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Clear Day Farm

In Clear Day Farm/ Makeover

The Living Room

We spend a lot of our home time in our Living Room.  That’s where we watch TV, chat, read or visit if we have company.  It truly is our ‘Living’ room.  We spend a lot of time in that room.

Here is a before picture, to remind you of exactly where we started a few years back now, when we first moved in:

Now, back then, the couch went in front of the living room window that faces the road.  I wasn’t really convinced we had many options for the arrangement of furniture.  The TV, because of the cable, had only one spot to go but it simplified the awkward corner where the flue goes through the room. But eventually I begun to think that with some other re-arranging, that there might be other possibilities.  I know, I know, I am a decorator and all, but you know how it is when it comes to your own stuff, you can’t always see the forest for the trees.

The couch is cozy for one person or four.  The fights usually break out when there are just two girls on it, funny thing about that.  I’m not sure what I was thinking when I picked out a light beige sofa when we had small children, but considering it was an inexpensive sofa from The Brick 8 years ago, I’d say its done well for us.  We keep it covered most times.  It’s a pain but a cleaner couch is worth it.  We also don’t let the kids eat on it….that certainly helps, too.

I decided that this past Christmas, I wanted the tree in the front window which meant I had to figure out a new arrangement that involved moving the couch in front of the other window.  And once I get something in my head, there’s usually no going back…even if it means struggling to rearrange furniture with only small children to help out.

If you’ve been hanging out in these parts for any length of time, you know I have a few chairs.  As in, I hoard chairs – for just the occasion as this!  I tried to make the living room work for me without having to move the couch, and the cabinets that would also need to be shuffled if we figured it out.  I took a few options in from the studio and tried this but the green chair was too big there beside the TV…

And this but the blue chair was too little…

And this but the rocking chair wasn’t right, either….

So I threw a blanket over it….but that didn’t work either.  I feel like there’s a story about the wrong chairs… #goldilocks

So, then I figured if I wanted a change, I had to be all in.  So I moved what I could myself with the help of Lena and her friend Gabby, and then I called my brother since Michael wasn’t home.  Poor Steve always gets the call when I’m in the middle of something and need a hand when Michael isn’t home.  Because, like I said, when I have it in my head….

When the dust settled and the furniture was roughly placed, I ended up with this:

And then I had to find a coffee table that worked for me….again, I went to my stash.  But apparently I didn’t photograph my various options.  You know, the old $5 coffee table, the bench from the veranda and then the cut down table shown in the above picture.  I settled on the cut down table, it’s wider than I want but the scale is better and it’s a good height to rest your feet on, which is important, too!

The rearranged living room feels much larger and open than it had before and we only took out one chair.  It feels like a much better use of space and the couch seems to be much cozier along that wall.  When the tree come down after Christmas, we had no desire to put it back the way it was before.

I especially love the two chairs in front of the window.  The chair on the right seems to be my chair.  If I’m not snuggled on the couch, that’s where I’ll land.  Sometimes, there’ll be a little body jammed on there with me, but I’ll take those snuggles as long as I can.  Those chairs are very comfy to sit in, the chrome may be pitted in spots and the leather worn, but I love the character and vibe they bring to the room.

All in all, I’m liking where the living room has ended up.  For now.  You know it’ll look different in three week’s time when I find some other treasure that needs to be in here.  I’m enjoying the bright pop of colour from the collection of flowers in the milk glass vases on the big cabinet.  It’s fun to switch that display up from time to time.  I’m currently struggling with what to put on the coffee table, we need foot room and sometimes a kid or two will have a snack there, too.  I’m not loving the runner for this time of year but I know I’ll settle on something that will make me happy.  I’m thinking beach glass collection in a dough bowl….keep an eye out on Instagram 😉

To be continued,


In Adventures/ Clear Day Farm/ Country Life/ Our Family

Meet Ebony

We have a new addition to our little farm and family!  Meet Ebony, our little Shetland pony, who just joined our family yesterday afternoon.  She’s a little firecracker who, I think, will fit right in around here.

Our girls are horse crazy and have been for quite a while.  But committing to a horse seemed like a huge step.  And honestly, we weren’t even looking for a pony.  But when my friend, Rebecca of Pearl & Daisy, posted a Kijiji ad about a sweet little pony who was looking for a new home, I sent the link to Michael and basically started to beg.  And then I played the winning card…..telling the girls about her….and that pretty much sealed the deal.  There was messages back and forth with Rebecca, asking questions and making arrangements for a visit.

As much as we wanted a pony, we need she had to be the right fit.  So our first visit to Ebony was to meet her and check her out.  And we told the girls if it isn’t a good match then we can’t take her.  Thankfully, it went well, even though it was a springy kind of day and Ebony was feeling it.  I took a few pictures during our visit and I love this one of Lena, sharing breath with Ebony.  This is how Ebony gets to know someone and be comfortable with them.  This was a special moment caught between the two of them, and I love Rebecca’s expression in the background.  Rebecca has two girls who have outgrown Sweet Ebony and so it seems quite perfect that Ebony should find a new home with two girls again.

I’ll admit I was nervous about trailering Ebony home.  But I guess I didn’t need to worry.  She was fine, freaked out, yes, but she did great.  Admittedly, it wasn’t the easiest task to get her on the trailer but with a ramp and some apples for bribery and loads of patience, we got her on.  Huge thanks to Gordon and Morris MacKinnon for the lend of the trailer { and not taking 2 hours to show Michael the cows 😉 } and to Dad for the truck.

When we got her home, we took her straight to her paddock behind the barn and let her run around a bit, showing her the fence line so she wouldn’t try to bolt through it.  I lead her in and out of the barn a few times, too, but she was more interested in grazing on what bits of green grass she could find.   The girls were in the pasture with her but still a bit nervous of her since they don’t know how she’ll react quite yet.  But each visit to the barn they get more and more confident around her and she is settling in quite well.

Today is blowing like mad and cold, cold, cold and we let her out in the paddock and she loves it!  We’re freezing in the barn and she couldn’t care less about the weather!  They make those Shetland ponies tough!  I think her outdoor weather is not going to be the same as ours!  She has a shaggy coat to keep her warm in weather like this!

I’m excited for our family to have this sweet girl in our lives.  I look forward to working with Ebony to get her settled in and hopefully ready to ride again.  The girls will have so much fun with her!  We’ve laid down the ground rules and fully expect no trouble, the girls realize the honour and privilege of being responsible for this precious pony.  I have fond memories of our pony Chestnut that we had growing up, and I’m happy that our irls will have these memories, too.  Chestnut was your typical stubborn pony and I think Ebony may have some of those some pony tendancies, but that’s what builds character, no?  But this face, though…..

I’m sure Ebony will be a popular face on my blog and Instagram.  I’m even toying with giving her her own Instagram account….but we’ll see about that – I’ll let you know!!

Now, we’re off to the barn yet again!

To be continued,


2 In Clear Day Farm/ Decorating

On the Hunt for Love

Christmas is all put away.  The house is looking meh.  I think I want to decorate for Valentine’s day.  Do you decorate for Valentine’s Day?

So, here’s what I’m thinking….cream pom-pom garland, maybe a red, pink and cream pom-pom wreath, add some red to my china cabinet.  I think I’d like to make a few different signs, too.  I just want to add a few touches here and then, nothing over the top.

When I mentioned this to the girls, they said it was months away and that I didn’t need to worry yet.  But I know me and I know my schedule and I know I need to strike when the iron is hot. So, I’ll head to the studio later and start seeing what I have, what I need and if any other ideas come to me.

I’ll dig through some stuff, dig out some red things that I know I have stashed away.  I think there might even be a few things I dig back out of the Christmas decorations and turn into Valentine’s Day decorations, too.

Fast forward a few days….


I pulled out some red bits and pieces, did a little pom-pom making, fired up the hot glue and got to work.  Unless I go buy more yarn, there won’t be a pom-pom wreath, but I’m okay with that.  Since I don’t knit, it’s hard to justify buying MORE yarn just for pom-poms….

I decided it was time to pull everything out of the china cabinet and give it a good reworking.  I drug a bunch of things in from the the studio and gathered up some things that I had tucked away for a bit.   I wanted to get rid of the green and pull in red to pair with the turquoise.  You know, my favourite colour combo ever! 🙂


I love my little pink button heart sign!  I got that stash of buttons at that estate sale in Cape Breton where I also scored my brass deer!  The pink board was one I had painted a long time again and it sat, unfinished under my work table for a very long time.  Having boards prepped and ready to rock is great, then I can create without having to go buy wood, paint it and then patiently wait for it to dry….  I sketched out a heart with chalk and then started glueing all the buttons on.  Oh, note to self….put the hanger on the back before you start glueing buttons on the front….


I strung up my Denim Heart bunting but it didn’t stay….I want something a little softer and less colourful. I know, me saying I want less colour, what’s with that!?!?  I found the bunting in the picture at the Village Gift Shop in Tatamagouche, it’s really a Christmas one that was marked down 75%!!  I think it’s exactly what this needed to finish it off!


The bookends were another Tatamagouche score from years ago that got a coat of spray paint when I redid Lena’s room many moons ago.  The books are old Reader’s Digest books with the covers pulled off, I use those as canvases for my mixed media projects.  I knew I had an old, red book kicking around, which colour-wise was spot-on and then I read the title…..bahahaha!!


I spent a whooping $12 on decorating for Valetine’s Day this year.  I used things I had in the house or the studio.  I’m trying to be a little more aware of what I’m buying since I already have so much stuff!  I have a stash of fabric, craft supplies and furniture to draw from, plus all my decorations.  There isn’t really any reason why I can’t actually use what I have!  It forces me to be creative and to repurpose what I already have – win win in my books!

Am I crazy? Do you decorate for Valentine’s Day? Normally I wouldn’t…or not to the extent I did this year.  But the china cabinet really seemed to need a refresh, so it seemes like Valentine’s Day was a good excuse.  And basically, I don’t have to remove much to make in ‘normal’ again, either, which is a win in my books.

To be continued,


6 In Clear Day Farm/ Decorating

Our Christmas Home

I so enjoy our home when it’s all decked out for Christmas.  I love snuggling a kid or two or three, big or small in the glow of Christmas lights.  I love the memories tied to the treasures I pull out of boxes and bins every December. It’s fun watching the girls get excited and chatting about the things they remember, too.

I wish I was one of those people who have it all ready and photographed long before December hits, but, alas, certainly missed the mark on that yet again this year.  I do enjoy seeing everyone’s decorated house on Instagram and Pinterest….very inspiring! Maybe I should just say I like to leave it until later so I can put all the neat ideas I’ve seen into practice….lol, yeah, right….I think we all know better!

Anyway, here we go!  Let’s start in the heart of the our home – the Kitchen.  We are, after all, Maritimers!!  I don’t do much, just enough to know it’s Christmas.  Our kitchen isn’t huge nor do we have tons of display space.  A little message on the chalk board, a bell and pom-pom garland I picked up at an awesome little pop-up this month and my Father Christmas add a few festive touches.  I tucked some of my vintage ornaments in a clear glass vase, safely in the cabinet.  I’ve been using my cooktop lately for some display, too, and the jury is still out on it….I like the look of it, but it’s a pain when I’m trying to cook or feed the girls breakfast. I do love having one of my Foxhound Collection candles lit in here, though! Earl Grey just might be my favourite!

Christmas 2016Christmas 2016Christmas 2016Christmas 2016Christmas 2016

Our dining room is pretty simple, too.  Basically something in the middle of the table this year and that’s it.  But what I have, I love!!  Apparently I have a thing for trees, I didn’t realize until I started unpacking things.  But the score of the season are my brass deer! These are the best little guys ever!  I scored them at an estate sale in Cape Breton on my last trip up to see Janice.  The house was crazy old-fashioned…purple carpeted bathrooms, patterned carpet in the living room, wood panelling….totally dated and it stank like moth balls and waterline anti-freeze. I’m sure if I dug I would’ve found more treasures but I was happy with these and the jar of white and cream buttons that I left with.  Sorry, off track there for a minute!  The deer….I could barely wait to use them this year! I tucked them on a barrel top with some of my trees and an old antler I found in our backyard.  Then I sprinkled artificial snow everywhere.  I may regret that later, but for now, it’s the best thing! Kind of like icing sugar is to baking, really!

Christmas 2016

Next, our hallway!  The hallway normally wouldn’t get mentioned and it only is because that’s where we hang our stockings!  It might seem weird to hang your stockings in the hallway, but it makes sense for us.  We don’t have a fireplace to hang them from, so they have to go somewhere.  The doorway into the living room gives us clear view of where they are hung and provides some decoration on the railing, too.  See? Totally makes sense here!  I want to add another layer to it, it feels a little bare yet and I have an idea….just need to find the right cord….

Christmas 2017

The finally stop on the tour is our living room.  My favourite spot!  So much Christmas! Or by my standards anyway!  This year we rearranged the furniture so our tree could go in the front of the living room window that faces the road.  I can’t even tell you how pumped I am about that!  I think post-Christmas the furniture will stay this way, too, it really opens the room up.

Christmas 2016

Christmas 2016

Our big cabinet gets decorated as if it were the mantle, it would be the focus besides the tree.  I love my tin houses from Wicker Emporium, with yet another little tree and two bigger lit trees, and lots of fake snow, again!  The top shelf of the cabinet is where my newly made NOEL sits.  It’s made from scraps around the studio, some grape-vine from the yard and then some lath I picked up from Phillips and Chestnut {formerly Onslow Historic Lumber, new name, same great stuff! }  I love how each year the cabinet has a different look.

Christmas 2016

Our tree this year is a back yard treasure that was greeted with much disdain by the girls.  They protested and begged for a tree lot tree but I wasn’t giving in.  I wanted something that reminded me of Christmas’s on the farm as a kid, unruly, uneven and filled with character.  I got it. Maybe too much, but whatever, we’ll remember this tree!  Now that it’s all decked out, I think it’s just fine!  Except for some of the gaps in the lights….but, whatever, I checked all the strings before I put them on, I can’t help it if they didn’t all work which they were on the tree….

Christmas 2016

Christmas 2016

We stuck with the Nordic inspired tree again this year.  I love all the red, tin and wood!  Plus, some gnomes stuck in for good measure, too, of course.  It’s fun to make ornaments for the tree, to me it’s all part of the process of getting ready for Christmas, if I haven’t made something new for the house, I wouldn’t feel like I did much.

Christmas 2016

Christmas 2016

These pretty little angels have been following me around for probably close to 20 years now.  They were a gift from a special couple in my life and I always pull them out and think of them.  One angel lost part of a wing, but it hardly matters to me, these three angels speak of Christmas’ past and the people who helped shape me.

Christmas 2016

My yard sale score dough bowl is sitting in the middle of the coffee table this year.  We use our coffee table; the kids snack there, we put our feet up on it and put our coffee on it so whatever goes on there needs to be pretty hardy as it gets bumped around a fair bit.  This year the bowl has some boughs from the back yard, some antlers and then some lit glass crackle balls tucked amongst some pinecones.  I really am loving the warm glow at night-time.

Christmas 2016

That pretty much wraps up our home for this year.  I may tweak things over the next few days, finish a couple of projects that I have started in the studio.  I’m looking forward to chilling over the next bit and enjoying the house in its festive dressing.

Is your home all ready for Christmas? What’s your favourite part of decorating for Christmas?

To be continued,




5 In Clear Day Farm/ Makeover

The Veranda – Part 2 – The Reveal

So, yesterday I showed you how we took a space that was filled with junk and what we did to it. { You can see it HERE } Now, I’m going to show you how it looks now.  You might have seen bits and pieces in the other pictures, and that’s because I wasn’t very patient and I had to do as much as I could before the space was really even ready!

The Veranda

The Veranda

Pretty amazing, no?  My little helper is pretty cute, too!

I’m thrilled with how it turned out.  I love the colours, I love how it functions and I love being out there.  In fact, I’m sitting out here now, writing this post. { Secretly, I love that there’s wi-fi out here, too!! } The wind is blowing through the trees, there’s a noisy squirrel in the orchard giving me a tuning.  At night, you can hear the coyotes howling.  This season, we frequently hear geese flying overhead, too, as they  stop for a rest in Dad’s fields. We eat out here a lot.  This space has been such a wonderful addition to our home.  And to think, we were just using it to store saw horses, sleds and campfire wood.

The Veranda

The Veranda

I had fun collecting a few ‘new’ things to dress The Veranda with while out and about.  The birdcage and glass fishing balls were scored during a yard sale trip, the hanging basket was an Ikea gift from Kristie, whose fault it is that I even wanted a screen room.  The plant stand I bought at Forbes New to You, a while back and did nothing with.  I think the bamboo fits in here quite nicely.  Our Heathrow Airport placemats even work really well out here!  I knew I wanted some plants out here and since it was getting closer to the end of the season, I got some great prices on them, too.  I’ll have to see how they winter in the house under my care….

The Veranda

When this space was just storage, we referred to it as the lean-to or the lattice area….boring names, really.  But now, we knew it needed a much better name, although, during the transformation, we called it the screen room….again, lackluster.  I told Lena I would look up what screen room was in other languages to see if that would help.  First I googled screen room in Spanish, but I couldn’t pronounce it, so then I tried French…..and guess what it translates to – Veranda!!! It was perfect!!  So, now this is called The Veranda.

The VerandaThe Veranda

Lena has a good eye and when it came time to decide on the fabric for the chairs, I wandered through the local fabric store and nothing that grabbed my eye.  I looked through my stash and had an okay option.  And then Lena came out with this fabric and I knew she was right.  Retro, colourful and free, sounds good to me!!  { Thanks, Cindy!! }

The Veranda

Here’s a shot of the magnetic screen.  It works very well, closes by itself and does a great job of keep the bugs out.  It’s basically two flaps with a weighted bottom bar and magnetic strips where they join.  We just stapled it in place and ta-da, we’ve got easy access that keeps the bugs out.  I really wanted a screen door and tried REALLY hard to convince Michael, but I lost out.  I will admit that this doorway works really well when you’ve got your hands full of dishes and supper.  I’ll be curious to see how it winters.

The VerandaThe Veranda

The painted rug was the funnest part of this project.  I had a rough idea of what I wanted to paint, I did a quick sketch but then once it was ‘done’, I knew it needed more.  So, I would add a little more, and then a little more….it was hard to know when enough was enough.  But I love how it turned out, and judging from the comments from yesterday’s post, you guys liked it, too!

The Veranda

I hope you’ve enjoyed the tour of The Veranda.  It’s a great place to hang out, quiet { except for the squirrels… } and private.  Definitely a better use of the space – wouldn’t you agree?

To be continued,
