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Clear Day Farm

1 In Clear Day Farm

Quick Glimpse of Farm Fresh Studio

Earlier this week when I showed you bits and pieces of my studio, I realized I hadn’t shown you much since I moved  the old workbench out, which you can see here, and all my stuff in.  So I spent some time tidying things so it would look presentable enough to show you.  And then I took a few pictures so you  can see where I like to hang out.


I have fabric to make curtains to cover up the shelves on this end of the studio. I find the shelves so busy and distracting.  The storage is nice to have and the laundry tub is wonderful with all the painting and scrubbing I’ve been doing lately.  Running water in the studio is awesome!


This dresser was given to me by a roommate who no longer wanted it.  We moved here and ironically, a lot of the things we were missing when we moved were right here, exactly where they lived in our last place…..we moved things complete…and then completely forgot!


I love having big, comfy chairs in here.  My people love to wander in, hang out and it gives them a cozy spot to linger.  I may or may not be found here, scouring Pinterest or checking Instagram here regularly…..  I would love to add a rug down here, it would have to be an indoor/outdoor rug to put up with the foot traffic it would get. And the tissue paper garland is leftover from the wedding of 2014!!


My worktable is a restaurant prep table that was given to me by Catherine and her husband.  It is huge and still, I don’t have enough room to work some days!!  It holds lots underneath, too.  I would like to make this storage more attractive but not close it in.  I also debate with myself about painting the legs and shelf….


This is where Hannah hangs out when she comes into the studio with me.  There is always bits of paper laying around the floor, she can never find what she is looking for and she goes through one pile of tape but the company is good!  When I’m in there alone, it seems too quiet!


This is my sewing table with a curbside chair that needs to be redone.  I love the print the hangs above it, too.  The desk, the frame and the print came from the same yard sale.  That yard sale was the score of the summer….you can see what I scored that day here.

I hope to paint the walls white at some point…..probably should do that hallway that looms first, though….although I have started a few changes in the laundry area right now….nothing major, just tidying a few things up, I’ll share pictures when it’s ready!

I hope you like my studio.  It has been so enjoyable having this space after barely having room for crafting in our last place.  I can walk away to cook a meal and not have to move a thing!!

To be continued,



In Clear Day Farm

My Studio – Close Up

I’ve been spending lots of time out in my studio lately, as my schedule and snowstorms have been allowing me to.  I love it out there.  I walk out, open the door and I just relax.  It is my space.  It is filled with things that inspire me and equip me with the tools to create.  It is certainly my happy place.  { You can see pictures of it here from when we first moved it }

My camera has been living out there lately as I’ve been taking so many before and after pictures of the things I’ve been working on.  I run the SD card back and forth, when I need it to download pictures.  And I’ve been so focused on those projects, I fail to look around me.  So, the other day, my camera was in my hand and I just started going around the studio, snapping pictures of different things.  Things that inspire me, things I love and things that make me happy.  I guess you could could say that I stopped to smell the roses.

I thought I would share those with you, to hopefully inspire you to stop and look at the small details that surround you in everyday life, that too often get over looked. So, pause, enjoy and be thankful for the things you have that make your corner of the world a better place!

studio tourstudio tourstudio tourstudio tourstudio tourstudio tourstudio tourstudio tourstudio tourstudio tourstudio tour

studio tourstudio tourstudio tour

Hannah spends a lot of time in the studio with me, too, as she isn’t in school yet.  So she has a little spot that she likes to sit and create….usually with LOTS of tape.  I love listening to her as she works, she talks as though she is hosting a craft show, giving very detailed step by step instructions.

studio tourstudio tour

Now that I have this all written and pictures taken, I think that I need to show you what it looks like now…..from further back….did I even show it to you??  I’m thinking not!  I guess that means I need to go clean the studio up and take some more pictures for you! { There are a few at the end of this post }

To be continued,


In Adventures/ Clear Day Farm/ Country Life/ Life/ Our Family

Clean Slate Snowshoe

Tonight, enough was enough.  The sun was setting, the shadows were lengthening and the clean field was calling.  We strapped on our snowshoes and headed for the barren wasteland known as ‘The Mailbox Field’.

The wasteland that stretched out in front of us has been begging to be explored.  No human footsteps could be seen as far as the eye could see…until the snowplow ridge…but whatever.  The girls had been eyeing this expanse for a few days.  They wanted to explore the other day, but they needed a guide to ensure their safety on the exploration mission.snowshoesnowshoesnowshoesnowshoesnowshoesnowshoe

Exploration completed.  There were coyotes heard, so they replied with their own howls.  The clean snowscape was marred and games were played.   Toes and noses got cold so the mission was drawn to a close.  And the debriefing took place over mugs of hot chocolate, as any good winter mission is ended with.

To be continued,


2 In Clear Day Farm/ Makeover

Hallway Denial

The one big project that needs to be done around here is the painting of the hallway.  It’s the one spot that hasn’t seen a paint brush since we moved in in July of 2014.  Well, I guess that might not be entirely true, I did paint the ceiling when I was doing the other ceilings.

The main reason I’ve been putting off painting the hallway is because it’s big and there’s lots of trim.  There are 10 doorways off it and it includes the staircase.  With.All.Those.Steps.  Plus, the trim is taking 3 coats of white to cover white.  It isn’t even fair.  But I also know that I’ll be happy when it’s done and we can finish moving stuff into that space and get it working better for us.


The girls craft supplies are spread out between the studio, a bin in the upstairs hall and still, sadly, there a bit left at the old place, too.  It’ll certainly be nice to have that all sorted out and in one location again.  I think they miss doing crafts whenever they feel like it and they can’t find anything in the bin as it’s a big jumbled mix of everything.  Yes, super slack mother here.


The bookcase sits at the top of the stairs, too.  It’s the perfect fit for that spot.  But it always looks a mess!  The girls tend to pull stuff out and then jam things back in at random.  I think we need to sort through the books and take a bunch of them to the book exchange that is happening at our local community center on a monthly basis.  But the catch with that is I know we’d come home with more than we left here with!

I’m planning on putting my collection of wooden shoes above the book case – for two reasons.  First reason being I want them somewhere where they won’t feel like they stick out too much.  And secondly, this wall is gyprock – so much easier for banging numerous nails into instead of the plaster walls we have most everywhere else.   I can’t wait to have them hung up again!


One of the other things that will get hung is the last set of antlers from Michael’s collection.  They are going to go just on the awkward wall above your head when heading down the stairs.  The locations for the three sets have been in hot debate.  Hannah claiming one set for her room certainly helped me out.  The other set is in the living room, above the TV.  The handsome Mr. Byrne would be quite happy if all three sets lived in the living room, so all could see…..needless to say, I’m not so on board with that idea!


The other area that has been debated and pondered and questioned is the area by the phone jack in the lower hallway, right off the kitchen.  Since our house is older, the trim is thick and finished off with corner round.  This means anything that sits against a wall, doesn’t sit flat against the wall.  In most cases, it isn’t a huge issue.  But, because whatever sits under the phone jack and calendar needs to be narrow to allow for easy  traffic flow and be out from the wall – it’s nearly impossible to find the perfect thing.  Brainstorming made me realize a shelf would be a great solution!  Just narrow enough to hold the sewing drawer of pens and notepads, no legs to cause trouble and yet completely functional!  I have two brackets that I’ve had for….I’m not even sure how long!!  They were originally bought to put a shelf in the living room of our first house.  And I never found the right board for the shelf, so no shelf was ever hung.  They moved with us….still with no purpose laid out.  But now I do know what I’ll use them for!  I also have a piece of marble from a mantle that I may use for the shelf but installation may be too tricky so we’ll see how that plays out.

So, today, instead of picking up a paint brush, I wrote all about it instead…..

To be continued,



4 In Clear Day Farm/ Makeover

Beautiful View

We are being hit with yet another snowstorm.  We barely had winter up until last week and it’s been full-blown storm after full-blown storm!!  The snowbanks are high, the drifts are higher and some spirits may be sinking…..

But the nice thing about forced to staying home is that fact you can accomplish so much stuff!  I’m finishing things on my list and taking pictures, because, well, I’m actually home in the daylight.

This morning I finished off a fun, simple project.  All in all, it probably took me an hour at the most to do all the steps for this one.  So easy. And it has kind of a neat background story. Wanna hear?  Too bad…..

One of my best buddy throughout my teenage years was Mary-Beth.  We meet at youth group and became fast friends.  We may have found our way into some trouble more than once, causing her sweet mother to think I was a bad influence on her innocent daughter.  Wellllll, that’s not exactly the truth.  I’m pretty sure Mary-Beth found her way into a few hot spots without my help on more than one occasion.

Fast forward 20 or so years { eeek } and here we are.  Mary-Beth lives in Ontario with her precious family but her parents are still in these parts, I always am sure to give Colleen, Mary-Beth’s mother, a hug every time I see her because I know just how much she misses Mary-Beth. She, in return, offers me her old basement window.  I’m sure to some, this seems like an odd offer.  But, it’s an offer I would not refuse.  She knows how much I love a fun project and how much I love old stuff with a neat history.  Thank you, Colleen, and really, I am the innocent one….it was her!!! 😉

Which, in a round about way, brings us to today’s project.  Finishing, hanging and decorating the window frame.  The frame was already painted black with a perfectly chippy finish.  What I did was just rub some Miss Mustard Seed Hemp Oil on it.  Hemp Oil is my new favorite thing.   But that’s a whole other post!  The Hemp Oil just puts some moisture back in the wood, deepens the wood tones and makes the paint look richer.

Window Frame

Left side untouched, right side one coat of Hemp Oil

I strung picture hanging wire across the back and cleaned up the glass with regular window cleaner.  Then I hung it on the wall where we had a huge wreath at Christmas.

Basement Frame

This morning I finally printed off some black and white pictures we had done in May by the talented Christine Whelan-Hachey of Wonkyeye Photography.  I just stuck those on each pane with some tape and ta-da – it’s done!!

Window FrameWindow FrameI’m not sure if this will be staying here.  I may move it to the right side of the front living room window.  Now that the curtains are hung, I have a better idea of what art I want where on the walls.  And that spot is bare!!

LVR 2But it is all coming together!  I love how bit by bit we are getting settled into the house and claiming it as our own.  It was fun going through the pictures of what it looked like in July and how is looks now.  I’m so thankful to be here and call this house our home!

To be continued,
