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Clear Day Farm

1 In Clear Day Farm/ Decorating

Added Warmth

I’ve always thought of our house as a warm and cozy place to be.  Partly because it is home and these are my people, but also because it feels that way to me.  Rug on the floor, blankets to snuggle in, pillows on the furniture….

Living Room 1

Enter curtains.

And not just any curtains, inexpensive red ikat curtains.  Because – could I, would I, do it any other way?  No.

And by inexpensive, I mean on-sale-at-Wicker-Emporium inexpensive.  As in, regularly $39.99 a panel marked down to $11.99 a panel.  Best part?  I didn’t have to hunt for them, my friend Catherine texted me and I said yes!!!  Why wouldn’t I!?!


The thing is, they were purchased long before we moved in.  I’ve had them waiting in the wing.  I enjoyed the openness of the living room with the sunlight streaming in.  And then I enjoyed the living room all decorated for Christmas.  And I knew, I just knew, that I would need these curtains in post-Christmas.  I knew I would want to have something to make the chill of winter go away and make my house feel snug.


Friends had placed an Ikea order way back and so I tagged onto their order and got some curtains rods.  Plain-jane curtain rods that simply hold up the curtain.  I didn’t want big, bulky ones or anything with finials that were dramatic.  And, I have to say – they are so easy to install!

I’ll admit I was a little hesitant to start poking holes in the plaster walls.  But when I actually opened the package with the brackets in them, I knew it would be simple.  So, I grabbed the lovely cordless drill that Mr. Byrne gave me for my birthday, pre-drilled some holes and hung those rods up!  And the awesome thing about these brackets is how adjustable they are!  When I wash the curtains, if they shrink at all, I can adjust the brackets and still have them floor length!  As any old home owner can attest to, the floors are not straight here.  The brackets are all mounted at the same height but some panels are grazing the floor while others are a little higher!  I knew the couch would hide that fact so I didn’t bother making any adjustments.


One of the things I love about the new curtains is how they mimic the ones in the dining room that followed us here from the old place.  So, even though they are different patterns, the colours are the same, which is nice since one space flows into the next.  Even the curtain rods are similar in their basic-ness.

Dining Room

And, just as a reminder of what the living room looked like when we moved in…..

Living Room Before 1

Living Room Before 2

We’ve come a long way…

To be continued,



4 In Clear Day Farm/ Decorating

Storage Solutions

Winter 2015

I feel as though I could title this post Storm Day Take 3!!  Our world is being blanketed in a thick layer of ice.  I’m hoping to get out for some pictures soon, before it all melts off.

Winter 2015

So, with plans being changed and the planned events of the day being postponed, I have time to write about a few things I picked up yesterday for the studio.  I’ve been following Funky Junk Interiors and she’s been busy gutting a few areas in her house so that she can clear out some clutter and get organized.  She also has some great storage options for all her tools and paints and other things she uses on a regular basis in her space.

So, yesterday, I stopped by Van de Pol’s, a shop in our local area that sells lots of interesting things. I’m not sure what I’d class this place as but I quite enjoy stopping in every now and again to see what’s what.  I didn’t have any set item I was looking for, you never really can when you frequent shops such as this.  I did see lots of beautifully shaped furniture that I’d love to do some more experimenting with Milk Paint on – but it’s hard to justify the $$$ if you don’t have a purpose for it, other than to paint it!  I did see a gorgeous – and I mean gorgeous – Regency Corner Etagere that left me dreaming.  But with a price tag of $795, it had to stay there!  I did, however, mention it to the handsome Mr.Byrne and he seemed quite interested in it….so we’ll see!! 😉  {Alas, it’ll be a piece that will NOT be allowed to be painted!}

What I did come home with is some fun, unique storage options.  I’m trying to use neat storage in the studio as everything is on display.  I want things that are a) inexpensive b) not precious c) that have character.  As I’m sure I’ve mentioned, I want to eventually paint out the walls in there with a white paint.  I find the knotty pine too distracting and busy.  It’ll open up the space, too, making it so much brighter and better for photographing.  So, I want things that will stand out against the future white walls.

Enter loaf pans and a library card drawer.  For….wait for it….a total of $15!!! Score!!  I was happy with those finds.  They will provide functional storage, look cool and generally be awesome.  I’m currently working on a little makeover of the littlest one….I’m having a problem not painting everything with Milk Paint right now! But, that’s a whole other post!

Little Pan

Big Pan

Card Drawer

I was recently given a bag of old silverware to add to my collection.  I love how this stuff finds its way to me! I had a lovely wooden toolbox-y-type-thing and it was crammed full of bits and pieces but I thought I’d like to collect all my silverware in it, so I dumped it out on my worktable and put my selection of silverware in it and added it to my shelf.  I like it, a lot.  I love seeing like things grouped together and on display.  The patina of the pieces along with all the various patterns makes for interesting texture.  I do have a few little special pieces that I have stored in a glass jar, random little butter knives and spoons with extra pretty bowls.  Their future as intact silverware is pretty secure.  The others, not so much!



Studio Shelf

What do you use for storage?  Do you shop the local department stores or the local antique or thrift shops? What’s the biggest problem area in your house?

To be continued,




In Adventures/ Clear Day Farm/ Country Life/ Life/ Our Family

Storm Day Take 2

Well, here we go again.  Storm Day Take 2.  Blogs, coffee, snuggles.  Bad roads.  Postponing the Shelter Tour we had planned?!?!  I guess so… 🙁   School’s been cancelled again so I’ll be playing referee again, too.  There has been wrestling matches on the couch.  Coffee has been consumed.  I think everyone has actually eaten breakfast, too.  Hannah got dressed today…..unlike yesterday…..  Pyjama days are okay once in a while but not two days in a row. I didn’t cook or make anything exciting….I used up all my ‘snow day enthusiasm’ for that yesterday.


The girls went out to play in the snow and since they like to have me close by, I headed to the Studio.  They needed to burn off some energy, it came to them having wrestling matches on the couch….which ended badly, of course.  I did have to play referee…when Lena fell on Hannah’s snow fort and crushed it.  Hannah was broken hearted.  So she went to her ‘garage’ snow fort and that was the end of it.  They coasted in the back yard.  I love hearing their laughter and chatter as they sled outside my window.

I had a few things to work on while in the studio….of which I did none.  I played with paint instead.  And had so much fun!!  I’ll share my projects in the next day or two.  (Usually stuff appears on Instagram, if you’d like to follow along!!)  My nails are dirty from the antique wax and I have dried paint on my hands, which makes my heart happy.  I completed a few projects and carried on with others.  Lena and I are working on a project together for her bedroom, so it’s fun to work together on that.


We also finally have enough snow for a snowshoe!!  We’ve been working on getting our trails in shape for snowshoe season and they really are prime!  Mom and Dad came over and we headed out back for a trek.  Loads of little bunny tracks in the snow, plus some deer, as well.  The girls are really getting into being in the woods.  Michael is so good for teaching them neat things while they are out wandering around and Lena has taken every bit of it in.

I’m amazed in the difference a year makes in Lena’a ability to snowshoe.  She can run past people through the deeper snow and take little scenic routes….all without complaining!!  Hannah got about half way and started on about tired legs…so we have a few years left to go for her….


I know life will return to normal tomorrow.  The kids will go their separate ways for the day and my work is piling up.  But its days like this that are such treasures. Days where there’s no rush to leave, where the schedule is flexible and everyone is kicking around.  So, far now, I’ll take every snow day and max that sucker out!

To be continued,


In Clear Day Farm/ Country Life

Storm Day

IMG_4255[1]We stocked up on supplies, we made sure there was gas for the generator, we re-arranged our schedules, we checked our supply of batteries.  We tested flashlights and did all the laundry and dishes.  We cooked a chicken.  We were ready.  I didn’t even bother setting an alarm last night, Lena wasn’t going to school regardless of whether they were opening schools today or not.

Today we hung out.  The girls played for hours in Lena’s bedroom with very little fighting.  I managed to get some work done…housework, Coldest Night stuff and a little Farm Fresh decorating, too.  I made a yummy lunch of Chicken Corn Chowder and fresh biscuits.  There isn’t a lick of chowder left and the only remaining biscuit has been packed into Lena’s lunch for tomorrow.  I made a tasty batch of cookies, the easy Peanut Butter ones with some chocolate chips thrown in for good measure.  Michael got to move some snow with his tractor, too, so that made him happy, too.  The Old Maid cards came out and little hands tried to hold enough cards to win.

The wind is howling and the snow is blowing all around, the freezing rain has started.  We are safe, we are warm and we have power….and internet!!  Thankfully!

It’s fun anticipating the storm.  Of what you could do with the day that stretches out in front of you.  Will I accomplish the entire To-Do list?  Or waste the day playing games and checking in on Facebook and Instagram? I would loved to have made it out to the studio, but not today.  I might sneak out tonight yet.  But probably won’t make it past the spot on the couch that is calling my name.  I’ll curl up there with a mind-numbing game on the iPhone and look at the inside of my eyelids until Michael wakes me up to go to bed.

How about you?  How did you weather the storm?  Any storm day traditions at your place?  Curl up on the couch with movies or a book?  Or do you cook and bake the day away?  Maybe it’s just about surviving the day with the kids home? Did you stock up on #stormchips or another favourite treat?

To be continued,



In Clear Day Farm/ Decorating

Christmas is Coming to Clear Day Farm


Slowly but surely, it is starting to look as though we are in the Christmas season here at Clear Day Farm.  We finally brought the decorations up from the other place.  Took two trips in my car.  When did I acquire so much stuff??  Seems to be the story of my life…

As I type, the Fisher Price Nativity is being set up in the hallway by Hannah….that might get tricky.  There are half empty boxes of decorations scattered throughout the house.  Some things are done, some half done and we haven’t gotten a tree yet.  There are tiny bits of yarn all over the floor from our bottle brush tree making. Those fluffy bits just scatter in the wind, with the help of sock feet, of course.


Hopefully later on today things will look a bit better.  My friend, Catherine, is coming to help me do some decorating outside.  I need to pick up a few supplies for that.  Plus, she’s been hinting that my Christmas gift from her might help in that department and I’m getting it today!! Wahooo!!  Early presents with the added bonus of hanging out with my bestie and getting stuff done!


I’ve found my Christmas Thrift Store Challenge item.  I went to Forbes New to You, I’m always guaranteed to find something wonderful there! Here’s a sneak peek of the ‘Before’…. I love Nativity sets!  So, this will be a great project!


I have all these other projects I’m working on in the studio, but because they are gifts, I can’t say anything!!!  But they are fun projects that I’ve been hired to do!  I was working last night thinking how awesomely cool it is to be able to take on projects like this!  I love to make and create, that’s no secret, but to be hired to do it is….well…perfect!


I realized that I still haven’t posted all the pictures of the goodies I have for sale on the Farm Fresh Facebook Page.  I best get on that!  I may or may not of realized there was a whole collections of bracelets I made that never even made it to the Olde Foundry Market…..they are somewhere in the studio….

Hannah discovered her favourite thing again yesterday. The Santa hat….she sleeps in it, wears it everywhere….even though it is too big for her sweet little head.  But, look at this face… could you say no?


I’m off to continue on with my day.  Progress will be made!!  My To-Do list will hopefully be shorter by the end of this day and this house will feel a little more festive.  I’ll be sure to share the progress!!  If you want to see what I’m up to, feel free to follow me on Instagram!

To be continued,
