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Clear Day Farm

2 In Clear Day Farm/ Life

Well, Hello Fresh

I’m no cook and I don’t meal plan. So when a box lands on my doorstep that makes me feel like I have a handle on both those things, I’m a happy Momma.

Maybe you’ve heard of Hello Fresh, maybe you haven’t.  Hello Fresh is food delivery service that delivers three meals to your doorstep, complete with all the ingredients you need to make the entire, tasty meals that have been chef-curated!  They have options for number of mouths you need to feed, if you are plant-based or cooking in a hurry.

I love that we’re trying new recipes and don’t have to go out to buy a whole bottle of this or a bunch of that to cook it up.  The meals are so flavourful and tasty!!  I’m not one to branch out much with my cooking so this is the perfect way to push me outside my comfort zone and prepare different meals for my family.

One of the biggest questions I had was about the packaging.  I mean, they are shipping meat!  But, with an insulated box and lots of ice packs, I wasn’t concerned about that at all.  The three meals arrived in three brown paper bags, with all of one meals ingredients in one labelled bag, excluding the meat.  The meat was packed at the bottom of the box with a cardboard layer separating the meat from the bags of ingredients.  I’m sure the reasoning is two-fold – first, to eliminate the chance of cross contamination and secondly to keep the meat really cold, but the other ingredients from sitting on ice packs { no one loves frozen greens }.  Within each brown bag, each little package of sauce, seasoning or condiment was labelled so you knew what it was so you could add it at the right time in the cooking process.

One of my friends asked if it was weird getting meat by mail 😉  Let me tell you, it’s not weird, it’s wonderful!!  And the ice packs stay so cold in the insulated box – 24 hours after I unpacked the box, those ice packs were still 1/2 frozen even though they were in the warmest room of our house!  And with the crazy cold snap we were in, I worried about the veggies freezing during shipping but they were just right, too!

They also include beautiful, simple recipe cards that takes the guess-work out of any of the steps of preparing your Hello Fresh meals.  Our box had pork, chicken and hamburg and because we were in the midst of a severe storm warning, I cooked up the chicken first since it required the oven.  I knew that if we lost power, we could use the hot plate to cook up the other meals thanks to our generator.  On the cards they also list the ingredients, so if you loved it, you could make it again with store-bought ingredients, which I know I will do the glaze on the chicken again, so tasty!!

We also got to try beef tacos which you can’t go wrong with tacos, right?!? I love that with tacos everyone can add their own toppings so they’re all happy at the table.  I added sour cream and cheese to the toppings they had given us because I know my family 😉 Our other meal was a tasty pork stir fry with loads of carrots and peas on rice and it was delicious!  We all had come in from the cold and it was the perfect way to warm us up!

Lena was pretty excited about the Hello Fresh meals, too.  She is very interested in cooking and loves to watch cooking shows on TV, too.  So, with the steps laid out so simply, I knew she could take care of most of the prep, all she’ll need is a little guidance.  Do you know how great it is to walk into your home at the end of the day and your not-so-little little has cooked you a delicious supper? Take it from me, it’s the best!

If you have been wanting to try Hello Fresh, here’s your chance to get it 40% off!!  Use the code FARMFRESH40 at the check out to save yourself some cash, some time shopping and some time meal planning while providing your family with fresh, delicious meals!

Now…where’s my chef’s hat…..

To be continued,


Disclaimer: I was provided with the Hello Fresh meals at no charge but my take on it is just that 😉


In Clear Day Farm/ Country Life/ Our Family

‘Til the Sheep Come Home

Things just got more farm-like at Clear Day Farm – Hannah’s sheep have arrived!  And hopefully they’ll be having babies in the Spring!

When Mom and Dad sold the farm { which you can read about HERE } it meant we had to decide what was going to happen to Hannah’s little flock of sheep.  Three years ago she bought a little bottle baby lamb from her Opa and named her Sweet Willow.  Sweet Willow had Hot Chocolate the first lambing season, who went to market like the majority of ram lambs do.  Then last lambing season, Sweet Willow had twin ewe lambs, Lily and Sweetie { you can see pictures of them as lambs HERE }

Of course, we couldn’t make her sell her sheep, she loves them so much.  So that meant we needed to make room and take them to our place.  Okay, one decision down, now, we needed them bred.  Thankfully the couple who bought the farm were willing to keep them around for a bit so they could be bred and we could get a pen built.  We talked about what ram they should be bred to and we are hoping for little Scottish Black Face lambs in the Spring!

Fast forward until this week, when Michael and the girls got a fabulous pen built-in the corner of the barn.  With the way the pen was set up, they will also have access to the paddock where we strung more stands of electric fence to keep them in { chasing sheep is similar to herding cats…. }  They will share some space with Ebony, too, so we’ll see how that goes!

Dad came up with his truck and trailer and we piled in and drove the familiar drive to the farm.  It seems weird and the same, all at once.  Tashia greeted us and Hannah’s flock was already separated out which meant we only had to load up the trailer!  Dad and Michael had that job done in minutes while we patted the barn cat, Buddy, and chatted.   We didn’t stick around too long, it is so bitter cold in these parts again!

The sheep unloading went well on our end, they went right in their pen and Hannah closed the door and they were home!  Ebony was not thrilled, there will be some adjustment time but I have no doubt everyone will settle into life here at Clear Day Farm in no time!

Because Sweet Willow was a bottle baby, that meant she was used to human touch and attention.  She’ll come to the fence for a scratch or if you’re lucky, a quick peck on her muzzle.  And because she’s ok with us, her girls seem to be as well, they aren’t quite as friendly as their momma but I can see that now they’re here they’ll come around even more. Hmmmm, I wonder what sheep like as treats….we might need to bribe them a little!  Dad always knew Sweet Willow was around at feeding time because she’d try to take him out at the knees with her head butts in her eagerness for grain!

Funny how all along we had animals here – bunnies, chickens, then a pony and cats, a stray dog but now with the sheep here, it seems way more official – Clear Day Farm!!  Chores will take a little longer, there are more pens to muck out and more mouths to feed but it feels just right now.  I just have to wait for the babies to arrive now… long until Spring?

To be continued,


3 In Clear Day Farm/ Country Life/ Our Family

Christmas Memories

The wind is howling tonight and it reminds me of a night not that long ago.  We have a massive winter storm breathing down our necks and we’re expecting the power to go out.  Just like on Christmas night….

We arrived home on Christmas night in the midst of the wild wind and strange circumstances…a stray dog running around, a panel blown off the side of the barn and a pony busted through her fence but thankfully not too far away.  The girls were slightly sketched out to say the least.  And then the power started to flicker.

We live in rural Nova Scotia and it isn’t that uncommon for us to lose power in a storm.   We had flashlights out, candles lit and some of our battery operated Christmas decorations glowed warmly.  We were ready.   The generator was on stand by.

Of course the power went out.  At bedtime. { Every mother groans…} So, we grabbed a new Christmas gift, the latest book by Sheree Fitch called ‘Polly MacCauley’s Finest Divinest Woolliest Gift of All’ and headed up to Lena’s bedroom.  The air mattress was on the floor from Hannah’s sleepover on Christmas Eve in her sister’s room and Hannah had asked to sleep there again Christmas night.  We sat together on Lena’s bed, flashlight in hand, and started in.

It is a wonderful tale of a special little lamb and a sweet lady with a special project.  It was a tale of community coming together and a story of redemption.  It was a tale that spoke of familiar landmarks.  It was a tale of sadness and of joy, all wrapped up in one.  It read like Dr. Seuss in spots and in others I wanted to take notes.

We so enjoyed the book.  All of us, even the handsome Mr. Byrne joined us for it. The line that really seems to have struck a chord here is this, the line spoken from a ram to sweet Star, “I woolly woolly love you, Star.”  I’m finding this line written in the hand of a certain left-handed 8-year-old on little scraps of paper and dry erase boards.  It’s repeated with puckered lips awaiting a kiss, it’s spoken with a smirk and a snuggle.

That night, snuggled in close with my family, reading the book penned by a friend, by the light of a purple flashlight, no less, was the highlight of my Christmas.

Tell me, what was the highlight of your Christmas?

To be continued,



In Adventures/ Blogging/ Clear Day Farm/ Country Life

Looking Back at 2017

We are reaching the end of another year!  2017 is drawing to a close and we’re staring down 2018!  It’s been such an amazing year for us here at Farm Fresh Style and Clear Day Farm! Join me as we look back!

Let’s start by looking back at the most popular blog posts of 2017!

6. Less Than, More Than  Comparison is a tough thing, and so prominent these days

5. End of an Era  When your parents sell your childhood home/farm

4. One Room Challenge – Week 6   I redid the studio over 6 weeks and it turned out pretty fabulous

3. Crazy About Barn Quilts  The coolest thing in the country

2. Tears at A&W   When you’re crying in a fast food joint over the love of strangers

And the top post of 2017 proves you guys love Sheree Fitch and her wildly wonderful dreams as much as I do!

1. Mabel Murple’s Book Shoppe & Dreamery A tour of the best tourist location on the East Coast

The other big thing that I’ve been doing more of is working with brands on the blog.  It’s been fun to reach out to companies and brands that are a good fit for Farm Fresh.  I would never have been brave enough to do any of that without the support of the ECM Media crew.  They have been encouraging and supportive and I can’t even believe the positivity of all the members.  I’ve had the pleasure of working with brands like Canadian Tire and their Premier Paint line {which you can read about HERE }, Kings Landing in New Brunswick { you can read those HERE and HERE } and my new partnership with Phillips & Chestnut, which I’m really excited about! { Those posts are HERE and HERE }  I have some fun things happening in 2018 in the partnership department, too, which you’ll have to be a little patient for!

I love the community over on Instagram and my following there has slowly been growing.  I enjoy the interaction that happens there and the awesome people that you end up connecting with.  I’ve been very fortunate to have a met some of these Instagram friends in real life and they are just as wonderful in real life.  Here’s a look at my Best Nine posts on Instagram:

I love how it pretty much sums up what our country life looks like.  We live in a stunning part of Canada and I love showing it off to my Ins{ta-friends!  {You can follow me on Instagram HERE }

Life here at our farm involved getting a pony { which you can read about HERE } and a new cat over the course of 2017.  They are both great additions to life here and we’re super thankful for Casey K because shortly after we got her, we ended up having to put sweet Cuddles down.  Our little crazy cat lady was pretty upset.  He may have only sort of been our cat but we sure loved him.  { You can read what I mean HERE }

We also had the outside of the house painted!  I was so excited to finally have that job done!!  We had a great crew do the repairs and the painting, I’m so happy with their workmanship!  It has certainly freshened up the place!!  You can read about that transformation HERE – pretty great, eh?

I look forward to continuing to share our country life here with all of you throughout 2018!  I love hearing from you, whether it’s through comments on Facebook, comments on the blog or over on Instagram, so please drop me a line – it means so much!

Here’s to a great 2017 and an even better 2018!

To be continued,









In Clear Day Farm/ Decorating

For the Love of Boho

When it comes to decorating my home, I’m all over the map.  But today, I want to look at one specific style, Boho or Bohemian, and how I work that style into my farmhouse.

I’m drawn to lots of different styles and looks.  And I know I can’t have them all.  So, how do I make those styles work for us in our old farm house?  And not drive my family batty in the process? Well, I’m not sure about that last bit but that’s a whole other blog post!

Because I love decorating and spend so much of my time emersed in design, I see so many wonderful things that I love.  And some I don’t love…at all…  And gradually over time, I watched my own style changing from very primitive country that I used to decorate with to a more electic look that embraces some modern country, some retro and some bohemian.  But combining all those to make it work on my budget can be a challenge.  But fulling your home with what you love seems to work, design rules are meant to be broken, not followed to a T because that would make for a boring home.

To start with, let’s look at the Boho style to see the elements that tend to make up that look.  When I see a photo that screams boho to me, it usually has the same elements in the space – great texture, lots of colours, plants, a collected and causal feel.  Think old, worn-in leather furniture with simple lines, wicker or rattan pieces, rugs with loads of brightly mixed colours like reds, oranges and turquoises and then plants everywhere.  The overall look doesn’t look like you just went out to the closest box-store and bought it all new.  It has the look of pieces being thrifted or passed down and collected over time.  Pillows don’t match but are vibrant with colour and layered onto the furniture.  The woods are natural and earthy, not perfect but time-worn and weathered. It’s warm and inviting.  You want to put your feet up and have a long conversation with someone dear to you with a hot mug in your hand.

That’s the kind of space I want to create in my home – where guests feel comfortable, where nothing feels too precious to use and it is always changing as the perfect pieces find their way into the space.  I want my family to be able to live in our space.

Here’s what I’m doing to create that feel in my house.  I’m using rugs with lots of colour.  I have a few Persian rugs that I fell in love with years ago and have been moving from house to house with me.  Real wool rugs weather and age very well and are timeless.  They survived my children, guys.  The other rug I have in my dining room was a Winner’s score – the colours are great, the pattern hides almost everything that may fall under the table, so in other words – perfect!

I’m trying to collect some more pillows for the couch, but honestly, it’s hard when I know they’ll just end up on the floor anyway. Am I alone in that?  Yeah, that’s what I thought.  I scored some good ones at our local Value Village { you can read about that HERE } but I still need more.  More colour, more pattern, just more pillows.  IKEA has some lovely ones that I want…like THIS ONE or even THESE.

There are houseplants everywhere in my house and yet, I feel like I want more yet.  But, I’m getting a good collection and they all seem to be settling in and starting to thrive.  I’m on the hunt for a few different kinds to round out my collection.  And I finally { 3 or 4 years later } potted my fiddlehead fiscus, just in time for them to be deemed ‘not cool’ anymore….but whatever, I still like it so that’s all that counts, right?  You can read about my plant fetish HERE.

One of the things I love about Boho style is the woven textures of wicker or rattan.  I don’t have any furniture made out of it, I’m not sure it would be durable enough for our house.  But I do have a few things hung on the wall that add that texture to the space.  And that is a huge part of Boho style.

All together, it adds some great character to our home.  I love that there’s nothing ordinary about it, it’s filled with interesting items that seem to have been collected over time and each item has a great back story…remember when we stopped at the yard sale on our way to….that one came from that sweet little thrift shop in…could you believe someone was throwing that out…you get the idea.  Basically how I collect anything.


Our home isn’t going to grace the cover of any magazine anytime soon.  But it’s home to us.  It’s cozy, inviting and I know my friends and family feel the same way.  I love when people walk in and feel at home here.  { Also I love people’s reactions who have only seen the space online and then get to see it in person!! } Our home is a reflection of us.

Tell me – do you love the Boho look? What would you call your style?  Do you incorporate any of these elements into your space?

To be continued,
