Hannah owns the three sheep that live here with us at Clear Day Farm. Sweet Willow is the momma and Sweetie and Lily are her twin ewe lambs from last year. The sheep hung out at the farm, even after Dad sold it { which you can read about HERE } to be bred before they moved up to our place this winter { which you can read about HERE } I chatted with the couple that bought the farm about what kind of sheep we should breed them to, and we decided Scottish Blackface because they are so cute – good reasons, right? 😉 I pick the breeds purely on how photogenic they’ll be!
Fast forward the five months it takes to grow a lamb or two and we arrive at lambing season! I thought last week Monday Sweet Willow was going to have her babies but I was a little off….over a week off..but whatever! You can read about that HERE.
Ruckus in the barn awoke me at 5 am on one of the few days I can sleep in, so I put on my rubber boots and coat over my pyjamas, because that’s how I roll, and headed out to see what was going on. Sure enough, there was a lamb running around the pen with the other three. I put Sweetie and Lily out in the big pen and ran into the house to wake the girls because I knew there was going to be at least one more baby, I could see a set of hooves making an entrance… And it never gets old watching a new life come into this world.
Shortly after the girls come to the barn, the second lamb arrived. And in no time, she was up, trying to find her feet and nurse.
So, let me introduce you to Twig and Mocha! Twig is the firstborn and a ram lamb. He is also the bigger of the two and a real snuggler. When you pick him up, he truly snuggles right in under your chin.
How cute is he? And that tongue!!!
Mocha is a ewe lamb and pretty feisty, she’ll try to escape your arms any chance she gets. But that face!!
Sweet Willow is very tolerant of us, she is used to being petted and having us around in the pen and she is okay with us handling her lambs. But not all momma sheep feel that way, some will try to run you off with a good head butt and other mommas will not love their lambs if they’ve been handled too much by people. When Sweetie and Lily lamb, we’ll have to see how they react to us being around their babies and we will respect their wishes.
So, those are the two new lambs, we are expecting at least a couple more so I’ll be sure to introduce them to you when they arrive. You can expect to see lots of pictures as they grow!
To be continued,