfoundland….’nough said?

The softest t-shirt arrived for me, too, along with a handy dandy flashlight.  I think that you can never have enough of either.  Comfy t-shirts and bright flashlights.  And ones all decked out with maple leaves are even better.

And a fun little extra they threw in was a gift card to Canadian Tire.  That was so unexpected!  I wonder what I’ll buy with it….knowing me, spray paint or something like that!  Or maybe I should get something for the Veranda, or plants for the yard. Or outside toys for the girls, maybe? Hmmmmm, or wander the aisles and decide?

So, I’m going to be working on my little project here over the next week or so, you’ll have to stay tuned on Instagram, Twitter, my Facebook Page to see little bits and pieces of what I’m working on.  But I’ll give you the hint of Iconic Canadian and that’s all… { And feel free to comment with some Iconic Canadian things and people for me to use for the final post!! }

To be continued,


I was provided with this kit by Canadian Tire but my take on it all is just that!