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In Adventures/ Decorating/ Life


Change is well, change.  Sometimes change is good and sometimes change isn’t.  And then there are the times when it’s a bit of both.  But change is never boring.

Where am I going with this? Well, I’ve got change coming my way.  I’m excited and nervous all rolled into one with this one….

As you all know, I love decorating and I’ve been doing it for a long time now, 16 year actually…makes me sound old!  And my decorating career has taken another turn.  Starting on Monday, I will be working at Costandi Design in Truro.  This is an very exciting move for me.  The potential is huge with this opportunity.

But, what does this mean for the decorating side of Farm Fresh? Nothing, actually…it’ll be business as usual! I will still be working with my own clients and doing work in the studio, too.  I worked hard to bring my own business to where it is and I’m not letting that go!

Living Room Before 1

What does this mean for me? Well, it means I’m giving up two other part-time jobs that I loved to be able to take on this new challenge.  I enjoyed working with Keith at The LifeShelter, dreaming and planning for the future work of the shelter and organizing our local Coldest Night of the Year event.  And my time with the gals at Above & Beyond Home Decor was exactly what I needed – great accessories, good times and lots of laughs.  I’m sad to leave these positions but leaving on good terms makes leaving so much easier. Thank you for being dream employers, I enjoyed my time with you all!

I’ll be continuing my work with At Home on the North Shore, as well.  It’s so much fun, such great people to to work with and plus, it’s the perfect combo with what I do.

Living Room 1

Life is full of twists and turns and one never knows what will happen next.  I can’t say I saw this change coming.  I didn’t go looking for it, I wasn’t looking to make a change.  But, sometimes the plans we have aren’t the plans we need to follow.  I’d be foolish not to take this chance and see where it takes me.  And that’s the exciting part of it for me.


My commute is a lovely drive through winding roads.  My children will be well cared for after school.  Meal-planning is looking like a must….Jennifer….you hear that??  And I’m upping my fashion game….although that’ll take help…eeek!  #sendhelp #imnotevenkidding


My life and career is ever evolving… {not unlike my home – just look at the changes my living room has undergone! } Constant minor and major changes, experiences and opportunities have brought me to where I am today. I am thankful for the challenges, life lessons and opportunities, without them I wouldn’t be who I am today.  So, Monday, I’ll dress up, hop in the car and enjoy the drive.  I’ll walk through the doors and do the best I can with the skills and gifts I am armed with, with my head held high.

If you need me, I’m still here….same old Lori!

To be continued,



In Decorating/ Meet Someone New

Jake’s Home – Guest Post

I’m very excited to have Jake Chisholm on board today doing a guest post about his home in Stellarton.  I like to refer to Jake as my ‘Number 1 Fan’ – he’s the first real fan Farm Fresh had that wasn’t someone I knew….or close to it, anyway!  Without further ado – here’s Jake!

Hi! I’m Jake. Some of you may know me and some may not, so I’ll give you a small background history.

I moved to Stellarton about 3 years ago, on my own, at the tender age of 18. Yes, I was a baby and didn’t know a soul in Pictou County. I hail from Hamilton, Ontario (something I don’t shout from the rooftops).


I spent my summers growing up in Antigonish, more specifically North Grant and Maryvale. My grandparents were born and raised in North Grant and St. Francis Harbour, Guysborough. My Mother and I would make the great trek down the Trans Canada Highway every summer.

I fell in love with the roar of the great Atlantic, and the stillness of the highlands. There was something so magical and stately about Nova Scotia; I was hooked. As soon as we left, I began living for when we’d be back.

I bought a house online, sight unseen a year after I graduated from high school. It’s a two storey built in about the 1890’s, quite large and has a rental unit. When I arrived the house had been sitting empty for about a year and the rental unit about three. The still air and dust made the house quiet and calm. Little did it know, I would be taking out all the windows, fix the plumbing, put in some new flooring and giving it a paint job.

His name was Garry. He was the contractor my Father found to do all the necessary renovations needed to make this house my home. Garry was tall, lanky and very kind. He had a moustache and grey hair, but sparkling blue eyes.  He brought his crew of 4 to assist him in the great overhaul. They came in trucks, smokes in hand and coveralls to boot.

They were very comical. Tim Hortons in hand and tin can lunches, and smoke breaks every half hour next to their beat up trucks. I’m happy to document them here, in the hopes that it’ll help me remember them longer. I wish I had filmed them then. They could have been the stars of my next great short film as they were extremely funny, good-natured and kind. Both classic construction workers and classic East Coasters

I had no friends when I arrived so these five men became family for the month while they were here. Sadly, Garry and his men had to leave to head to their next job. I was on my own again and the quest to decorate my home was on.


To describe my house I would say it’s Liberace meets 1800’s country folk farmhouse. I took my time finding all these pieces and I can officially say, three years later, I am almost done. Almost.

Most of the furniture came from antique stores and the side of the road. Some it came from family and friends and other pieces I had picked up in Ontario. I must say, Pictou County throws out a lot of treasures on the side of the road. So thanks PC!



One piece I picked up was this desk. It was rough and the drawer sticks sometimes. It was sturdy with the paint chipping off. I imagine it came from a schoolhouse, then maybe to a child’s bedroom, and now my living room. To think that just maybe, some great ideas or realizations happened at this very desk, brings me great comfort to think that it may rub off on me (fingers crossed).


Let’s explain my fireplace. This spot in my home has become quite iconic. People often get me to poise in-front of it to post on social media because well, it’s kinda funny. So yes, I have a charcoal drawing of the one and only, Shania Twain. People call it the shrine, because the sun beams off the mirror frame that my neighbour Sandi gave to me, but I don’t. It reminds me to live life fully everyday and to never let the small things get to you.

Shania once said, “I find that the very things that I get criticized for, which is usually being different and just doing my own thing and just being original, is the very thing that’s making me successful.” This was my high school yearbook quote and now one of my anthems of life. Just be yourself fully and do whatever your little drum says you should do and I’ve done just that.


My ‘Grammy’ passed away when I was only four. I have some vague memories of her. Orange creamsicles on the  back porch on a glistening summer day, with my Little Tikes car not far away. When I moved from Ontario to Nova Scotia, I was gifted her kitchen table. I sit at that table often – eating my favourite meal (steak & eggs), or working on the computer. I often think about my Mom as a little girl sitting at it with her Mom, eating supper that she made for her. I’ll always wonder where she’d be today if she were here. Maybe sitting with me at her table in my little kitchen in Stellarton.


What I hope you can take away the most is that a home is more than blog post or magazine spread. It’s a safety net, a testament of ones character and a place to grow. It changes you and changes with you. It bleeds love and beauty from it’s cracks and creases. Appreciate it and love it, and it will do the same to you.

With that, I sign off with one simple thing! In the great words of Ms. Twain herself, “it can only go up from here!”.


Thank you so much for welcoming us into your home, Jake! I love the line, ‘It changes you and changes with you.’ So very true – thanks for bringing that insight to our attention. Our homes are so closely connected to who we are.

To be continued,



In Decorating


Whenever I see this hashtag, it cracks me up.  Yes, lame, I know.  But as a decorator, I think a well done shelf deserves some exposure.  So, hashtag those pretty shelves and give them the credit they are due!

See, I have this china cabinet and I struggle with staging it.  It always looks cluttered and hodge-podgey. And I’m never really happy with it.  This was brought to my attention again when I had visited my friend, Heather, and her china cabinet was so pretty and shiny and sparkly.  And I knew it was time for me to try again.

So, I started looking harder at displays that really looked good to me.  Like this one from my new blogger friend, Virginia Fynes :Fynes DesignsSeriously – what’s not to love??  Look at the colours, the varying textures and all the pretty dishes!  And I love how she changes it up season by season and it always looks incredible.  On a sidenote, she’s buying a restaurant in the Valley and I’m taking a roadtrip to go see it!  Wanna come? Okay!!!

Right, back to my china cabinet….I knew looking at it I needed bigger pieces and brighter pieces.  It’s so shadowy and dark that I needed the brighter pieces.  I hit up Alderberry Village in Truro to see what they had in their thrift section.  I scored a white rectangular dish, a large white bowl and a hobnail milk glass dish.  That was a good start. And the motivation I needed to fix the ‘problem’ that only I could see….or I think, anyway.



I thought I would be able to just pull some things out and add them….not so much.  This morning, I emptied the whole thing and started over.  And I like it soooo much better!


{ I know the shelves look like they are spaced weirdly, but when the doors are closed, it looks better, the frames on the door block stuff }

When we put our tree in the living room, the rocking chair ended up in the kitchen, tucked in front of the china cabinet.  And here it stayed….it’s quickly becoming a favourite spot to chat or check our phones { Wi-fi in an old, solid house is an issue….. } and as it is in the kitchen, where we spend so much time, it gets used a lot.


{ Ignore the sparse leaves on the top of the cabinet.  About 2 years ago, I got cuttings for a Fiddle Head Fig and there they are…..losing leaves regularly, waiting impatiently to be potted.  Someday… }

I’m really pleased with it now.  It feels more cohesive, more unified in colour and so much less cluttered.  Will it stay like this?  Who knows!  The box on the top left was slated to go to the upstairs bathroom so something will have to replace it.  And the old cookie cutters are annoying me….they may need to go.  But, for now, its working for me.  With a few dollars invested and some time, I think it’s come together nicely.  All the stuff I’ve pulled out will have to find a home….a job for this afternoon, I guess!  I don’t have enough empty spots to stash it….hmmm, maybe no one will notice all the bits now sitting in front of the china cabinet doors!!

Here’s to re-arranging things and cups of coffee on this Saturday! What about you?  Randomly re-arranging anything today? Please tell me I’m not alone!

To be continued,


In Clear Day Farm/ Decorating/ Makeover

Cabinet Makeover

Anyone remember that we bought this cabinet this summer? I happened upon on the Facebook page for Babbling Brook in Truro and it seemed perfect for our living room.  I sent a picture to the handsome Mr.Byrne while he was away for work and he agreed that it was just right.  So I took it home and moved it in.  And there it sat in its unloved state….in the corner of our living room until it was time to put up the Christmas tree.

house july 2105

It had gathered a collection of bits and bobs, nothing too planned or well curated while it sat in the living room.  I had planned on painting it at any moment….but of course, I hadn’t done it by the time we moved it to the studio for the holidays.

We had lots of debate over how it should be painted.  White? Gray? A colour? In the end, we both decided that we wanted it to tie in with the other cabinet we’ve got in the living room that we got in Great Village.  I knew I needed to have a blackish brown colour that looked kind of like an aged finish. Preferably with some grain showing through.  I also knew I wanted to keep the hardware….sometimes finding hardware that all coordinates on a piece like this can be tricky. I also knew I wanted the inside to contrast so whatever I put in it would stand out and not disappear.  I did accomplish that at some point during the fall.  The interior of the shelf section and the secretary got painted with Fusion Mineral paint in Buttermilk Cream.

So, my goal was to have it painted and ready to move back in when the tree came down.  And then some other custom projects came in and it was Christmas and the girls were around and the quarters in the studio were getting pretty tight.  So, nothing happened.  At all.  Until the needles starting dropping from the tree and I knew it was time.

I head to the studio, get out my Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint in Typewriter and Curio and realize I have very little Typewriter left….oh dear.  I make my special mix and put a coat on the cabinet.  Ugh.  I think the second coat will need to be blacker.  An unexpected trip to Truro to Onlsow Historic Lumber was in order. Scroll through Instagram as the paint dries….and viola…the perfect picture of what I’m trying to achieve!  ferpie&fray

See???  Isn’t it awesome???  This Instagram feed has some great painted furniture, if you are into that sort of thing….which I obviously am!

No trip to Truro required, much to Michael’s dismay, we had talked about a date lunch at Hub Grub! I did up the drawer as a test and took it in to compare it to the other cabinet.  And we both loved it.  I also checked with Catherine, as her taste is pretty darn good, look who she has for a friend! 😉

Since it passed the test, I sanded and sanded that thing and then I oiled it with Miss Mustard Seed Hemp Oil, which is my favourite finish ever! We brought it back into the house that day.  Another benefit of using non-toxic products like Miss Mustard Seed!


I tried to style it, but I didn’t feel the huge urge to dig out a bunch of stuff and play that day so I played a bit and called it quits.  It’ll do for now, I know it’s one of those things that will change and evolve.  I’m debating whether I should put some of my favourite decorating books on the bottom shelf, if they’ll fit.  I’d like to have them handy and prettily displayed, instead of stuck on the shelf in the office, where no one sees them.


There you have it, a great little cabinet, tucked into the corner of our living room, now with a fresh, richer look.  The power of paint always amazes me!

To be continued,


In Clear Day Farm/ Decorating/ Makeover

Hallway Gallery Wall

gallery wall

A week or so ago, I posted this picture of my hallway on Instagram and on the FB page.  It is my completed gallery wall in the hallway of the main floor.  I was excited to have it finished finally!  It wasn’t what I had originally planned, but isn’t that the way it always goes?  And if I was starting it all over, I would lay it out differently but I guess that’s what happens when the plan changes part way through.

But I wanted to share a few of the stories behind the reason these things are special enough to make it onto the gallery wall.

gallery wall

A few of the items are things that I’ve milk painted, such as the arrow that I painted during the Milk Paint Workshop I did with Rose and the chalkboard { which is still blank…. } from an old shutter panel I scored at Onslow Historic Lumber.  Off the arrow hangs a heart made out of barbed wire that I bought years ago from who knows where, but I still love it.

gallery wall

There’s also a piece of old moulding that I found during my trip to ‘The Barn’ with Rose, it’s found a spot rounding out the top left corner.  I love that little piece of moulding, it even has some old wallpaper on the side of it and I mean proper old wallpaper, that is made from, gasp, PAPER!

The sunshine painting I bought last November during the Olde Foundry Market I organized in Pictou.  It was painted by my friend who owns Melrose & Pistachio and I love the way it brightens up the hallway.

gallery wall

Then there is the last piece that found its way onto the collection – the ‘AND HATS’ sign.  This thing is the real deal.  If you are from the area and have lived here for while, then you will probably remember the store in Truro called Margolians.  This sign, at some point, hung in that store.  How did I get it? Well, I work one day a week in a shop called Above & Beyond Home Decor and that shop is in part of the old Margolians building. This sign was in their storage space and they decided to pass it on to me.  Anne and Liz know about my fondness for old things!  The handlettering is so cool!  And the colours are perfect for my hallway.  I love that the board isn’t cut straight, just adds that extra character. My plan was to string some kind of wire to hang the girls art work from but when this made its appearance, I knew it was perfect!

gallery wall

The wooden shoes reflect my Dutch lineage and I found them in an antique shop in Cape Breton during a trip to see Janice.  These are exceptional to me, simply for the fact they are painted to look like Delft Blue.  I’ve seen quite a few pairs of wooden shoes over the years, but these are the only wooden ones I’ve seen painted in this manner.

gallery wall

The last piece that is part of this gallery wall is the mushroom painting.  This is an extra special piece of artwork because it belonged to my grandmother, Lena, whom my Lena is named after.  This painting was apparently given to my grandmother by her art teacher.  I don’t really know anymore details than that, but I wish I did.  I’ve tried to research the name on the piece but without any success.  I believe it would’ve been before Grandma immigrated to Canada, but I think I may just be assuming that…  I love the story behind the painting, but I also love the painting itself – the colours, the subject….yep, I’ve very happy to have it and I display it with pride.

So that sums up the gallery wall tour.  I hope you enjoyed it.  I know that this wall is not perfect nor is suited for everyone but for me, it’s the perfect way to wrap up the hallway project.  I’d also like to mention how difficult it is to try to photograph this wall!! I’ve tried different angles, different spots but nothing is ever quite right!

Now tell me, do you have a gallery wall in your house?  I’d love to see pictures and hear all about it!

To be continued,


PS You can see the post about the hallway when it first got painted HERE